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prayers needed


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My first cousin, Stan Wallace, suffered a heart attack this afternoon. He is in the hospital in Decatur right now. It is not good right now. They are trying to stabilize him and move him to Huntsville. Please keep him and his wife and children in your prayers.

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God be with you and your family. Please add my mother to your prayers. The doctors say she won't make it through the night.

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The Family that prays together, stays together. May God be with your loved ones in their illness and trying times. I've lost my mother. It's hard, but I have faith that we will be reunited again. Without faith, there is no hope for the future. God bless.

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Update. Doctors put in two stents and a balloon pump device. Said this was a large heart attack. Don't know full extent of damage to heart, Next two days will tell them about heart recovery and possible neurological damage. It sounds bad but at the same time he did survive the attack. It is in the hands of God. As long as there is life there is hope. Stan and his wife are strong Christians and I believe God still has work for him to do here.

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Good news Cooltigger. We also got encouraging news about my mother. She made it through the night abd r

her kidneys appear to still be functioning, Her vitals are stable and she's resting. Thanks to the Auburn family for their continued prayers.

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Prayers turned to praise! We do serve a mighty God, and He is there when His children cry out to Him en masse...or just two or more. What wonderful reports, Cooltigger and FormerlySec38! Love, joy, and a few more prayers!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."--Ephesians 6:18

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