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Funny? Over the top? Crass? Inappropriate?


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House Speaker John Boehner’s tea party primary opponent J.D. Winteregg is releasing a new parody ad Monday accusing Boehner of “Electile Dysfunction.”

“If you have a Boehner lasting longer than 23 years, seek immediate medical attention.”



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Its funny - but when you consider the seriousness of the position he is seeking (go ahead, chuckle) then this becomes completely inappropriate. This, unfortunately, falls right in line with all of our current government clowns. I wish candidates had to run on their own merit as opposed to attack campaigns. This would force government officials to actually do good in the world.

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"I wish candidates had to run on their own merit as opposed to attack campaigns. This would force government officials to actually do good in the world.

I definitely agree with your 1st sentence here but, the second sentence would not necessarily follow. It seems even the ones who win elections, without using dirty politics and who promise to be different, end up being the same as all the rest. Members of both parties apparently find comfort in the pockets of the wealthiest PACs and predictably seem to fall into line for them.

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I completely agree it would not totally revamp the system - but imagine our past election if Obama had not plastered the "47%" statement in such a negative light all over the minds of those who voted for him and, instead, had to talk about his heathcare plan.

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