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Four Russian Bombers Flew Within 50 Miles Of The California Coast


  • Jun. 11, 2014, 9:48 PM
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Four Russian strategic bombers triggered U.S. air defense systems while conducting practice bombing runs near Alaska this week, with two of the Tu-95 Bear H aircraft coming within 50 miles of the California coast, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) confirmed Wednesday.

Read more: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/russian-bombers-fly-within-50-miles-of-california-coast/#ixzz34QjyNdMp

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The resumption of strategic aviation has been more symbolic than actually threatening. However, what it is symbolic of has had me concerned since they resumed it, as I'm not at all interested in another Cold War with the Russians. As they have watched the European Union and NATO encroach into the former Warsaw Pact, Russia is becoming increasingly defensive. Taking into account a situation like Ukraine, things could get really hot in a hurry.

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Especially with recent provocations where the Russian jet showed its underbelly to our reconnaissance jet a few weeks ago. I believe Putin is trying to provoke us into shooting down a Russian jet to give them an excuse to retaliate.

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I actually wonder if Russia, or some other country, did a provoking "attack" on us if Obama would would respond or do his usual spin on it. You may laugh but I'm dead serious. My contempt meter for this administration has moved of te scale. They are becoming criminal in abiding by their oaths and abiding by the law.

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I actually wonder if Russia, or some other country, did a provoking "attack" on us if Obama would would respond or do his usual spin on it. You may laugh but I'm dead serious. My contempt meter for this administration has moved of te scale. They are becoming criminal in abiding by their oaths and abiding by the law.

I suspect that the objective answer would be: it depends. If it were Russia, for example, then the question becomes what was the provocative action? If it were a literal attack, as in Russian jets firing on our jets or ships, the subsequent engagement would likely not reach his ears until after it was over. Russia wants to reassert itself badly, especially in the face of Western encroachment on their former buffers. However, Russia is not interested in actual war with us. They would lose, and they know it.

In the event of a provoking "attack", I suspect Obama would do the most sensible thing: order the military to alert, and attempt to contact whomever is in charge of those responsible. In the event of a severe and imminent threat, I suspect the military would begin to act even without orders from the White House.

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The biggest concern is an accident in the air between the aircraft. The US fighter pilots are very skilled and would reduce that concern when they are doing the intercepting..

A bigger concern is when they intercept our aircraft flying near Russia.

The Russians have increased spending on their military in the last 10 years, but they still are not what they were in the days of the USSR.

Those old Russian turboprop bombers are lumbering and very noisy.... Maybe California should pass another law outlawing them due to noise pollution.

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Stry.....what you say is logical but I have zero confidence tis administration would handle it in a logical manner. First thing to happen would more likely be Susan Rice on

talk shows saying it was a misunderstanding.

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Stry.....what you say is logical but I have zero confidence tis administration would handle it in a logical manner. First thing to happen would more likely be Susan Rice on

talk shows saying it was a misunderstanding.

In the case of an "accident", it is indeed a misunderstanding, and it is best we treat it as such. If it were an intentional accident intended to provoke us into starting a war, then it is still best that we treat it as a misunderstanding. As cptau said, the biggest concern is a collision between aircraft. In those circumstances, cooler heads should always prevail. If the Russians suddenly lose their minds and decide to start attacking our forces here or elsewhere, then I have no doubt that even Obama will act appropriately. He has to, for under those circumstances he would end up being one of their targets.

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Stry.....what you say is logical but I have zero confidence tis administration would handle it in a logical manner. First thing to happen would more likely be Susan Rice on

talk shows saying it was a misunderstanding.

Would it really be more logical to assume the worst and announce it as a deliberate provocation?

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Stry.....what you say is logical but I have zero confidence tis administration would handle it in a logical manner. First thing to happen would more likely be Susan Rice on

talk shows saying it was a misunderstanding.

Would it really be more logical to assume the worst and announce it as a deliberate provocation?

As in a horrific u tube video?
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I do find moobs frightening, my best guess is this forum is overrun by them.

Got to agree with you there lowercase. I think you are dead on target! I'd bet on it.
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GEE UPPERCASE, don't do that, worse than moobs.

I respectfully disagree lowercase.
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RESPECT? You'll get tossed off the forum..lol

Care to elaborate? lol.
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RESPECT? You'll get tossed off the forum..lol

Care to elaborate? lol.

Regardless, I find moobs disgusting. On that we do agree........I think. lol.
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Let's throw a pic out there of a recent POTUS in his cheerleader sweater and his megaphone. See how fearful that might be.

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It depends ... on how much confidence you have in the current WH occupant to act as CnC.


I see you prefer the guy on right.

I hate that guy on the right. I am ashamed of that guy on the left.

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Fixated aren't you? lol...

Hmmm. May have appeared that way huh? No more! I am over it. I have no further thoughts on this matter.
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It depends ... on how much confidence you have in the current WH occupant to act as CnC.


I see you prefer the guy on right.

I hate that guy on the right. I am ashamed of that guy on the left.

Urkel Vs Benito Mussoline
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