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So, Sir Charles wants two things next year...

VA Tiger

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Nike runs the AAU camps. Nike hates schools that don't sign with them. Etc. etc.

. I get some of it. I'm just trying to figure out how those shoes kept coaches from getting a team to play better as the season wore on. Most teams with good coaches in any league play better as the weeks go by due to coaching and the repetition at practice. No matter whose shoes you have on.
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Auburn to switch to Nike and Barbee to return.

Wow. Just wow.


I am a huge Barkley fan, but he is an idiot. Entertaining idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

That's kinda harsh calling Charles an idiot. He might be opinionated, but he's actually very intelligent.

Messed up you're calling the single most famous athlete to come out of Auburn, an idiot.

Bo just gave you the finger.

I said most famous... Bo typically stays out of the public eye. Charles is on national TV 2-3 nights a week, and makes regular appearances on talk shows and such...

I didn't say best athlete, I said most famous. If you'd ask Bo, he'd say the same...

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Let's make one thing clear. The SHOES are not the problem with AU BASKETBALL.

The UA affiliation is not the whole problem with AU basketball certainly, but it is part of the problem. IMO it's an issue that can be overcome but it's gonna take the right coach steering the ship.
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All I can say is at this point Charles is 0 - 1 with his two wants and I don't expect Auburn to switch to Nike.

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The shoe thing is all about access to recruits and little to nothing to do with who makes their shoes. The AAU teams are predominantly Nike, therefore there's a push to continue on to Nike sponsored shoes. Nike sees it as a business decision - best HS athletes stay in Nike, move on to a Nike college, after graduating/going NBA draft sign with Nike. $$$$.

Example: Cam Newton, RG3, etc. - Signed with UA and Adidas respectively.

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JMO but it's never been about getting good talent to sign with AU...it's been about keeping them. Someone show me the first player that left AU because he did not like the shoes.

According to a piece in Sports Daily last year, Nike is losing ground in the basketball shoe race.....and my gosh, Miss State is a Nike school....so why are they so bad?

Folks need to get off the shoe stuff IMO as there are no facts to support that issue.

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Auburn to switch to Nike and Barbee to return.

Wow. Just wow.


I am a huge Barkley fan, but he is an idiot. Entertaining idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

That's kinda harsh calling Charles an idiot. He might be opinionated, but he's actually very intelligent.

Messed up you're calling the single most famous athlete to come out of Auburn, an idiot.

well what intelligent things does he ever say? Every time hr opens his mouth it is dome crazy off the wall thing. He is not stupid but he cannot get past the race issue. It clouds his judgement and makes him look foolish.

Race? What's the last racist thing he's said? You can't still be talking about the Turner Gill thing???

Turns out, Charles was dead on balls accurate in his feeling towards Chizik and Gill. To be honest Gill could've taken AU to the BCS in 2010 too.

Just asking in general to all....how can he be racist when his wife of many years is white and he has a bi-racial daughter?

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I heard a recent former head coach of an SEC school indicate that AAU was what is wrong with basketball ball today. Kids being controlled by to many individuals and staying one year and moving on. He also said that television coverage is why there is declining attendance at basketball games...what?

I don't think any of these items are the real issue but obviously there is an issue with Auburn basketball. Based on who we get next as head coach, I think the next hire will explain a lot. I understand the relationship between Nike and the AAU but come on. At the end of the day we should be more successful than what we are...

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Someone with a little time do some research and find out who is the top ranked team with under armour. Off the top of my head the power house b ball schools are nike....If the school was serious about being good at all they would change that contract. If not we'll keep doing what we've been doing not achieving anything but in the same breath saying it can be done. Lol. Even if it can be done why make it harder on yourself?

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Someone with a little time do some research and find out who is the top ranked team with under armour. Off the top of my head the power house b ball schools are nike

That is because the money and stigma is all with Nike. There is no reason to change if you are already a "top basketball school".

If the school was serious about being good at all they would change that contract. If not we'll keep doing what we've been doing not achieving anything but in the same breath saying it can be done.

Bro, we are a piss-poor basketball program. A ******* shoe contract isn't going to magically change this. So what...we sign with Nike, and all of a sudden we start reeling in the 5-star recruits? LMFAO. Maybe in fantasy land. Mississippi State is a Nike school...they were 3-15 in conference this year, what happened there?

The way you change this situation is by hiring a coach who can actively evaluate and develop players and implement a winning system. Contrary to what the Nike hype machine may be spewing out, there are plenty of NCAA Tourny caliber players who aren't AAU sheep.

The reason why stressing over the UA/Nike thing is a joke is simple: we are so far off that it shouldn't even be a thought at this point. We aren't a program that is knocking on the door and is "only" a shoe contract away from breaking through. We are a program that isn't even out of the gate. Worry about the shoe s*** when we actually manage to win a game or two.

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Guest jojo1515

Auburn to switch to Nike and Barbee to return.

Wow. Just wow.


I am a huge Barkley fan, but he is an idiot. Entertaining idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

That's kinda harsh calling Charles an idiot. He might be opinionated, but he's actually very intelligent.

Messed up you're calling the single most famous athlete to come out of Auburn, an idiot.

well what intelligent things does he ever say? Every time hr opens his mouth it is dome crazy off the wall thing. He is not stupid but he cannot get past the race issue. It clouds his judgement and makes him look foolish.

Race? What's the last racist thing he's said? You can't still be talking about the Turner Gill thing???

Turns out, Charles was dead on balls accurate in his feeling towards Chizik and Gill. To be honest Gill could've taken AU to the BCS in 2010 too.

Just asking in general to all....how can he be racist when his wife of many years is white and he has a bi-racial daughter?

Top ten racist comments ever by a sports personality, Charles comes in at #4


Barkley calls Augusta "blatently racist" for how they designed their golf course....


Calls AU racist for not hiring Gill saying race was the #1 factor....


Accuses the whole city of Philly as being racist and unwilling to have an all black team with zero facts..


And Im sure the list goes on. He constantly race baits and calls any situation where a white guy may get something over a black guy racist. It is people like him that make racism more heated and set the double standard that its ok to be racist as long as you are doing it in favor of promoting blacks.

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Once again bro I see your post. I know how you like to respond to people, I won't hate I like it reminds me of myself when I was a little younger but you're barking up the wrong tree this time. You don't come close to knowing this stuff like me.

You used miss st as your example....miss st gets quality players. What happened to them is hood transferred. Of course you need a good coach but you need something to attract top talent as well. And what are we? Morons? Who says we can't talk about all the problems we have to talk about it one at a time? If that's what you want to do fine but please shut the hell up trying to dictate what I will talk about.

Also you are naive to think that a coach won't look at that under armour contract and don't think it will effect him. Get real. Anybody that is anybody in the basketball circle wouldn't be caught dead in under armour shoes. Unless the company does something and get the street cred up you won't ever attract top talent on a consistent basis. Period.

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Auburn to switch to Nike and Barbee to return.

Wow. Just wow.


I am a huge Barkley fan, but he is an idiot. Entertaining idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

That's kinda harsh calling Charles an idiot. He might be opinionated, but he's actually very intelligent.

Messed up you're calling the single most famous athlete to come out of Auburn, an idiot.

well what intelligent things does he ever say? Every time hr opens his mouth it is dome crazy off the wall thing. He is not stupid but he cannot get past the race issue. It clouds his judgement and makes him look foolish.

Race? What's the last racist thing he's said? You can't still be talking about the Turner Gill thing???

Turns out, Charles was dead on balls accurate in his feeling towards Chizik and Gill. To be honest Gill could've taken AU to the BCS in 2010 too.

Just asking in general to all....how can he be racist when his wife of many years is white and he has a bi-racial daughter?

As all I know is he is and has been very oriented toward race. He loves obama and supported him simply on the basis of his skin color. Now I won't start a political argument. Maybe he really believes in the man I don't know but i haven't heard CB say any other reason for his attitude. All I'm saying is he was insistent we hire Gill for the simple reason that the man was black. If Gill had been any other race Barkley would not have pushed for him. He may not be racist but he does tend to focus on that aspect of any possible coaching candidates to the exclusion of everything else.
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Who cares? The question is does he know b ball? I say he does. As far as the Turner gill thing people love to forget how chizik was a horrible candidate as well. It's not like everybody can sit back and say told you so. Chizik let the program get ran down on his watch as well.

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Top ten racist comments ever by a sports personality, Charles comes in at #4


Barkley calls Augusta "blatently racist" for how they designed their golf course....


Calls AU racist for not hiring Gill saying race was the #1 factor....


Accuses the whole city of Philly as being racist and unwilling to have an all black team with zero facts..


And Im sure the list goes on. He constantly race baits and calls any situation where a white guy may get something over a black guy racist. It is people like him that make racism more heated and set the double standard that its ok to be racist as long as you are doing it in favor of promoting blacks.

He also wrote a book with Michael Wilbon, "Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man", that takes on the issue of race. Charles is obviously not a racist based on his marriage as someone pointed out. Charles believes that what this country needs is more discussion about racial issues. That is why he brings up the subject because he wants this country to try and get better. We have too many closet racist in this country (and on this board) that do not want to talk at all about the racial problems we have. Ignoring them does not make them better or make them go away.

I am very proud that Charles is an AU alum. He loves AU with all his heart and supports it far more than most of the AU fans that hate him. He may not always be right but neither is anyone else. At least Charles is not afraid to speak his mind and that has led him to the great success he has had after his sports career was over.

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Someone with a little time do some research and find out who is the top ranked team with under armour. Off the top of my head the power house b ball schools are nike....If the school was serious about being good at all they would change that contract. If not we'll keep doing what we've been doing not achieving anything but in the same breath saying it can be done. Lol. Even if it can be done why make it harder on yourself?

Exactly what I don't understand. Once the program has poured millions into the sport, why let a recruiting obstacle like the UA contract get in your way? Unless the school doesn't see UA as an obstacle at all and just wants to keep the money flowing in from UA?

Wait..... did Under Armour have any monetary involvement in the new Arena? Did they help fund it or provide financial support in return for sponsorship? Just curious

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Just listened to his morning interview. Good lord, the man is unbelievably racist. AND he went back to the "Auburn should have hired Turner Gill instead of Gene Chizik" thing. Good lord.

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********Just a reminder to keep all discussions civil. Name calling and baiting will be dealt with by the Mods. If you can not engage in a civil discussion, I suggest you push yourself away from the computer and take a walk to ease your mind.**********

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Guest jojo1515

Call it what you want berry. Publicly calling out major organizations as racist under false pretenses under the guise of equality, especially when it is clear that he has done so with the mentality of "a black man should get this" or calling people racist who hire a white guy simply because he is not black....that in and of itself is extremely racist. Racism does not onky come in the form of hate for another race. Pushing one race over another regardless of qualifications is also racist. Saying candidate x should get job y because he is black is 100 percent racist. Trying to scare people into doing things in favor of one race over another is 100 percent racist. Throwing out the race card on issues that have nothing to do with race because it doesnt favor person x who is of y race is 100 percent racist. There is no grey area in these issues. Charles himself created these racial tensioned situations to try and sway arguments in favor of one race, not equality. Again, 100 percent racist. Agree or dont. It doesnt really matter. Just because he doesnt hate white people does not make him non racist. His own actions tell the story.

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In many ways I agree with you jojo, trying to do something to favor one race is racism. There is a lot of argument about the modern definition of racism and what you bring up certainly fits the very broad definition. I have argued using your same points before. However, that does not take into account the argument the other side is trying to make. There still exists a LOT of problems for black people in this country and they have a right to try and fight for their place in this country. Just because you think an issue has nothing to do with race does not mean it has nothing to do with race to the other side. A lot of people have grown tired of the racial division in this country. Most of us would just rather not hear about it but that is not going to make things better.

For those that think Charles was only supporting Gill because he was black, what about the fact Gill looked highly qualified at that time? He had turned Buffalo into a good team and appeared to be a great candidate. There was a large amount of white AU fans that wanted Gill too. Barkley wanted to see AU hire their first black head football coach and there is nothing wrong with that. I wanted the same thing. AU, like a LOT of schools, has a poor track record giving black coaches a chance to be a head coach. There is nothing wrong with Charles trying to increase AU's diversity when it comes to head coaches.

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Guest jojo1515

Berry, I agree that different people may not see things the same way (The other side). There should always be open dialogue about equality. You are right that some people have more disadvantages than others and have a right to fight for their cause. That being said, Charles attempts are thinly vieled attacks and attempts to incite a verbal race war, therefore causing the institution under the race baiting microscope to squirm and hopefully pander to blacks in the future instead of everyone equally. While his intentions may come from a valid concern, his method is straight out of the black panther and al sharpton fear mongering handbook and should never be accepted at AU. So, back to my very first point in this thread, lol, who cares what barkley says :)

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I care as far as basketball. Hell he sucks at golfing as well but golfing and b ball don't have anything to do with each other

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