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Tea Party Ramps up their organizational skills.....


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I liked this response:



"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." ~ LYNDON B. JOHNSON

That is what the ENTIRE tea bagger movement is about, in a nutshell. It is nothing more than a giant scam to 1) bilk ignorant, racist, low and middle income whites of their money by baiting them with racist dog-whistle code words, and 2) manipulate them into voting for GOP candidates who will screw them over economically. Just tell them that their subsidy-mooching isn't really mooching -- and that the real moochers are those black people -- and they'll fall for it every time.

47%. Takers. Food stamps. Immigration. Obamacare. Every single major issue for the GOP is an exercise in baiting ignorant racist baggers to bilk them out of their money and votes.

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You're about as wrong as one could possibly be, homer.

You know this too, which is why you're trying to fan the flames of discontent over this issue.

You fear the reality that is coming.


Dimocrats are all about destroying the country.

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You're about as wrong as one could possibly be, homer.

You know this too, which is why you're trying to fan the flames of discontent over this issue.

You fear the reality that is coming.


Dimocrats are all about destroying the country.

Wrong about what? :dunno:

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You're about as wrong as one could possibly be, homer.

You know this too, which is why you're trying to fan the flames of discontent over this issue.

You fear the reality that is coming.


Dimocrats are all about destroying the country.

Wrong about what? :dunno:

You know damn well what.

You posted an asinine commentary on the TEA Party by some hate filled moron. Pretty clear that you agree w/ this jack wagon. And because of that , you're wrong.

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That's a good article about what these idiots are actually contributing their money to. Not really surprised to read that though since at least one of the big Tea Bagger groups is an openly for-profit organization.

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

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"47%. Takers. Food stamps. Immigration. Obamacare. Every single major issue for the GOP is an exercise in baiting ignorant racist baggers to bilk them out of their money and votes."

Say what you want about me, but that accurately sums up the TP message in my part of the world, as determined by local talk radio.

Maybe it's different where you live.

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

LOL! Project much?

Just look at the (many) topics posted every day by the TP sympathizers on this forum. Now tell me who is "blind with hate".

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

LOL! Project much?

Just look at the (many) topics posted every day by the TP sympathizers on this forum. Now tell me who is "blind with hate".

Can't you read?

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

As are almost all liberals. Without the lies and distortions, the Democrat party doesn't exist as it does today. The Tea Party is for responsible government, the US Constitution, common sense spending and the liberals are scared to death of it so they lie in an attempt to demonize it. It's sad but it is where this country is today.

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

As are almost all liberals. Without the lies and distortions, the Democrat party doesn't exist as it does today. The Tea Party is for responsible government, the US Constitution, common sense spending and the liberals are scared to death of it so they lie in an attempt to demonize it. It's sad but it is where this country is today.

Yeah, just look at how they stand for "responsible government" and "common sense spending" in their own organization. It's a revolution all right. :rolleyes:

Liberals are "scared to death" of them. :laugh:

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The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

As are almost all liberals. Without the lies and distortions, the Democrat party doesn't exist as it does today. The Tea Party is for responsible government, the US Constitution, common sense spending and the liberals are scared to death of it so they lie in an attempt to demonize it. It's sad but it is where this country is today.

Yeah, just look at how they stand for "responsible government" and "common sense spending" in their own organization. It's a revolution all right. :rolleyes:

Liberals are "scared to death" of them. :laugh:

Indeed, the liberals are scared to death of them. And the establishment Republicans are as well. Those two groups don't want anyone or group threatening their $3 trillion dollar slush fund. That is why they continuously lie about them and try to demonize them. And small minds follow right along, clueless.

The anti-TEA party side is blind with hate. They hate the poor and work overtime to keep the poor impoverished. They prefer to pay off the poor with other peoples money rather than provide the conditions for them to work. They hate those who would correct the conditions that lead to generational poverty and can only offer ad hominem and ugly attacks. They are not problem solvers.

That homer liked the comment he posted demonstrates his inability to understand the real issues. He is a rote doctrinaire liberal who can only regurgitate the bilge fed to him by liberal hate sites.

As are almost all liberals. Without the lies and distortions, the Democrat party doesn't exist as it does today. The Tea Party is for responsible government, the US Constitution, common sense spending and the liberals are scared to death of it so they lie in an attempt to demonize it. It's sad but it is where this country is today.

Yeah, just look at how they stand for "responsible government" and "common sense spending" in their own organization. It's a revolution all right. :rolleyes:

Liberals are "scared to death" of them. :laugh:

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I guess that cartoonist's portrayal proves that blacks play an important role in the Tea Party, huh? :-\

Well, here are some actual photos that prove otherwise:

(CNN) -- Posters portraying President Obama as a witch doctor may be racist, organizers of Tea Party protests say, but they reflect anger about where he is leading the country.


A Tea Party rally protester holds a sign with President Obama depicted as a witch doctor.



Brendan Smialowski / Getty Images File

A protester wears an American Revolution era flag and an Obama picture during the Tea Party Express rally in 2009 in Washington, DC.


TEApublicans like to claim that they are not racists. And granted, many of them are not. But below is plenty of evidence that there is plenty of racism within their ranks. And note that no one at these various TEApublican gatherings stopped these people from showing their signs – at least not before they were photographed.

So without further ado, here are 20 racist TEApublican signs:






HomeImage Gallery • 20 Of The Most Racist TEApublican Political Signs!

20 Of The Most Racist TEApublican Political Signs!

Posted by: AATTP in Image Gallery, TEApublicans in Action April 15, 2013

TEApublicans like to claim that they are not racists. And granted, many of them are not. But below is plenty of evidence that there is plenty of racism within their ranks. And note that no one at these various TEApublican gatherings stopped these people from showing their signs – at least not before they were photographed.

So without further ado, here are 20 racist TEApublican signs:

















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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

LOL dude had to have literally spent hours assembling that crap, all of which, proves absolutely nothing. Homey being a rote ideologue is becoming a laughable caricature because he he seems quite convinced of his superiority evidenced by his consistent links to leftist propaganda and his angry lapses into name calling. He's awfully quick to call award winning journalists idiots and cranks when the write something he disagrees with as if his mere disagreement quantifies the lack merit of what they've written. Dude's a hoot

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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

LOL dude had to have literally spent hours assembling that crap, all of which, proves absolutely nothing. Homey being a rote ideologue is becoming a laughable caricature because he he seems quite convinced of his superiority evidenced by his consistent links to leftist propaganda and his angry lapses into name calling. He's awfully quick to call award winning journalists idiots and cranks when the write something he disagrees with as if his mere disagreement quantifies the lack merit of what they've written. Dude's a hoot

Hours? LOL! :laugh:

I can assure you, it takes only minutes, not hours. Of course you make it so much easier by professing things that are so easily refutable.

It's pretty obvious you don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you should try a little research before running your mouth so much.

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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

LOL dude had to have literally spent hours assembling that crap, all of which, proves absolutely nothing. Homey being a rote ideologue is becoming a laughable caricature because he he seems quite convinced of his superiority evidenced by his consistent links to leftist propaganda and his angry lapses into name calling. He's awfully quick to call award winning journalists idiots and cranks when the write something he disagrees with as if his mere disagreement quantifies the lack merit of what they've written. Dude's a hoot

Hours? LOL! :laugh:

I can assure you, it takes only minutes, not hours. Of course you make it so much easier by professing things that are so easily refutable.

It's pretty obvious you don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you should try a little research before running your mouth so much.

It was wasted time regardless how long it took since it proved absolutely nothing about the Tea Party. You can vilify them(its the progressive way) til yo little ole liberal progressive heart is content but your opinion of them doesn't interest anyone but you. Besides, I dont need to take my cues from biased internet representations, like you do, as to what the Tea Party is all about I know for a fact what they're about.

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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

LOL dude had to have literally spent hours assembling that crap, all of which, proves absolutely nothing. Homey being a rote ideologue is becoming a laughable caricature because he he seems quite convinced of his superiority evidenced by his consistent links to leftist propaganda and his angry lapses into name calling. He's awfully quick to call award winning journalists idiots and cranks when the write something he disagrees with as if his mere disagreement quantifies the lack merit of what they've written. Dude's a hoot

Hours? LOL! :laugh:

I can assure you, it takes only minutes, not hours. Of course you make it so much easier by professing things that are so easily refutable.

It's pretty obvious you don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you should try a little research before running your mouth so much.

It was wasted time regardless how long it took since it proved absolutely nothing about the Tea Party. You can vilify them(its the progressive way) til yo little ole liberal progressive heart is content but your opinion of them doesn't interest anyone but you. Besides, I dont need to take my cues from biased internet representations, like you do, as to what the Tea Party is all about I know for a fact what they're about.

Yeah, those photos were probably faked. :-\

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Well, based on the internet pictures I guess the whole thing is racist.....

You should put this much effort into asking your party to actually think of America first, especially if you are going to blindly follow them through anything.

Also - the Mr.T mock is funny! Several of those arent even racist unless you just really need something to be offended about - such as the Cap and Trade pic. Also, on the post above, other than the obvious monkey photoshop - what is racist about the other 2? I mean - dear God - did they call him an African?

LOL dude had to have literally spent hours assembling that crap, all of which, proves absolutely nothing. Homey being a rote ideologue is becoming a laughable caricature because he he seems quite convinced of his superiority evidenced by his consistent links to leftist propaganda and his angry lapses into name calling. He's awfully quick to call award winning journalists idiots and cranks when the write something he disagrees with as if his mere disagreement quantifies the lack merit of what they've written. Dude's a hoot

Hours? LOL! :laugh:

I can assure you, it takes only minutes, not hours. Of course you make it so much easier by professing things that are so easily refutable.

It's pretty obvious you don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you should try a little research before running your mouth so much.

It was wasted time regardless how long it took since it proved absolutely nothing about the Tea Party. You can vilify them(its the progressive way) til yo little ole liberal progressive heart is content but your opinion of them doesn't interest anyone but you. Besides, I dont need to take my cues from biased internet representations, like you do, as to what the Tea Party is all about I know for a fact what they're about.

Yeah, those photos were probably faked. :-\

I certainly wouldn't put it past those on the left who seem to live to discredit them. Do you think there are any black Tea Party members? Since you're such an avod "researcher" surely you're aware of these, right?



Do some research:


"Its easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled"

Mark Twain

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Please show me where said there were no black Tea Partiers or black Republicans.

My point is the Tea Party is full of racists, which is true.

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