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Sebelius refusing to testify......what a shock!


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Presumably, there's not even a smidgeon of corruption at HHS either. Has there ever been an administration in which so many of its minions ended up pleading the 5th? Hope and change and transparency has been replaced by lies, deception and cover ups.

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Sad what things have come to. The noose tightens though with the new Benghazi evidence A lot of Dems are going to have a ton of egg on their face for doggedly denying any wrong doing.

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Loving the "transparency". How the heck can anyone support these people that aren't on government aid? By no means was he the best ever - but I miss Bush. Sure he talked funny, sure we had 2 wars, people can complain about medicare part D - but we were in MUCH better shape as a country back then.

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Ain't yous guys know dat dem dadburn fox news people and all em racist Republicans are puttin out all these lies to smear Obama?

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He lashed out at Ed Henry at his press conference for asking what his foreign is. He responded he didn't have time to spell it out but then took a long time saying what it isn't. Bottomline.......the proper talking points weren't on his teleprompter. FOX is really getting to him.

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