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Yeah, Great Move Chief


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I wish he would invite Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to dinner ;D

Seriously, it is incredible that Obama released this killer let alone four other. Time to mpeach him!!!!

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I wish he would invite Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to dinner ;D

Seriously, it is incredible that Obama released this killer let alone four other. Time to mpeach him!!!!

And the morons still line up to support him.

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Is he the yoga fan , the wanna- be milk& honey farmer, or the " positive attitude " guy?

So many success stories , I get them all mixed up.

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It's pretty clear that this guy was converted to love the United States. His past dealings prove that! He would make a great president running as a Democrat.

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And Hillary says they are NOT a threat.

President Obama admitted some of the five Gitmo detainees released in the Bowe Bergdahl deal could go back to targeting America, but in an interview with NBC News’ Cynthia McFadden, Hillary Clinton said that those five Taliban commanders are “not a threat to the United States.”

McFadden brought up the criticism that America is now less safe because these five individuals are now free. Clinton responded, “These five guys are not a threat to the United States. They are a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Clinton wrote about the deal in her new book, saying that the White House refused to entertain any notion of releasing those five men without Bergdahl being released back to the United States, while acknowledging that the prospect of such a deal “would be hard to swallow for many Americans.”


You should all just sit back and trust your leaders because they know best.

And now President Obama throws someone under the bus for releasing the prisoners. It was all Hagel's fault.

Now the White House says Hagel made final call on Bergdahl as criticism of Obama over prisoner swap mounts


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"Now the White House says Hagel made final call on Bergdahl as criticism of Obama over prisoner swap mounts"

The only question I would have in response to that is did Obama find out about the swap for Bergdahl in the newspapers? That seems to be his go to alibi.

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Oblammer is the bigest terrist of all.

Itch, that wasn't appropriate in this context. JMHO.
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This administration is the worst in history. I said yesterday one of the worst but the last 24 hours prove he's rock bottom terrible.

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"Now the White House says Hagel made final call on Bergdahl as criticism of Obama over prisoner swap mounts"

The only question I would have in response to that is did Obama find out about the swap for Bergdahl in the newspapers? That seems to be his go to alibi.

If there's one person in D.C. who is in way over his head more than Obama, it'd be Hagel.

In fact, I'm seeing a pattern here, where Obama installs clowns and idiots all around him, so his incompetence won't look so bad, in comparison.

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Raptor, does he surround himself with incompetence or do they all ebb to his level?

Just something to think about. We are about to have Iraq & Afghanistan back to "Worse than 2001Levels."

We have spent $1TN on the two wars and we are about to have the clock in the Middle East set back to the 7th Century.

Our foreign policy could not be worse. Obama = CarterII.

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Raptor, does he surround himself with incompetence or do they all ebb to his level?

Just something to think about. We are about to have Iraq & Afghanistan back to "Worse than 2001Levels."

We have spent $1TN on the two wars and we are about to have the clock in the Middle East set back to the 7th Century.

Our foreign policy could not be worse. Obama = CarterII.

You guys are hilarious. You were all hell-bent on invading Iraq even though any thinking person could see where that would lead. It's not a natural country. It was held together with an iron- handed dictator. Well, we freed them from that dictator and the country is coming apart. It was a fundamentally flawed idea. You don't fix those.

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Raptor, does he surround himself with incompetence or do they all ebb to his level?

Just something to think about. We are about to have Iraq & Afghanistan back to "Worse than 2001Levels."

We have spent $1TN on the two wars and we are about to have the clock in the Middle East set back to the 7th Century.

Our foreign policy could not be worse. Obama = CarterII.

You guys are hilarious. You were all hell-bent on invading Iraq even though any thinking person could see where that would lead. It's not a natural country. It was held together with an iron- handed dictator. Well, we freed them from that dictator and the country is coming apart. It was a fundamentally flawed idea. You don't fix those.

So you would have rather had Hussein keep the genocide going while throwing his own people in meat grinders? Do you even think about what you post?
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Raptor, does he surround himself with incompetence or do they all ebb to his level?

Just something to think about. We are about to have Iraq & Afghanistan back to "Worse than 2001Levels."

We have spent $1TN on the two wars and we are about to have the clock in the Middle East set back to the 7th Century.

Our foreign policy could not be worse. Obama = CarterII.

You guys are hilarious. You were all hell-bent on invading Iraq even though any thinking person could see where that would lead. It's not a natural country. It was held together with an iron- handed dictator. Well, we freed them from that dictator and the country is coming apart. It was a fundamentally flawed idea. You don't fix those.

So you would have rather had Hussein keep the genocide going while throwing his own people in meat grinders? Do you even think about what you post?

Do you want to be at constant war with every bad guy on the planet trying to hold failed states together? More Iraqis have died since the war began. You think they live in peace now?

If you buy the notion that we give the Iraqi people a chance at democracy you need to accept that they may not succeed.

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You guys are hilarious. You were all hell-bent on invading Iraq even though any thinking person could see where that would lead. IT'S NOT A NATURAL COUNTRY. It was held together with an iron- handed dictator. Well, we freed them from that dictator and the country is coming apart. It was a fundamentally flawed idea. You don't fix those.

Nebuchednezzar says hi..

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