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White House Ignores Calls To Pay Interns

Posted: 04/28/2014 3:54 pm EDT Updated: 04/28/2014 3:59 pm EDT

WASHINGTON -- Even as it pushes Congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, the Obama administration is resisting calls to pay interns who serve in the White House.

The White House declined multiple opportunities to comment on whether it would rethink its position on not compensating the roughly 300 interns who work there each year. Also met with silence was Stephen Lurie, who elevated the issue in a recent Washington Post op-ed. In it, he told the president: "Unpaid internships contradict your commitments and your economic agenda."

"It is pretty indefensible from a publicity point of view, given the nature of their outreach on a lot of other economic subjects," Lurie said of the lack of a response from the administration, which dates back to April 3. "There is not a huge constituency they have to answer to. Who are they going to piss off by not answering? Right now it is just young people and economic-justice advocates."

With the Senate set to vote this week on minimum wage legislation, however, the politics of unpaid internships may get a little trickier for the administration. Already there is a lively ethical debate surrounding the practice, one that the White House has not been immune to. Previous stories have taken it to task for its intern policy, though the White House does not hide the fact from applicants that the positions are unpaid.

The Obama administration has been rolling out workplace mandates on federal contractors via executive order, such as a new minimum wage of $10.10 for workers employed under contracts. The logic behind such orders is that the federal government should lead by example and not sanction low-road labor practices, even if it will end up costing taxpayers a little more money.

Maurice Pianko, a New York attorney who's led lawsuits on behalf of unpaid interns, said he believes the Obama administration has been strong on worker issues but should consider reevaluating its policy on internships. Having unpaid interns undermines the concept of a meritocracy when only certain applicants can afford to spend a few months without income in one of the most expensive cities in the country, Pianko said. The internships, he noted, already tend to go to the well-connected as it is.

"Even if they were to get paid, it would be hard to get an internship at the White House. But because it is unpaid, those who can't afford to work for free could never have the opportunity," Pianko said. "And it is a tremendous opportunity."

As for choosing to pay the interns, "It would cost them next to nothing and set a nice precedent," Pianko added, noting that interns could be paid minimum wage.

White House interns typically work full-time, and their duties include conducting research, managing incoming inquiries, attending meetings, writing memos and staffing events.

The president referenced his interns in a recent speech overseas, but he did not mention their pay (or lack thereof) when framing the work they do as both grueling and fulfilling.

"We get White House interns to come in and they work at the White House, and they’re there for six months, and then I usually speak to them at the end of six months," said Obama. "And I always tell them that despite how hard sometimes the world seems to be, and all you see on television is war and conflict and poverty and violence, the truth is that if you had to choose when to be born, not knowing where or who you would be, in all of human history, now would be the time. Because the world is less violent, it is healthier, it is wealthier, it is more tolerant and it offers more opportunity than any time in human history for more people than any time in human history."

There's nothing illegal about the White House offering unpaid internships; government offices and non-profits are exempt from the rules governing interns and payment.

As a result, unpaid internships are common throughout the government and policy circles of Washington, including in Capitol Hill offices. The Employment Policies Institute, an industry-backed group opposed to raising the minimum wage, has taken out ads arguing that the use of unpaid internships by the White House and Democratic officeholders undermines those officials' case for a higher wage floor.

Recent lawsuits surrounding unpaid internships and the discussions they started have persuaded many companies to revamp their policies and set more generous terms for their internship programs. (The Huffington Post pays all of its interns a nominal wage, even if they are receiving college credit.)

Catherine Ruckelshaus, a lawyer with the National Employment Law Project, a worker advocacy group, said the rising awareness of how unpaid internships are problematic ought to make a lot of employers squirm, including those at the White House.

"We shouldn't have unpaid workers, that's the bottom line," Ruckelshaus said. "I think it's good that it's making employers of all kinds uncomfortable, because it should."


But it's the mean ole Republicans waging a war on women.

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Unpaid internships are extremely common all over DC. Trade associations, Members of Congress, certain parts of the executive branch, White House, etc. all have unpaid interns. This is nothing new and did not start with Obama. Additionally, with what money are they paying interns...?

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Unpaid internships are extremely common all over DC. Trade associations, Members of Congress, certain parts of the executive branch, White House, etc. all have unpaid interns. This is nothing new and did not start with Obama. Additionally, with what money are they paying interns...?

I really dont think its relevant when the practice began. That this administration continues to pound on income inequality yet does nothing about it right there in Washington speaks volumes. Everything in Washington is financed with tax payer revenue so asking that doesn't excuse the obvious hypocrisy. Bottom line, they shouldn't make these trivial non-issues into campaign talking points if they're unwilling to act on their own to remedy some of the things they've manufactured such righteous indignation over.

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Got to agree with Channon. I did an unpaid internship before I graduated. Internships, in the vast majority of cases, are not meant to be paid positions.

The people calling for the interns to be paid are ignorant.

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Blue....I agree and I understand channoc's point also. So the questions is.......why doesn't the WH step up and set an example since they are the ones pushing to raise the minimum wage. They have imposed it on federal contracts. Shouldn't their talking points apply to interns?

MDM4AU....why is it ignorant to pay interns? Just because they haven't been doesn't mean they can't?

By the way her handle is channoc, not Channon. You shouldn't call anyone ignorant if you can't read (LOL).

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Blue....I agree and I understand channoc's point also. So the questions is.......why doesn't the WH step up and set an example since they are the ones pushing to raise the minimum wage. They have imposed it on federal contracts. Shouldn't their talking points apply to interns?

MDM4AU....why is it ignorant to pay interns? Just because they haven't been doesn't mean they can't?

By the way her handle is channoc, not Channon. You shouldn't call anyone ignorant if you can't read (LOL).

I understand that intern positions are not designed to be paid positions. Thats not the issue. This administration continues to make campaign talking points out of trivial non-issues, then does absolutely nothing to rectify the perceived inequities they're pointing out. They should STFU or at least find some talking points that have merit in ernest that they're willing to lead the efforts in solving

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