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Opinions? Do we really want people to vote that are.....


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Waiting in line all day at the DMV sometimes is not practical. Especially if you don't live near one, don't have access to transportation, and/or don't have time to wait in the DMV on a work day.

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Is voter fraud a real problem?

Do you consider dead people and people voting multiple times a real problem?

Again ,if someone is too lazy, stupid or both to get a photo ID, should they be allowed to vote?

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AUisAll, come on, our government wouldn't do anything that isn't absolutely just and honest. You are just a racist and a hate filled neo whatever that wants to keep everybody down.

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Is voter fraud a real problem?

Do you consider dead people and people voting multiple times a real problem?

Again ,if someone is too lazy, stupid or both to get a photo ID, should they be allowed to vote?

I'm trying to figure out if that statement comes from being stupid or lazy.


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I have no problem with requiring people to prove they are who they are. However, Voter ID law changes are not about free and fair elections, they're about disenfranchisement and trying to stay in power. Weegs, you mentioned sacrifices - count your blessings that you are in a position to make those sacrifices and not have to reap the consequences that someone less well off than you would have to.

The fact that the OP writes "too lazy or too stupid to get a FREEEEEE picture ID?" illustrates the issue more than I possibly ever could. Should they be allowed to vote? yes. They're American citizens. If you would like to deny a US citizen the right to vote, I sure wish you'd make a good case as to why the 15th Amendment shouldn't apply anymore.

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Is voter fraud a real problem?

Do you consider dead people and people voting multiple times a real problem?

Again ,if someone is too lazy, stupid or both to get a photo ID, should they be allowed to vote?

Who says they are all lazy and stupid? You? You say it and therefore it is the truth, the total truth?

I live in a rural area. People ride horses and four-wheelers to vote. Everyone knows everyone else. We don't need IDs. I have a neighbor who is a disabled Vietnam Vet. He hasn't had a drivers license in over a decade. He has to get a ride just to go to town but, he can go a half a mile to vote. He isn't the smartest or most ambitious person but, I wouldn't call him lazy or stupid. Do you really want to make it difficult for him over a partisan issue, not a practical one? Show me an election that has been determined by voter fraud that would have been prevented by requiring a photo ID.

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Is voter fraud a real problem?

Do you consider dead people and people voting multiple times a real problem?

Again ,if someone is too lazy, stupid or both to get a photo ID, should they be allowed to vote?

My grandfather has no use for a photo ID, they recognize him at the polls.

Is he stupid and lazy because getting up and out to go to the DMV is a very big hassle?

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Again, here in Florida, a GOP lead movement to purge voter roles initially identified 180,000 registered voters that needed to be purged. However, after further review that number declined to 200 people and later down to 85 that were actually removed. So far, two of those 85 have filed suit because they are, in fact, eligible to vote. This looks much more like a partisan attempt to gain a political advantage than a genuine attempt at solving a real problem.

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I have no problem with requiring people to prove they are who they are. However, Voter ID law changes are not about free and fair elections, they're about disenfranchisement and trying to stay in power. Weegs, you mentioned sacrifices - count your blessings that you are in a position to make those sacrifices and not have to reap the consequences that someone less well off than you would have to.

The fact that the OP writes "too lazy or too stupid to get a FREEEEEE picture ID?" illustrates the issue more than I possibly ever could. Should they be allowed to vote? yes. They're American citizens. If you would like to deny a US citizen the right to vote, I sure wish you'd make a good case as to why the 15th Amendment shouldn't apply anymore.

Well off? You think I am well off?
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I have no problem with requiring people to prove they are who they are. However, Voter ID law changes are not about free and fair elections, they're about disenfranchisement and trying to stay in power. Weegs, you mentioned sacrifices - count your blessings that you are in a position to make those sacrifices and not have to reap the consequences that someone less well off than you would have to.

The fact that the OP writes "too lazy or too stupid to get a FREEEEEE picture ID?" illustrates the issue more than I possibly ever could. Should they be allowed to vote? yes. They're American citizens. If you would like to deny a US citizen the right to vote, I sure wish you'd make a good case as to why the 15th Amendment shouldn't apply anymore.

Well off? You think I am well off?

Everything is relative.

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I have no problem with requiring people to prove they are who they are. However, Voter ID law changes are not about free and fair elections, they're about disenfranchisement and trying to stay in power. Weegs, you mentioned sacrifices - count your blessings that you are in a position to make those sacrifices and not have to reap the consequences that someone less well off than you would have to.

The fact that the OP writes "too lazy or too stupid to get a FREEEEEE picture ID?" illustrates the issue more than I possibly ever could. Should they be allowed to vote? yes. They're American citizens. If you would like to deny a US citizen the right to vote, I sure wish you'd make a good case as to why the 15th Amendment shouldn't apply anymore.

Well off? You think I am well off?

If you think that you are able to make that sacrifice, then you are more well off than they are. If, to you, having an ID is a given, then you obviously do not have either an experience of, or an open mind to, another possibility.

I've worked with (or on) plenty of people in my life who legitimately do not have the resources or ability to take off a day of work to go to the DMV, or have transportation to get there and back. These people were, generally, elderly, African American, and quite poor. Many did not have a vehicle, which (if you really thought through it) they couldn't drive anyway. Because they don't have an ID.

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Apparently, it's Democrat voters who are either too lazy, stupid or both to get a FREE photo ID.

Well, stripping this of the vitriol, I think you just hit the nail on the head. The people who are more likely to be lacking a photo ID are people who would most likely vote Democratic. Therefore, the drive from the Republicans is nothing more than an attempt to suppress that vote - a fact that's not only unconstitutional, it's un-American.

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I will reiterate my stance: I am all for making sure someone can prove they are who they are. I don't have a big problem with requiring a picture ID. My issue is that the stated issue of Voter Fraud is a smoke screen to hide a more nefarious movement. I'd be equally as pissed in examples of voter suppression engineered by Democrats.

Gerrymandering and voter suppression makes me physically nauseous, no matter what country it is or who is doing it.

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I have no problem with requiring people to prove they are who they are. However, Voter ID law changes are not about free and fair elections, they're about disenfranchisement and trying to stay in power. Weegs, you mentioned sacrifices - count your blessings that you are in a position to make those sacrifices and not have to reap the consequences that someone less well off than you would have to.

The fact that the OP writes "too lazy or too stupid to get a FREEEEEE picture ID?" illustrates the issue more than I possibly ever could. Should they be allowed to vote? yes. They're American citizens. If you would like to deny a US citizen the right to vote, I sure wish you'd make a good case as to why the 15th Amendment shouldn't apply anymore.

Well off? You think I am well off?

If you think that you are able to make that sacrifice, then you are more well off than they are. If, to you, having an ID is a given, then you obviously do not have either an experience of, or an open mind to, another possibility.

I've worked with (or on) plenty of people in my life who legitimately do not have the resources or ability to take off a day of work to go to the DMV, or have transportation to get there and back. These people were, generally, elderly, African American, and quite poor. Many did not have a vehicle, which (if you really thought through it) they couldn't drive anyway. Because they don't have an ID.

If that's the case, then these people can't vote anyway, correct? Who takes them to vote?
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