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Politics trumps everything with Obama


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Has Obama ever truly gotten behind anything simply based on principle? My guess is, and its an easy one, that he has not. Its always politics that drives his every move and the whiners on the left want to make a big deal out of conservatives using Benghazi to raise funds, while Obama was so preoccupied with a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas he literally turned his back on 4 American patriots and hung them out to dry, a decision that cost them their lives. Not surprisingly, those same whiners don't want to even investigate that.


"Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum has published a landmark report on how the immigrants of today and their children overwhelmingly support expansion of big government, and thus vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

Even without reform, present levels of legal immigration "will add nearly 15 million new potential voters by 2036, a large share of whom will favor the Left," it points out.

Unless legal immigration is reduced — something that can only happen with Republicans in power in both Congress and the White House — "it will force Republicans to either permanently become a minority party or move to the left politically," the report warned."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investor...m#ixzz31ymKyQND

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Has Obama ever truly gotten behind anything simply based on principle? My guess is, and its an easy one, that he has not. Its always politics that drives his every move and the whiners on the left want to make a big deal out of conservatives using Benghazi to raise funds, while Obama was so preoccupied with a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas he literally turned his back on 4 American patriots and hung them out to dry, a decision that cost them their lives. Not surprisingly, those same whiners don't want to even investigate that.


"Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum has published a landmark report on how the immigrants of today and their children overwhelmingly support expansion of big government, and thus vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

Even without reform, present levels of legal immigration "will add nearly 15 million new potential voters by 2036, a large share of whom will favor the Left," it points out.ation

Unless legal immigration is reduced — something that can only happen with Republicans in power in both Congress and the White House — "it will force Republicans to either permanently become a minority party or move to the left politically," the report warned."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investor...m#ixzz31ymKyQND

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Unfortunately, illegal immigration will not stop under this administration. They cannot win elections without them, LGBT, and other ethnic groups. The left will simply continue to give these groups just enough to buy their respective vote. It is truly a nail in the coffin for republicans unless they do as the report states and move to the left politically.
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If Republicans move to the left they will lose more of the right than they will gain from the left IMHO. The left will be seen for what they are one day.

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You may be right PT, but this is truly a dilemma for the right. And the left knows it.

So, what do you do? Me, I will vote Republican regardless if they move to the left. We have to end this train wreck for our children and future generations. I just hope old school hardcore Republicans "get it" and follow suit. Otherwise, more of the same.

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Has Obama ever truly gotten behind anything simply based on principle? My guess is, and its an easy one, that he has not. Its always politics that drives his every move and the whiners on the left want to make a big deal out of conservatives using Benghazi to raise funds, while Obama was so preoccupied with a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas he literally turned his back on 4 American patriots and hung them out to dry, a decision that cost them their lives. Not surprisingly, those same whiners don't want to even investigate that.


"Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum has published a landmark report on how the immigrants of today and their children overwhelmingly support expansion of big government, and thus vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

Even without reform, present levels of legal immigration "will add nearly 15 million new potential voters by 2036, a large share of whom will favor the Left," it points out.ation

Unless legal immigration is reduced — something that can only happen with Republicans in power in both Congress and the White House — "it will force Republicans to either permanently become a minority party or move to the left politically," the report warned."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investor...m#ixzz31ymKyQND

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Unfortunately, illegal immigration will not stop under this administration. They cannot win elections without them, LGBT, and other ethnic groups. The left will simply continue to give these groups just enough to buy their respective vote. It is truly a nail in the coffin for republicans unless they do as the report states and move to the left politically.

If you are old enough to remember the Immigration deal of 1986, Reagan offered the analysis at the time that once the Latinos were made citizens, they would then normalize into solid Catholic-Conservatives. The study point was the Cubans in South Florida. Back in the day they were one of the most solid Republican Blocks out there.

What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX.

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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

Well, historically, Reagan saw it otherwise back then. I dont have a clear view on it. What i have come to know is that those that think they have it figured out, either way, are usually wrong.
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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

Well, historically, Reagan saw it otherwise back then. I dont have a clear view on it. What i have come to know is that those that think they have it figured out, either way, are usually wrong.

Im not sure how Reagan saw it and I am definitely not sure I have anything figured out but, I do not believe Obama would be pushing on immigration reform so hard, releasing illegal alien criminals and about to write an executive order to end deportations altogether if he believed there was even the remotest possibility that those policies would benefit republicans.

It doesn't take much to see vast differences in Cuban immigrants and Mexican immigrants. By comparison, Cubans came in relatively small numbers when considering how many Mexicans currently reside in the US. Puerto Ricans are not immigrants because Puerto Rico is an American protectorate. At any rate, I doubt Reagan would see the future voting patterns of Mexicans today they wa he caw Cubans 30 years ago for a lot of obvious reasons, not the least of which is....who panders to them incessantly?

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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

Well, historically, Reagan saw it otherwise back then. I dont have a clear view on it. What i have come to know is that those that think they have it figured out, either way, are usually wrong.

Im not sure how Reagan saw it and I am definitely not sure I have anything figured out but, I do not believe Obama would be pushing on immigration reform so hard, releasing illegal alien criminals and about to write an executive order to end deportations altogether if he believed there was even the remotest possibility that those policies would benefit republicans.

It doesn't take much to see vast differences in Cuban immigrants and Mexican immigrants. By comparison, Cubans came in relatively small numbers when considering how many Mexicans currently reside in the US. Puerto Ricans are not immigrants because Puerto Rico is an American protectorate. At any rate, I doubt Reagan would see the future voting patterns of Mexicans today they wa he caw Cubans 30 years ago for a lot of obvious reasons, not the least of which is....who panders to them incessantly?

There is a part of me that wants to simplify everything to money with the Dems. We could make and argue the case that normalizing the Illegals as citizens would also provide a much increased tax base over the years.
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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

Well, historically, Reagan saw it otherwise back then. I dont have a clear view on it. What i have come to know is that those that think they have it figured out, either way, are usually wrong.

Im not sure how Reagan saw it and I am definitely not sure I have anything figured out but, I do not believe Obama would be pushing on immigration reform so hard, releasing illegal alien criminals and about to write an executive order to end deportations altogether if he believed there was even the remotest possibility that those policies would benefit republicans.

It doesn't take much to see vast differences in Cuban immigrants and Mexican immigrants. By comparison, Cubans came in relatively small numbers when considering how many Mexicans currently reside in the US. Puerto Ricans are not immigrants because Puerto Rico is an American protectorate. At any rate, I doubt Reagan would see the future voting patterns of Mexicans today they wa he caw Cubans 30 years ago for a lot of obvious reasons, not the least of which is....who panders to them incessantly?

There is a part of me that wants to simplify everything to money with the Dems. We could make and argue the case that normalizing the Illegals as citizens would also provide a much increased tax base over the years.

We could argue that but there is one variable that would confound it immeasurably. How many illegal aliens are you willing to sit idly by and watch take jobs from American citizens? This is serious quesiton made complicated because the current labor force participation rate is the lowest its been in 50 years. I'd happy if the current administration would just enforce current laws they took an oath of office vowing they would. That, however, gets in the way of their political agenda of building votes for the party short and longer term which gets back to the point made in the OP. Politics is driving every policy decision made by Obama and Holder and from my view that looks painfully obvious.

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"What the Right has to worry about is LaRaza. That is a very active Mexican/Latino group that could sway things, especially in CA, NM, AZ, and TX."

Yes, I agree. I also have to wonder what kind of label the liberal media would assign to a conservative group that called themselves "The Race" Mexican immigrants are a lot different from Cuban immigrants and I believe their vote will be a block vote for demcrats almost as dependable as the African american block which votes about 90% democrat,

Well, historically, Reagan saw it otherwise back then. I dont have a clear view on it. What i have come to know is that those that think they have it figured out, either way, are usually wrong.

Im not sure how Reagan saw it and I am definitely not sure I have anything figured out but, I do not believe Obama would be pushing on immigration reform so hard, releasing illegal alien criminals and about to write an executive order to end deportations altogether if he believed there was even the remotest possibility that those policies would benefit republicans.

It doesn't take much to see vast differences in Cuban immigrants and Mexican immigrants. By comparison, Cubans came in relatively small numbers when considering how many Mexicans currently reside in the US. Puerto Ricans are not immigrants because Puerto Rico is an American protectorate. At any rate, I doubt Reagan would see the future voting patterns of Mexicans today they wa he caw Cubans 30 years ago for a lot of obvious reasons, not the least of which is....who panders to them incessantly?

There is a part of me that wants to simplify everything to money with the Dems. We could make and argue the case that normalizing the Illegals as citizens would also provide a much increased tax base over the years.

We could argue that but there is one variable that would confound it immeasurably. How many illegal aliens are you willing to sit idly by and watch take jobs from American citizens? This is serious quesiton made complicated because the current labor force participation rate is the lowest its been in 50 years. I'd happy if the current administration would just enforce current laws they took an oath of office vowing they would. That, however, gets in the way of their political agenda of building votes for the party short and longer term which gets back to the point made in the OP. Politics is driving every policy decision made by Obama and Holder and from my view that looks painfully obvious.

Well let me say this so you dont get the wrong idea.

I thought when we gave the Illegal Aliens Amnesty back in 1986 was for the last time. I do not really support Amnesty now. I am explaining what some folks, even Reagan, thought it would accomplish to demonstrate that it might not be all bad. But with some minority unemployment topping 20% (Younger Blacks even higher) in the US, the idea of taking jobs from them is just insane.

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