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2014 5* DE Rashaan Evans (Alabama signee)


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Evans was quoted in an AL.com article saying he "decided last night that he wanted to go to Alabama"...

Why were Roberts and Mitchell at the ceremony? Hoke said they were told to attend??? If that is in fact true, that is a POS move by Rashaan. Very cowardly...

Still the question I'd love to have answered. Only other thing I can think of is they felt good about him and decided to make the trip on his own.

If we get an answer great, if not then it is what it is.

Hoke also said Roberts and Mitchell talked to him before he went on the air... and reiterated that he was all AU...???

I don't know if he's a "good kid", or if he was "torn"... but, one thing we know is that he's a coward.

I would say, son, life isn't easy. Be a man! But, as they say... Like father, like son.

Ummm did they supposed to stop being friends whenever he decided to be a bammer?

No, but I suspect they stopped being friends right after he lied to them and had them come over to AHS to get embarrassed.

How were they embarrassed? And how do you know their conversation?

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Evans was quoted in an AL.com article saying he "decided last night that he wanted to go to Alabama"...

Why were Roberts and Mitchell at the ceremony? Hoke said they were told to attend??? If that is in fact true, that is a POS move by Rashaan. Very cowardly...

Still the question I'd love to have answered. Only other thing I can think of is they felt good about him and decided to make the trip on his own.

If we get an answer great, if not then it is what it is.

Hoke also said Roberts and Mitchell talked to him before he went on the air... and reiterated that he was all AU...???

I don't know if he's a "good kid", or if he was "torn"... but, one thing we know is that he's a coward.

I would say, son, life isn't easy. Be a man! But, as they say... Like father, like son.

Ummm did they supposed to stop being friends whenever he decided to be a bammer?

No, but I suspect they stopped being friends right after he lied to them and had them come over to AHS to get embarrassed.


I don't do the tweety thing. Get somebody who does to help you out.

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Hearing AE is selling his store? Think a move to Ttown is forthcoming?

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Hearing AE is selling his store? Think a move to Ttown is forthcoming?

What kind of business does he have?

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Hearing AE is selling his store? Think a move to Ttown is forthcoming?

What kind of business does he have?

Guessing some type of convenience store as the supposed leak came from a delivery route employee. I can neither confirm nor deny validity of claim.
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That is the very definition of something that makes you go hmmmm. I guess someone made him a really nice offer for his business this week.

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Believe it or not......as soon as RE made his choice, I turned to my wife and said....."Just watch. In the next few days or weeks, the dad, mom, or both will be given lucrative jobs in the Birmingham area." It hasn't happened yet, but if this rumor about selling the business is true, it might be soon to come. Let the chastising begin......3, 2, 1................

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There's a story in today's O-A news about AU signees Roberts and Mitchell getting blindsided by Evan's decision. It's worth reading.

One member of the AUFamilyForum went over to that store to check it out and he says the shelves are cleaned out.

"T-Town here we come. RTR LOL" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"Blaise (Trooper Taylor's son) will be just fine. We are headed to T-town RTR" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"I don't believe in coincidences."~~~Leroy Jethro Gibbs

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I heard that there was a move to boycot his corner market. If that is the case I can't blame him for selling it.

You can't be this naive.
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There's a story in today's O-A news about AU signees Roberts and Mitchell getting blindsided by Evan's decision. It's worth reading.

One member of the AUFamilyForum went over to that store to check it out and he says the shelves are cleaned out.

"T-Town here we come. RTR LOL" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"Blaise (Trooper Taylor's son) will be just fine. We are headed to T-town RTR" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"I don't believe in coincidences."~~~Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Link to the OA News article, please?

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Reading this, none of it surprises me. Even if there was a move to boycott his store, it didn't have any real affect in two days. The loafer for the store had to be in the works for weeks at least.

There is no way anyone could ever,ever, ever convince me that recent recruitments of players from Auburn HS conformed to the rules of the NCAA.

He sold his shop, going to ttown, three days after his top 15 player son signed with bama.??

No, nothing fishy there at all.

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There's a story in today's O-A news about AU signees Roberts and Mitchell getting blindsided by Evan's decision. It's worth reading.

One member of the AUFamilyForum went over to that store to check it out and he says the shelves are cleaned out.

"T-Town here we come. RTR LOL" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"Blaise (Trooper Taylor's son) will be just fine. We are headed to T-town RTR" Alleged tweet from Evans Sr.

"I don't believe in coincidences."~~~Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Link to the OA News article, please?

I couldn't find it either

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I read the OA article and it was about "continuing the rivalry"....said nothing about being "blindsided" except that Roberts and Mitchell both hoped Evans would sign with AU.....there was nothing scandelous about it.

Also, all these "tweets" are not tweets, they are from Alan Evan's facebook which people are posting all over the net....but the comments he is making are not nefarious at all. I think when he says "we" he does not literally mean "we are all moving to Tuscaloosa"....and he has made comments that saying "RTR" is going to be hard to get used to. He's putting the "LOL" because it seems its still awkward for him and people are commenting that they never thought they would hear him say those words.

I think he made lots of mistakes at the end of Rashaan's recruitment and was "living in the moment" but if you go back and look at his facebook and read his own comments there is nothing really damning there....nothing very pro bama, nothing pro AU. Nothing. Sounds like a dad who was waiting for his son to make a decision. If you want a pure example of how a parent in this situation should handle his son's recruitment, look at Bobby Humphrey. Very classy......no circus at all and while UA won in the end Marlon was heavily interested in FSU as well. If Pruitt had stayed, I think you would have seen him go to Tally.

He MAY be selling his store, but his wife seems to be the real breadwinner in that family....she works for a company in Columbus. Has a PhD in Psychology from AU and serves on a board there in the Liberal Arts department. She's very respected in the community. They do have 4 (I think) other kids also to consider.....

**Personal note** While my son is not an athlete, he is looking at attending Alabama. All his life I have dreamed of him going to AU, we've been to games, sent him to camp there, gone to A Day....tried to give him the full experience. When he was younger there was no other place in this world he would have gone....but he is a teenager now and he's wanting to forge his own path. Honestly, I wonder if we just pushed AU too much on him.....anyway, whatever he decides to do, we will support him 100%.......but there is NO WAY IN HOT HADES I would EVER, EVER say RTR. Never. If he was the starting QB I'd go watch him, wearing my O&B :)

Sometimes kids do the opposite of what their parents want them to do....they want to spread their wings and they want independence.

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I work with a guy who follows UCLA recruiting. The rumor coming out if there camp was that, Rashaan wanted UCLA. Alan would not sign the LOI, so instead he chose Bama to see if he could negotiate UCLA out if it all. It wasn't that he didn't like Auburn but preferred having a blitzing position like the Jack or what UCLA did with Anthony Barr. He showed me the information on their scout page. Take it for what it is worth. It just sounds like Alan didn't want Rashaan out of the state, and it backfired. This could have ended up being a CK episode if it had more time. Could be wrong though.

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Great great post AEAugirl.

I am not surprised that Evans did not choose to go to AU. I was a little surprised he choose AU's hated rival though. When I think of how close AHS is to the AU campus it will never surprise me that an AHS student chooses to go to college somewhere else. Eighteen year old kids naturally want to see some different scenes and places than where they grew up. Evans wanted to get away from home I think. Your child that is considering bama may think AU is an extension of his home since he has spent so much time there.

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Here is that story in the OA News people are talking about. Nothing really damning in here to me. I will always wonder why two kids from Opelika choose to come to RE's announcement. Opelika and AHA kids don't normally like each other.


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