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Michael Sams coming out party


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I say...leave the kid alone. Let him live his life and try to be a happy productive citizen. He is harming no one, so let it go. You don't have to like it, but he has a right to be who he is without the fear that something bad will happen to him, or that he will be ostracized his whole life.

I have a very good friend with a gay son, and I have learned so much from knowing them. He's a great kid, and so smart with so much to contribute...but he suffered so much anguish when he realized he was gay. He wanted to die. No one should suffer like he has. If he could change, I guarantee you that he would in a heartbeat. People don't understand, and they are so cruel. My family loves him, he is welcome at my home any time, and I feel no different towards him than I ever did. He is not a criminal, and my loving God will not send him to hell because he is truly a good person....better than a lot of straight people he knows.

I agree that Jesus would have been nothing but loving and kind to this boy. Why can't we follow that example?

But I have seen very, very few negative comments about him. I seems to me that by far, most people admire his courage.

He may not be drafted particularly high, but he will play. It remains to be seen how good he will be. I suspect he will surprise some people, regardless of his vertical leap. After all, he was defensive player of the year in the SEC. That's got to count for something.

I think he came out as a preemptive strike to save himself some trouble. There are enough haters out there that would taunt him or worse.

He came out to his team a year ago, so it was a foregone conclusion that he would be outed during his pro career. I think he just decided it was the right thing to do and he wanted to do it on his own terms.

It's absolutely amazing to me how rapidly this change in attitude has come about in sports - much less the country which is reflected in sports. I think it's something for us to be proud of, especially when you consider what is happening in Russia, Nigeria and pretty much every Muslim country.

I dont think the attitude has changed as much as you think, especially in football. The only people allowed to speak out on the subject without negative repercussions are those that support the lifestyle therefore the only ones you here are those that support it. Adrien Petterson offered his opinion of the subject last year and was pilloried.

The media coverage on this subject doesn't reflect opinion so much at it shapes it.

No doubt. It's just like racism. All the racists didn't go away when Jim Crow was overthrown. But they did - and are - dying out.

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The only people allowed to speak out on the subject without negative repercussions are those that support the lifestyle therefore the only ones you here are those that support it.

Since when did "allowed" mean that you don't have to deal with consequences for what you say? It's no different than coming out and saying that African Americans are a lesser race - You have every right to say it. You are absolutely allowed to. This is not France, where saying something like that can get you thrown in jail. It is your constitutional right to be able to say, in general, whatever you want.

But if you say something that's abhorrent to many people, you should expect for some of those people to call you out on it.

It's not persecution, it's freedom - both sides get it.

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For those that missed it: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1953935-michael-sam-publicly-announces-hes-gay-in-espn-and-new-york-times-interview?hpt=hp_t2

I, for one, appreciate what he did very much. Agree or not with it, that takes some serious stones. If anyone's got a problem with him and his sexuality, I would daresay that he's a bigger man than they are.

You are really clueless. You fact that you won't agree with this proves it.

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For those that missed it: http://bleacherrepor...rview?hpt=hp_t2

I, for one, appreciate what he did very much. Agree or not with it, that takes some serious stones. If anyone's got a problem with him and his sexuality, I would daresay that he's a bigger man than they are.

Would u dare say that to Jesus?

If you're going to bring out your religious bias then...yes, I would say that to a historically dubious cult figure.

Can't wait to see the day u try it! Lol

If your personal deity of choice turns out to be real, I'll wager you have more to worry about than I.

How abysmally wrong can you you be? You are definitely playing a losing hand and don't realize it. This is such a shame.

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I just now saw this thread, and did not respond until this morning, but after reading the first few pages I didn't wish to read all the ignorance from the homosexual lifestyle promoting clowns. To all Christians on this thread: thus says The Lord, "the fool has said in his heart there is no God" -- Psalm 14:1 It is obvious without question who these people are that we should be praying for. Their sophomoric rantings clearly betray them and their inability, so far, to find the truth. I once used the shallow type arguments they use after being indoctrinated by the logic professor that I had at AU. This causes me to think there is yet hope for these AU people. May they learn to examine both side of a position with truth as the goal.

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As Kingfish, I have tried my hardest to ignore this thread, and made the mistake of coming here this morning. From my perspective, EVERYONE has a moral line they draw at some distinction. The question is what do you use as your basis for drawing that moral line? I think a few posts back, Weegs used pedophilia as an example. Hopefully, we all think pedophilia is abhorent and should not be tolerated. But how do you address the group that is actively seeking to overturn laws regarding it, saying they are "born" with the gene and can't help it? (And I am not attempting to equate being homosexual with pedophilia, my goal is to show we all have moral lines in the sand, that others may disagree with.) We can't use "it's against the law", as laws are just the arbitrary attempt by man to control moral behavior. Without an absolute law that does not change, man's law will always be a moving target. You can go down through history and find laws that change based on the cultural norms of the day.

As to Mr. Sams, i can only pray for him. Jesus accepted everyone and was accused of being with the wrong crowd, but he still condemed the sin. He still loved the individual. I am a sinner, as well as everyone else on this thread. It is how you address your sin with Jesus and confess them to receive forgiveness. I think what most people (at least I do, most may be an overstatment) are turned off by, is the promotion of a sin so publically. If I committed adultery, or any sin for that matter, I would not publicize it, promote it, act proud of it, tell the world about it, or parade it in front of others. I would get on my knees, pray for forgiveness, taking it to my Lord and Savior. Again, I would never turn Mr. Sams away if he stood in front of me and told me he was gay. I would hug him, and tell him I would pray for him. Hopefully, all Christians would do the same.

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Thanks for your input, guys! Since you decided that you were too good to come in and read only 5% or so of this great conversation we've had before you commented, I decided to do the same with your post, kingfish.

I just now...did...respond...without...logic...

Pretty insulting, isn't it? Seriously, you should read the whole thing. We've covered some of these topics already. It's been a great conversation.

au81bs, I understand where you are coming from, however, I think you answered your own question in your first paragraph. Laws are part of a social compact that we enter into, so it makes a great deal of sense that those laws change as the social mores evolve as well. It used to be unlawful for females to wear a form-fitting bathing suit, even if it covered their entire body - However, our society has moved away from the Victorian standards that law came out of. Just because human law is not absolute does not mean it's not valid, or not powerful.

Aside from that point, we'd already covered in great detail about paedophilia - just like rape, there is a victim who does not (or cannot) consent to the act.

Now, as an aside, statements indicating you are going to pray for someone can be very insulting. You are absolutely free to do so, of course, but those are the sorts of things that drive off non Christians - you are directly stating that you're better than us and that we are broken. I understand that a Christian would have no problem with that, as all have fallen short of "perfection", but if someone doesn't ascribe to that worldview it's a big turnoff for what you are selling.

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I just now saw this thread, and did not respond until this morning, but after reading the first few pages I didn't wish to read all the ignorance from the homosexual lifestyle promoting clowns. To all Christians on this thread: thus says The Lord, "the fool has said in his heart there is no God" -- Psalm 14:1 It is obvious without question who these people are that we should be praying for. Their sophomoric rantings clearly betray them and their inability, so far, to find the truth. I once used the shallow type arguments they use after being indoctrinated by the logic professor that I had at AU. This causes me to think there is yet hope for these AU people. May they learn to examine both side of a position with truth as the goal.

You were "indoctrinated" into the rules of logic? Are you suggesting that embracing illogic is preferable?

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......The question is what do you use as your basis for drawing that moral line? I think a few posts back, Weegs used pedophilia as an example. Hopefully, we all think pedophilia is abhorent and should not be tolerated. But how do you address the group that is actively seeking to overturn laws regarding it, saying they are "born" with the gene and can't help it? (And I am not attempting to equate being homosexual with pedophilia, my goal is to show we all have moral lines in the sand, that others may disagree with.) We can't use "it's against the law", as laws are just the arbitrary attempt by man to control moral behavior. Without an absolute law that does not change, man's law will always be a moving target. You can go down through history and find laws that change based on the cultural norms of the day.

Nonsense. The law is a reflection of the moral code evolved through human history. Victimizing a child is just as morally wrong as murder. It doesn't matter if either crime was committed by a person with an inherent tendency to do it, it's still a crime.

And you are comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. Otherwise why bring it up? It sounds like believe homosexuality is a sin by definition and therefore immoral. You may justify such a position from a religious perspective, but that doesn't mean everyone has to accept that position, particularly in this country.

Most of us understand the concept of harming someone is naturally immoral and should be illegal. Some of us understand that homosexuality is not a personal "choice", but in fact, that doesn't even matter regarding the legality of it.

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......Now, as an aside, statements indicating you are going to pray for someone can be very insulting. You are absolutely free to do so, of course, but those are the sorts of things that drive off non Christians - you are directly stating that you're better than us and that we are broken.....

I used to feel that way, but I changed my mind.

I now welcome anyone with an inclination to pray for me and thank them for it. Presumably it makes them feel better and it can't hurt.

It they are sanctimonious, well, that's their problem, not mine. ;)

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You jump to a lot of incorrect assumptions. First, I came late to the topic but read them all before commenting. I didn't just read the last 5%. Also, I am sorry y'all are so hostile to my faith. I have not and will not think I am better than anyone else just because I pray for them. Prayer is to lift others up to the Lord for all sorts of reasons. Because I choose to pray for someone is they are a child of God and I love them for it. You jump to conclusions on my reasons and then condemned others for doing the same with something you have strong passions about. Praying is not to "make me feel better" about myself or for altruistic reasons. And again, you jump to an incorrect conclusion in regards to my comments on pedophilia. I do not in any way equate it to homosexuality. The point I poorly made is, if we go by current social mores for our laws, will you support laws that do not outlaw something in which you have strong feelings morally about or would you say oh well, that's the law? I would encourage a civil discourse on the topic and would love to have that dialogue with others that may not agree with me. This evidently isn't the forum to do that based on the comments I've read. All I ask is to not judge my motives or denigrate my faith and I will extend the same courtesy to you.

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You jump to a lot of incorrect assumptions. First, I came late to the topic but read them all before commenting. I didn't just read the last 5%. Also, I am sorry y'all are so hostile to my faith. I have not and will not think I am better than anyone else just because I pray for them. Prayer is to lift others up to the Lord for all sorts of reasons. Because I choose to pray for someone is they are a child of God and I love them for it. You jump to conclusions on my reasons and then condemned others for doing the same with something you have strong passions about. Praying is not to "make me feel better" about myself or for altruistic reasons. And again, you jump to an incorrect conclusion in regards to my comments on pedophilia. I do not in any way equate it to homosexuality. The point I poorly made is, if we go by current social mores for our laws, will you support laws that do not outlaw something in which you have strong feelings morally about or would you say oh well, that's the law? I would encourage a civil discourse on the topic and would love to have that dialogue with others that may not agree with me. This evidently isn't the forum to do that based on the comments I've read. All I ask is to not judge my motives or denigrate my faith and I will extend the same courtesy to you.

I'm sorry, I did a bad job at tagging who I was talking to with the 5%, I was specifically speaking to kingfish. Your comments were thoughtful and showed that you had read the thread, especially since you mentioned Weeg's post regarding pedophilia. In both posts, I have no issues with what you say. I'm trying to have polite dialogue with you since you brought it to the table.

In terms of the prayer for others, I again was talking to kingfish. Your post was a different kind of prayer - albeit there is still an undercurrent that you want those people you pray for, in terms of sin, to change for the "better." It's not wrong, but it does reveal a blind spot in the insular part of a worldview.

"The point I poorly made is, if we go by current social mores for our laws, will you support laws that do not outlaw something in which you have strong feelings morally about or would you say oh well, that's the law?"

The answer to this question is that if it is strictly based on my opinion or my ethics, then I fully support a law protecting, or an absence of a law prohibiting, distasteful things. It's not my individual place to put those laws in effect because I'm not the arbiter of right and wrong. I do not like flag-burning and think it's an affront to me, my family who fought in war, and an insult to the country - but I think the SCOTUS Texas v Johnson ruling was dead on, and I fully support someones ability to think differently and exercise those opinions differently.

It comes down to the fact that something that you "have strong feelings morally about" is simply a personal opinion, and when you start trying to make it someone else's, it's no longer a personal opinion.

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After reading the whole thread... Shhh :-X ... U might offend someone.

Seems the holier than thou set (pick a side) seems to forget football has been one of the few endeavors which has been kid friendly. It was a place you didn't have to understand sex except for the cheerleaders outfit's and a wayward coach or two. Maybe it's just my opinion but bedroom habits don't belong being aired about in public. And dragging them out for all the world to see is an affront to the childhoods these media-whores are stealing. It's Michael Sams prerogative to sleep with whomever he chooses; however once brought into public it's no longer his to control it's implications and it's certainly not yours to tell me that I need to like it or maintain from making negative comment. As a media star in the making he should have known to keep his sex life private. Just as we expect AJ, Cam, Saban, Gus, Bobby P, and Bret Bielema to keep theirs private, and when they don't they know to expect to pay a price. So why shouldn't Mr Sams pay the same price?

He's made his bed..... and now he should simply STFU... just like you and me (hint: we don't talk about it in public).

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I say...leave the kid alone. Let him live his life and try to be a happy productive citizen. He is harming no one, so let it go. You don't have to like it, but he has a right to be who he is without the fear that something bad will happen to him, or that he will be ostracized his whole life.

I have a very good friend with a gay son, and I have learned so much from knowing them. He's a great kid, and so smart with so much to contribute...but he suffered so much anguish when he realized he was gay. He wanted to die. No one should suffer like he has. If he could change, I guarantee you that he would in a heartbeat. People don't understand, and they are so cruel. My family loves him, he is welcome at my home any time, and I feel no different towards him than I ever did. He is not a criminal, and my loving God will not send him to hell because he is truly a good person....better than a lot of straight people he knows.

I agree that Jesus would have been nothing but loving and kind to this boy. Why can't we follow that example?

But I have seen very, very few negative comments about him. I seems to me that by far, most people admire his courage.

He may not be drafted particularly high, but he will play. It remains to be seen how good he will be. I suspect he will surprise some people, regardless of his vertical leap. After all, he was defensive player of the year in the SEC. That's got to count for something.

Was it really all that courageous. In todays' society it's easier to be gay or lesbian than it is to be a christian

If you think it's hard being a Christian, try not being one.

Also, the Christians over in Egypt who routinely get murdered would like to have a word with you regarding this.

Jesus said this would happen for his namesake! Great is their reward in heaven! For all u non believers blast away all u want, nothing that u and I will say is going to change my or your minds! U can scream there is no GOD til u turn blue in the face, u WILL NOT shake my belief at all!! I guess u must have a personal experience to believe, but I got one question for u guys that don't believe; what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!
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After reading the whole thread... Shhh :-X ... U might offend someone.

Seems the holier than thou set (pick a side) seems to forget football has been one of the few endeavors which has been kid friendly. It was a place you didn't have to understand sex except for the cheerleaders outfit's and a wayward coach or two. Maybe it's just my opinion but bedroom habits don't belong being aired about in public. And dragging them out for all the world to see is an affront to the childhoods these media-whores are stealing. It's Michael Sams prerogative to sleep with whomever he chooses; however once brought into public it's no longer his to control it's implications and it's certainly not yours to tell me that I need to like it or maintain from making negative comment. As a media star in the making he should have known to keep his sex life private. Just as we expect AJ, Cam, Saban, Gus, Bobby P, and Bret Bielema to keep theirs private, and when they don't they know to expect to pay a price. So why shouldn't Mr Sams pay the same price?

He's made his bed..... and now he should simply STFU... just like you and me (hint: we don't talk about it in public).

I agree with you but the political arm of the gay and lesbian community has an agenda when it comes to this. I would not be surprised if he was pushed into making his statements and coming out. The LGBT political machine wants pro athletes to come out as gay. They think this will help their cause and help them win the public support they need for the legislation they have been pushing for and they are probably right.

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After reading the whole thread... Shhh :-X ... U might offend someone.

Seems the holier than thou set (pick a side) seems to forget football has been one of the few endeavors which has been kid friendly. It was a place you didn't have to understand sex except for the cheerleaders outfit's and a wayward coach or two. Maybe it's just my opinion but bedroom habits don't belong being aired about in public. And dragging them out for all the world to see is an affront to the childhoods these media-whores are stealing. It's Michael Sams prerogative to sleep with whomever he chooses; however once brought into public it's no longer his to control it's implications and it's certainly not yours to tell me that I need to like it or maintain from making negative comment. As a media star in the making he should have known to keep his sex life private. Just as we expect AJ, Cam, Saban, Gus, Bobby P, and Bret Bielema to keep theirs private, and when they don't they know to expect to pay a price. So why shouldn't Mr Sams pay the same price?

He's made his bed..... and now he should simply STFU... just like you and me (hint: we don't talk about it in public).

I agree with you but the political arm of the gay and lesbian community has an agenda when it comes to this. I would not be surprised if he was pushed into making his statements and coming out. The LGBT political machine wants pro athletes to come out as gay. They think this will help their cause and help them win the public support they need for the legislation they have been pushing for and they are probably right.

What a bunch of BS. From both of you. That's a classic case of turning the victim into the perpetrator.

He's not trying to draw attention to himself. That was going to happen one way or the other. He had already told his Missouri team that he's gay.

He told his team because he felt he had the right not to live a lie and he respected them enough to feel the same way. He announced before the pro draft because it would inevitably come out anyway so it might as well be on his own terms.

Having said that, I agree that we all need to just take this in stride as a ho-hum matter and not make a big deal of it. If so, it would have disappeared as a news item long ago.

The only reason this has "legs" as a news item is because there are still so many people who feel it is scandalous, if not an outright sin. And - assuming you won't change your mind - the sooner you folks die-off, the sooner people will stop taking note of stuff like this.

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You may not like what I said but it is true. At least the part about the LGBT political machine wanting athletes to come out. If Sam was encouraged to come out I don't know, I am just speculating. I don't have a problem with gay people or their current political agenda. They are fighting for equal rights and I agree with them.

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I say...leave the kid alone. Let him live his life and try to be a happy productive citizen. He is harming no one, so let it go. You don't have to like it, but he has a right to be who he is without the fear that something bad will happen to him, or that he will be ostracized his whole life.

I have a very good friend with a gay son, and I have learned so much from knowing them. He's a great kid, and so smart with so much to contribute...but he suffered so much anguish when he realized he was gay. He wanted to die. No one should suffer like he has. If he could change, I guarantee you that he would in a heartbeat. People don't understand, and they are so cruel. My family loves him, he is welcome at my home any time, and I feel no different towards him than I ever did. He is not a criminal, and my loving God will not send him to hell because he is truly a good person....better than a lot of straight people he knows.

I agree that Jesus would have been nothing but loving and kind to this boy. Why can't we follow that example?

But I have seen very, very few negative comments about him. I seems to me that by far, most people admire his courage.

He may not be drafted particularly high, but he will play. It remains to be seen how good he will be. I suspect he will surprise some people, regardless of his vertical leap. After all, he was defensive player of the year in the SEC. That's got to count for something.

Was it really all that courageous. In todays' society it's easier to be gay or lesbian than it is to be a christian

If you think it's hard being a Christian, try not being one.

Also, the Christians over in Egypt who routinely get murdered would like to have a word with you regarding this.

Jesus said this would happen for his namesake! Great is their reward in heaven! For all u non believers blast away all u want, nothing that u and I will say is going to change my or your minds! U can scream there is no GOD til u turn blue in the face, u WILL NOT shake my belief at all!! I guess u must have a personal experience to believe, but I got one question for u guys that don't believe; what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!

This will probably go flying right over your head but...


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I say...leave the kid alone. Let him live his life and try to be a happy productive citizen. He is harming no one, so let it go. You don't have to like it, but he has a right to be who he is without the fear that something bad will happen to him, or that he will be ostracized his whole life.

I have a very good friend with a gay son, and I have learned so much from knowing them. He's a great kid, and so smart with so much to contribute...but he suffered so much anguish when he realized he was gay. He wanted to die. No one should suffer like he has. If he could change, I guarantee you that he would in a heartbeat. People don't understand, and they are so cruel. My family loves him, he is welcome at my home any time, and I feel no different towards him than I ever did. He is not a criminal, and my loving God will not send him to hell because he is truly a good person....better than a lot of straight people he knows.

I agree that Jesus would have been nothing but loving and kind to this boy. Why can't we follow that example?

But I have seen very, very few negative comments about him. I seems to me that by far, most people admire his courage.

He may not be drafted particularly high, but he will play. It remains to be seen how good he will be. I suspect he will surprise some people, regardless of his vertical leap. After all, he was defensive player of the year in the SEC. That's got to count for something.

Was it really all that courageous. In todays' society it's easier to be gay or lesbian than it is to be a christian

If you think it's hard being a Christian, try not being one.

Also, the Christians over in Egypt who routinely get murdered would like to have a word with you regarding this.

Jesus said this would happen for his namesake! Great is their reward in heaven! For all u non believers blast away all u want, nothing that u and I will say is going to change my or your minds! U can scream there is no GOD til u turn blue in the face, u WILL NOT shake my belief at all!! I guess u must have a personal experience to believe, but I got one question for u guys that don't believe; what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!

This will probably go flying right over your head but...



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You may not like what I said but it is true. At least the part about the LGBT political machine wanting athletes to come out. If Sam was encouraged to come out I don't know, I am just speculating. I don't have a problem with gay people or their current political agenda. They are fighting for equal rights and I agree with them.

LGBT political machine? LOL!

That makes them sound pretty powerful. Guess no one would have noticed without em, huh?

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After reading the whole thread... Shhh :-X ... U might offend someone.

Seems the holier than thou set (pick a side) seems to forget football has been one of the few endeavors which has been kid friendly. It was a place you didn't have to understand sex except for the cheerleaders outfit's and a wayward coach or two. Maybe it's just my opinion but bedroom habits don't belong being aired about in public. And dragging them out for all the world to see is an affront to the childhoods these media-whores are stealing. It's Michael Sams prerogative to sleep with whomever he chooses; however once brought into public it's no longer his to control it's implications and it's certainly not yours to tell me that I need to like it or maintain from making negative comment. As a media star in the making he should have known to keep his sex life private. Just as we expect AJ, Cam, Saban, Gus, Bobby P, and Bret Bielema to keep theirs private, and when they don't they know to expect to pay a price. So why shouldn't Mr Sams pay the same price?

He's made his bed..... and now he should simply STFU... just like you and me (hint: we don't talk about it in public).

I agree with you but the political arm of the gay and lesbian community has an agenda when it comes to this. I would not be surprised if he was pushed into making his statements and coming out. The LGBT political machine wants pro athletes to come out as gay. They think this will help their cause and help them win the public support they need for the legislation they have been pushing for and they are probably right.

What a bunch of BS. From both of you. That's a classic case of turning the victim into the perpetrator.

He's not trying to draw attention to himself. That was going to happen one way or the other. He had already told his Missouri team that he's gay.

He told his team because he felt he had the right not to live a lie and he respected them enough to feel the same way. He announced before the pro draft because it would inevitably come out anyway so it might as well be on his own terms.

Having said that, I agree that we all need to just take this in stride as a ho-hum matter and not make a big deal of it. If so, it would have disappeared as a news item long ago.

The only reason this has "legs" as a news item is because there are still so many people who feel it is scandalous, if not an outright sin. And - assuming you won't change your mind - the sooner you folks die-off, the sooner people will stop taking note of stuff like this.

So you decided to add more BS......

....in that you think we should ignore what you want us to. As if somehow listing your screen persona as 'Devils Advocate' places you above the fray.

It was Sams who drew attention to himself by outing himself in the first place. It was a calculated deliberate action, made years earlier, when he could of simply left sexual orientation blank. Much like Troy Polamalu's lack of sexual conduct was never brought up, his would of also never had been considered. All Michael had to do was keep his sexual want's, past, or desires to himself. Much like we don't know what manner of pig you place on the spit; no one know's or really cares. My take is that it wouldn't matter to me if my 6 year old discussed bar-b-que... but to have to inform him why some man wants to play mommy with another man is a another topic that... well, it needed have to be forced or broached upon him because of a football game.

For whether sports or rock star, whether congressman or coach, or whether television host or football fan we all are responsible for our own actions. and these actions may very well invoke financial repercussions (both good and bad). Irregardless of how flamboyantly gay the rainbow pattern is, the penalty for sexual reference shouldn't be less for the LGBT than it is for the more typical of pairing. It's simply the nature of the beast, that when you take it from the bedroom and splash it across the headlines, your sex life then becomes fair game to ridicule and have opinion on. No matter how loud you protest, whine, and seek to draw attention to this trashy display of forced comeuppance. There's always been promiscuity and it's always had economic repercussions ( both good and bad), so why should it be different for Michael Sams?

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I say...leave the kid alone. Let him live his life and try to be a happy productive citizen. He is harming no one, so let it go. You don't have to like it, but he has a right to be who he is without the fear that something bad will happen to him, or that he will be ostracized his whole life.

I have a very good friend with a gay son, and I have learned so much from knowing them. He's a great kid, and so smart with so much to contribute...but he suffered so much anguish when he realized he was gay. He wanted to die. No one should suffer like he has. If he could change, I guarantee you that he would in a heartbeat. People don't understand, and they are so cruel. My family loves him, he is welcome at my home any time, and I feel no different towards him than I ever did. He is not a criminal, and my loving God will not send him to hell because he is truly a good person....better than a lot of straight people he knows.

I agree that Jesus would have been nothing but loving and kind to this boy. Why can't we follow that example?

But I have seen very, very few negative comments about him. I seems to me that by far, most people admire his courage.

He may not be drafted particularly high, but he will play. It remains to be seen how good he will be. I suspect he will surprise some people, regardless of his vertical leap. After all, he was defensive player of the year in the SEC. That's got to count for something.

Was it really all that courageous. In todays' society it's easier to be gay or lesbian than it is to be a christian

If you think it's hard being a Christian, try not being one.

Also, the Christians over in Egypt who routinely get murdered would like to have a word with you regarding this.

Jesus said this would happen for his namesake! Great is their reward in heaven! For all u non believers blast away all u want, nothing that u and I will say is going to change my or your minds! U can scream there is no GOD til u turn blue in the face, u WILL NOT shake my belief at all!! I guess u must have a personal experience to believe, but I got one question for u guys that don't believe; what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!

This will probably go flying right over your head but...


U guys are lost, and u still didn't answer my question either. I'm not that weak of a person to believe what man has written to doubt The afterlife. I know it exist, and to say an atheist gets to heaven before people who say they believe is ludicrous, lol. U must be satan himself to actually write and believe something so stupid! Try again, but this time don't let what I said fly over ur head!!
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what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!

This will probably go flying right over your head but...


U guys are lost, and u still didn't answer my question either. I'm not that weak of a person to believe what man has written to doubt The afterlife. I know it exist, and to say an atheist gets to heaven before people who say they believe is ludicrous, lol. U must be satan himself to actually write and believe something so stupid! Try again, but this time don't let what I said fly over ur head!!

Clearly, logic is too hard for you. I'll go back to just paying attention to the reasonable folks in this thread.

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what are u gonna do when he comes for u? We all have to die, I suggest u make ur minds up before ur times up!

This will probably go flying right over your head but...


U guys are lost, and u still didn't answer my question either. I'm not that weak of a person to believe what man has written to doubt The afterlife. I know it exist, and to say an atheist gets to heaven before people who say they believe is ludicrous, lol. U must be satan himself to actually write and believe something so stupid! Try again, but this time don't let what I said fly over ur head!!

Clearly, logic is too hard for you. I'll go back to just paying attention to the reasonable folks in this thread.


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