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SI thinks Kiffen is more hated than Saban


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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/main/photos/1405/most-disliked-people-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/main/photos/1405/most-disliked-people-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

Oh yes, Kiffin has done real well at Tenn and USCw.
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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustr...le-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustr...-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

There are probably more USC fans and USC haters out there to vote. And don't forget to throw in the Tennessee and Oakland Raiders fans. He may move up to the top five once the bammers get to know him.

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There are only 2 college football coaches on the most hated list. Yes, you guessed it both are at UAT. Why are we not surprised?

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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

If you read the article, it's a lot more personality based than just general dislike.
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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

Saban is hated mostly because he wins and has an abrasive personality. Kiffen is hated because he's a jerk and has an abrasive personality.

I think Gus could win the next 12 national championships and he would not make that list. He's too nice a guy. The only people who would hate him would be sidewalk fans of teams that have to play him.

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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

Saban is hated mostly because he wins and has an abrasive personality. Kiffen is hated because he's a jerk and has an abrasive personality.

I think Gus could win the next 12 national championships and he would not make that list. He's too nice a guy. The only people who would hate him would be sidewalk fans of teams that have to play him.

Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

Saban is hated mostly because he wins and has an abrasive personality. Kiffen is hated because he's a jerk and has an abrasive personality.

I think Gus could win the next 12 national championships and he would not make that list. He's too nice a guy. The only people who would hate him would be sidewalk fans of teams that have to play him.

I think with saban, it is fair to say abrasive, he wins and he is a jerk as well.
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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustr...le-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustr...-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

Was just about to post this link, lionheart. I think it's hilarious.

I happened to be in Tuscaloosa for business one Saturday a few years back (I think the first year Gus was the OC), and I went with a work colleague to watch the Auburn-Arkansas game at some kind of houndstooth-covered sports bar. Well, needless to say, I was fairly conspicuously cheering for the Tigers and was talking to my colleague (yankee, ignorant about CFB) about how excited I was about our new OC. The bartender came over and started talking about Saban. I guess I just rolled my eyes or something, to which her response was, "Yeah, he's kind of a jerk. But he wins, so who cares?!" I just looked at my colleague and said something like, "Now you're beginning to see the difference between Auburn and Alabama."

The two head coaches at the respective schools are perfect for those schools, or pretty close to it. I was thrilled when Saban signed Kiffin, too. I mean, can it get any better than that? Who's the biggest jerk anywhere on defensive coaching staffs around the country? Look for Saban to hire him.


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One time Pat Dye, Vince Dooley and Steve Spurrier were named the "Most Hated" coaches in the SEC. Dye's response was that it looked like winning makes you hated so he was happy to be on that list.

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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustr...le-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustr...-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

The hate for Saban and Kiffen are a little different. The hate for Kiffen stems from him being a fool...Saban is just an a$$.

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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustr...le-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustr...-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

Was just about to post this link, lionheart. I think it's hilarious.

I happened to be in Tuscaloosa for business one Saturday a few years back (I think the first year Gus was the OC), and I went with a work colleague to watch the Auburn-Arkansas game at some kind of houndstooth-covered sports bar. Well, needless to say, I was fairly conspicuously cheering for the Tigers and was talking to my colleague (yankee, ignorant about CFB) about how excited I was about our new OC. The bartender came over and started talking about Saban. I guess I just rolled my eyes or something, to which her response was, "Yeah, he's kind of a jerk. But he wins, so who cares?!" I just looked at my colleague and said something like, "Now you're beginning to see the difference between Auburn and Alabama."

The two head coaches at the respective schools are perfect for those schools, or pretty close to it. I was thrilled when Saban signed Kiffin, too. I mean, can it get any better than that? Who's the biggest jerk anywhere on defensive coaching staffs around the country? Look for Saban to hire him.


I see it this way. The bummers have the #1 jerk on the defensive side and the #1 jerk on the offensive side. Perfect fit for their fan base.

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Well when you are a "most hated in sports" that means your doing well. Give it one more year and Gus might find himself there as well.

Saban is hated mostly because he wins and has an abrasive personality. Kiffen is hated because he's a jerk and has an abrasive personality.

I think Gus could win the next 12 national championships and he would not make that list. He's too nice a guy. The only people who would hate him would be sidewalk fans of teams that have to play him.

I think you nailed it perfectly!!! Especially that last part! :jossun:

"When the LORD takes pleasure in anyone's way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them." Proverbs 16:7

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On their most hated people in sports list, Kiffen comes in at 8 http://sportsillustr...le-in-sports/8/, while Saban is a really generous 22 http://sportsillustr...-in-sports/22/.

Still, nice to see that bama has 2 in an appropriate top 25.

Was just about to post this link, lionheart. I think it's hilarious.

I happened to be in Tuscaloosa for business one Saturday a few years back (I think the first year Gus was the OC), and I went with a work colleague to watch the Auburn-Arkansas game at some kind of houndstooth-covered sports bar. Well, needless to say, I was fairly conspicuously cheering for the Tigers and was talking to my colleague (yankee, ignorant about CFB) about how excited I was about our new OC. The bartender came over and started talking about Saban. I guess I just rolled my eyes or something, to which her response was, "Yeah, he's kind of a jerk. But he wins, so who cares?!" I just looked at my colleague and said something like, "Now you're beginning to see the difference between Auburn and Alabama."

The two head coaches at the respective schools are perfect for those schools, or pretty close to it. I was thrilled when Saban signed Kiffin, too. I mean, can it get any better than that? Who's the biggest jerk anywhere on defensive coaching staffs around the country? Look for Saban to hire him.


Nailed x2. I'm sorry...there really is a difference between the general nature of both fanbases, and "inbred culture" is not an exaggeration. Gimme a second...NOT sorry! Truth's truth.

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Is Saban hated because he wins, or does winning just expose him to a larger audience to witness his douche bag personality?

"Kiss my a$$", trying to change the rules because his defense can't keep up with HUNH offenses, throwing players under the bus when he loses, "Coonass" jokes, his lying and behavior on deserting Miami & LSU, and processing players when he over signs have little to do with his victories.

Not that Spanky doesn't have enough personality flaws to be hated in his own right, but I'll concede he probably also gets tainted somewhat by the douche bag actions of his fans, e.g., Harvey Updyke, the Teabagger & company at Krystal, Bama Mom's WWE moves at the Sugar Bowl, "Rammer Jammer" taunting after wins, etc.

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Kiffen is hated by the very people he coached for far more than by the people he coached against. There's the hyge difference. And that should tell you something about Kiffen.

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Spanky does absolutely nothing to discourage the updykes. He essentially encourages it. There is no tainting to it. He is one of them.

His enormous ego feeds on the blind worship he receives from the houndstooth cult members.

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Kiffen is hated by the very people he coached for far more than by the people he coached against. There's the hyge difference. And that should tell you something about Kiffen.

Good point.

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