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Auburn Tigers Official Site Has 5 National Championships.

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Excellent! "Auburn" doesn't claim 5 NCs, but the "NCAA recognizes Auburn as National Champions..."

Suttle wording but this makes it such that AU didn't just go out and start claiming titles (like Mal Moore did in the UATpress guide) but AU states that the NCAA recognizes (claims that AU has) the titles.

I like it - let the non-partisant ruling authority make the claim.

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Lol, big outlets like Deadspin are mocking AU for doing so. :dunno:/>

They mock everyone.

Besides, who cares?

Yep, let them eat cake.
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i also thought the ncaa didnt recognize football champions. they darn sure wouldnt recognize 1993.

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I hope not. So hokie in my opinion. Let Alabama and Minnesota and A&M and and whoever else do it....if you actually go back and do the research, some of the titles these schools claim are highly debatable, even embarrassing in some cases... Alabama being the worst offender.

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All titles for the most part were debatable until the bcs

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It's amazing how people act on social media. Predictable, yes.....but still amazing. Auburn hasn't claimed anything, we are just citing something on our website. LOL!

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Auburn shound claim at leas 11 NCs. It wasn't that log ago that Jay Jacobs said Auburn would start claiming 9 national championships (but it really should be 11 BCs). We should claim all 11 of them because the players back then played hard and won those and they are lagit NCs.

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“Don’t just say it….Display it.....Impose Your Will“

1900, 1904, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1957, 1958, 1983, 1993, 2004, 2010

If Jay Jacobs and others in the Auburn Athletc Deparment doesn't claim at least 9 national championships, then evey single one of them should be deeply a shamed.

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1904 team was amazing. I believe DB Charles Xavier was up for the heisman after he made that pick six against Georgia with his mind

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I honestly could care less about claiming more national championships. Maybe when we get to be a football power like harvard and princeton I will

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I don't mind Auburn claiming national championships as long as it's don't right and not just pulling them out of no where.

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I hope not. So hokie in my opinion. Let Alabama and Minnesota and A&M and and whoever else do it....if you actually go back and do the research, some of the titles these schools claim are highly debatable, even embarrassing in some cases... Alabama being the worst offender.

People and organizations don't go back and research though. A lie repeated often enough becomes reality, Perception becomes truth.

Like it or not, no one (except AU fans) mocks or challenges bammer's claims. AU and its fans need to drop the "national championship purity' shtick. Claim everything that's as legitimate as the claims of bammer and A&M and anyone else. And to heck with what anyone else says. Claim them and after a time, those claims will be repeated as fact...just as the claims of others are repeated as fact. In the game of PR and recruiting, claiming that which has been awarded is a winning move, Pretending that it wasn't awarded...ah...heck...here's what I posted on another forum:


The NCAA never has and does not even now award an official "NCAA national championship" in D1/FBS football. Any school/team that claims a championship (especially prior to the BCS) in any season is simply claiming what some organization (the AP, UPI/Coaches, Billingsley, etc.) has awarded to some team based on their some sort of poll of selected participants or their own formula/algorithm/opinion.

One can argue that some of these polls/opinions/formular/algorithms are more widely known/recognized than others and therefore carry more weight in public perception, but what can't be argued is that any of these polls/opinions/formulas/algorithms is anything more than some form of personal opinion (expressed in the form of some sort of formula/algorithm based on that person's own perceptions of what's important) or a collective opinion gathered via polling of some group of people like writers and/or coaches. But in the end, opinion is all it is, and none of those opinions, no matter how "recognized" they are, constitute an "official NCAA championship."

AU's web page points to the NCAA's own listing of years (PDF) in which some organization that does such things (and which the NCAA for whatever reason feels is large enough or recognized enough or credible enough to list) has recognized our AU Tigers as national champions...in their opinion.

Regardless, for now, AU still only officially claims 1957 and 2010. Nothing has changed in that regard as yet. Personally, I hope that it does change. I hope that AU claims any and all championships that are semi-recognized by the NCAA via the NCAA's own listing of championships by organization/year. And I feel that way for several reasons...

First, perception is reality. Other teams (no, not just bammer) claim "championships" awarded by other organizations besides the wire services/coaches.

Second, the players and coaches on the teams that some reputable organization -- reputable enough to be listed by the NCAA anyway -- awarded their "national championship" to earned that recognition, and far be it from me to say that they don't deserve it.

Third, I personally think a great deal of this "We shouldn't claim these championships" stuff boils down to a bammer obsession on the part of a good portion of the AU fan base. It's some sort of weird purity complex wrapped around some sort of inferiority complex. Well...spare me both the purity and the inferiority. There's nothing "impure" about recognizing that some "reputable enough to be listed/counted by the NCAA" organization recognized our AU Tigers as national champions in any given year. And as far as inferiority complex, I'm one of those AU Tiger fans who has no time for it. For me, the AU Tigers take a back seat to no program anywhere.

Count 'em! And be proud of the teams that earned the honors.

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The NCAA as a source for national titles is total BS. It recognizes Bamas 1941 claim when they lost the last 2 games of the season (both shutouts) and finished 13th (!!!) or lower in polls of the day. Houlgate retroactively awarded the 1941 title to Bama at the behest of Bama's AD in 1980. And it's recognized by the NCAA? How did we share the 1993 title when we didn't even play in a bowl?

This is so intellectually dishonest it makes my hair hurt. The better, more Auburn-like approach to honor those teams (if not our all of our 11 undefeated teams) would have been to put banners in the stadium showing (e.g.) "1993, undefeated"). 11 of them. Dameyunne Craig apparently got into a pissing match on twitter with his former employer the criminoles in part about this which is way , WAY beneath a quality guy like him.

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