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Joe The Terrible

Proud Tiger

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Speaking in Ukraine yesterday, Joe Biden sais he had met with Russian officials concerning the situation there. He said he told them the U.S. would not recognize Russia's takeover of Crimea. And then as the Russia officials quivered in fear, ole Joe said he told them "it's time to quit talking and take action." I think at that point the Russians almost died laughing. I would love to have been there when those officials told Putin what Joe The Terrible had said. He may still be laughing. It is so embarrassing to have such a dunce as the V.P. of our country.

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I hope Joe runs for President. It would significantly increase the entertainment value. No telling how long he would last though. The last time he ran he got drummed out of the primary for plagiarizing his speeches. Good ole uncle Joe what a tool.

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It is embarrassing to see Americans hoping for our failure.

It's more embarrassing seeing Americans who think this sort of " diplomacy " is what stands for strong leadership.

Actually, it's pathetic.

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It is embarrassing to see Americans hoping for our failure.

It's more embarrassing seeing Americans who think this sort of " diplomacy " is what stands for strong leadership.

Actually, it's pathetic.

Pathetic is being nice
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ICHY.....I'm not hoping for failure. Right the opposite. If you knew my background a little more you would know how much I dislike the Russian gov't. That's why I get angry with the incompetent leaders we have. They would be better served by just keeping their mouths shut. There is an old saying about that but I think you know it.

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