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IRS "Loses" Over Two Years of Lois Lerner emails...

DKW 86

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This would seem alarmingly corrupt for most administrations but its become par for the course for this one. I am not surprised even a little bit by this because Holder's crowd was in on this. I would not be the least bit surprised if Holder gave the order to lose those emails.

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Folks, can anyone not know that these folks are just plain crooked? Read the article. The admission is buried on the back pages of a report, RELEASED ON A FRIDAY, so that it will be forgotten by Monday.

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",,,,,, the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices." "

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",,,,,, the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices." "

The smoking gun IRS scandal e-mails that would have made Watergate just one line in American history.

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Something is not right here. Most large organizations use Microsoft Exchange e-mail servers. The fact that the emails were only stored on her local IRS PC does not make sense. E-mails are typically kept and backup as they flow through the Exchange e-mail server. Even if the receiver or sender deletes the e-mails, those messages are typically in the server's backup files which are kept for years.

Remember Scrushy the HealthSouth CEO, He never wrote anything down or sent any e-mails instructing his staff to that the action they did. He understood.

The federal government actually uses e-mails from these e-mail server backups in their investigations. The most famous being Enron.




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cptau, They didn't "lose" them at all. They erased them. Just like Watergate. This took a lot of time and a lot of coordination. There are federal statues that had to be broken on recording and archiving these emails. Lerner is never going to talk now. The evidence is gone and you wont see one Liberal anywhere going to say one word of condemnation about it.

They are guilty.

They knew these emails would prove it.

They purposely dragged their feet to give them time to insure they were removed from all servers and PCs etc.

There is no other way ALL of these emails are now gone.

If Bush Admin had done this, there would be media folks camped out on the WH lawn righteously destroying that Administration.

But this was released on Friday afternoon, buried in a report, and will be OLD NEWS by Monday.

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cptau, They didn't "lose" them at all. They erased them. Just like Watergate. This took a lot of time and a lot of coordination. There are federal statues that had to be broken on recording and archiving these emails. Lerner is never going to talk now. The evidence is gone and you wont see one Liberal anywhere going to say one word of condemnation about it.

They are guilty.

They knew these emails would prove it.

They purposely dragged their feet to give them time to insure they were removed from all servers and PCs etc.

There is no other way ALL of these emails are now gone.

If Bush Admin had done this, there would be media folks camped out on the WH lawn righteously destroying that Administration.

But this was released on Friday afternoon, buried in a report, and will be OLD NEWS by Monday.

A little different from WaterGate. Watergate had an 18.5 minute gap in audio recordings not 2 years worth of correspondence

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What is that giant sucking sound? it's all the Dems here gasping for breath and at a loss for words. Hard to spin this one.

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cptau, They didn't "lose" them at all. They erased them. Just like Watergate. This took a lot of time and a lot of coordination. There are federal statues that had to be broken on recording and archiving these emails. Lerner is never going to talk now. The evidence is gone and you wont see one Liberal anywhere going to say one word of condemnation about it.

They are guilty.

They knew these emails would prove it.

They purposely dragged their feet to give them time to insure they were removed from all servers and PCs etc.

There is no other way ALL of these emails are now gone.

If Bush Admin had done this, there would be media folks camped out on the WH lawn righteously destroying that Administration.

But this was released on Friday afternoon, buried in a report, and will be OLD NEWS by Monday.

A little different from WaterGate. Watergate had an 18.5 minute gap in audio recordings not 2 years worth of correspondence

I know, that erasure may have taken 2-3 people and an afternoon to do. This, with 2 to maybe 5 servers at issue, took some more time to fix. This was not an afternoon.
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Not unexpected....their strategy on everything is run-out-the-clock and then I'm sure O will pardon anyone as he leaves office that has the least bit of exposure. The part about all of this that burns me up is how little respect they have for the American people and our Constitution. If they were serious about disclosing this, I am sure the FBI has plenty of IT crime specialists that can recover this "lost" info. They do it all the time in corporate criminal investigations and terrorism investigations. Let's see if Holder calls them in.

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I'd like to know the thoughts of those on here that defended Lerner, the IRS, and the Administration, etc through all of this.

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I'd like to know the thoughts of those on here that defended Lerner, the IRS, and the Administration, etc through all of this.

I hope you are not going to hold your breath. ;)

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But, but......Obama said there is not a smidgen of evidence there is a scandal in the IRS Now we know why.

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cptau, They didn't "lose" them at all. They erased them. Just like Watergate. This took a lot of time and a lot of coordination. There are federal statues that had to be broken on recording and archiving these emails. Lerner is never going to talk now. The evidence is gone and you wont see one Liberal anywhere going to say one word of condemnation about it.

They are guilty.

They knew these emails would prove it.

They purposely dragged their feet to give them time to insure they were removed from all servers and PCs etc.

There is no other way ALL of these emails are now gone.

If Bush Admin had done this, there would be media folks camped out on the WH lawn righteously destroying that Administration.

But this was released on Friday afternoon, buried in a report, and will be OLD NEWS by Monday.

An incompetent government that can't run an Internet web portal for healthcare insurance and cant keep its most sensitive data from walking out the door with a defector to Russia still can erase e-mails.

I once met a researcher who looked through old government documents in archives to find things for historical research purposes. In many cases the official documents of record may have been destroyed or lost but copies always turned up elsewhere eventually. All these ex Senators, Representatives, and Presidents are pack rats. They keep all their personal records and eventually those records windup being donated to some university. So these records will show up, but unfortunately it make take 20 to 30 years.............

The smart politicians and executive do not use e-mail. They never even log on to an e-mail system and read their own e-mails. They have someone else log in and print them out. Other politicians use personal / unofficial e-mail accounts to by pass the official system where messages are stored, logged and backed up.

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Did The IRS Really Lose Lois Lerner's Emails? Let a Special Prosecutor Find Them

Obama needs to address this 'phony scandal' and the public trust with real transparency.

A sloppy mistake, the government calls it, but you couldn't blame a person for suspecting a cover-up -- the loss of an untold number of emails to and from the central figure in the IRS tea party controversy. And, because the public's trust is a fragile gift that the White House has frittered away in a series of second-term missteps, President Obama needs to act.

If the IRS can't find the emails, maybe a special prosecutor can.

The announcement came late Friday, a too-cute-by-half cliche of a PR strategy to mitigate backlash. "The IRS told Congress it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner's emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year," The Associated Press reported.

Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status. The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups.

At issue is whether the IRS probes were politically motivated and directed by the White House. Congressional investigators were hoping for answers in Lerner's emails.

The IRS also screened liberal groups, which Democrats claim as proof that there was no abuse of power. That's wishful thinking. The fact that liberal groups were screened is mitigating, not dispositive.

Republicans lawmakers are prone not to trust any explanation from the White House. Their most conservative voters assumed from the start that the White House was targeting right-leaning groups for intimidation.

"The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS' response to congressional inquiries," said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. "There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the inspector general."

Obama has adamantly rejected the suggestion that the IRS was used for political purposes. "That's not what happened," he told Fox News in February. Rather, he said, IRS officials were confused about how to implement the law governing those kinds of tax-exempt groups. "Not even a smidgen of corruption" occurred, he said. His allies dubbed it a "phony scandal."

Six weeks after the scandal broke, I chastised House Republicans for cherry-picking evidence and jumping to conclusions. In the same column, I urged the president to be transparent: pave way for investigators to question witnesses under oath and subpoena the White House and his own re-election campaign for related emails and other documents.

If forced to guess, I would say that the IRS and its White House masters are guilty of gross incompetence, but not corruption. I based that only on my personal knowledge of – and respect for – Obama and his team. But I shouldn't have to guess. More importantly, most Americans don't have a professional relationship with Obama and his team. Many don't respect or trust government. They deserve what Obama promised nearly six weeks ago – accountability. They need a thorough investigation conducted by somebody other than demagogic Republicans and White House allies.

Somebody like …. a
special prosecutor.
Those words are hard for me to type two decades after an innocent land deal I covered in Arkansas turned into the runaway Whitewater investigation.

Nothing has changed. The White House is stonewalling the IRS investigation. The most benign explanation is that Obama's team is politically expedient and arrogant, which makes them desperate to change the subject, and convinced of their institutional innocence. That's bad enough. But without a fiercely independent investigation, we shouldn't assume the explanation is benign.


I think it's obvious neither the IRS or the DOJ could be trusted to do a comprehensive unbiased and honest investigation of what actually happened. They can't be trusted to investigate themselves.

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But, but......Obama said there is not a smidgen of evidence there is a scandal in the IRS Now we know why.


So, you mean... he lied ?

So, is there ANY chance the O-supporters are the tiniest bit taken aback by this latest development ?

Possibly , might there be glimmer in their mind that perhaps, JUST maybe, there's something unsavory or intentionally illegal going on ? At some level ABOVE a regional office in Cincinnati ?

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What is that giant sucking sound? it's all the Dems here gasping for breath and at a loss for words. Hard to spin this one.

It would be nice to see a few of our Democratic AU brethren "man up", but I am certainly not expecting that to happen.
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Any IT person with a basic understanding of the sorts of systems in place knows this story is a bunch of horse****. They didn't lose anything. They are quite obviously and laughably lying about it. The emails are either still there or they've been purged on purpose. No one believes for a second that some accident happened here.

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Any IT person with a basic understanding of the sorts of systems in place knows this story is a bunch of horse****. They didn't lose anything. They are quite obviously and laughably lying about it. The emails are either still there or they've been purged on purpose. No one believes for a second that some accident happened here.

Titan, i now do networking for a living. Anyone with any IT training at all knows that ONE PC Crashing in 2011 had nothing to do with all these emails being lost erased. There are statute mandated backups on 2-3 and maybe even 5 servers. The fact that we are now assured they are gone means that someone went in there and deleted them MANUALLY.

I fully believe they are all gone or the Obama Administration would not be releasing even this. Notice that only the emails between the WH, Congress, outside actors, and the IRS are gone.

What we are going to get to see right now is who is an intellectual, honest with the facts, and who is just a partisan twit, accepting of any and all propaganda from those in the WH.

Now, i am no longer a supporter of either party, and never will be again, BUT, i have to say, it was the Republicans that went to Nixon in 1974 and told him it was over. Folks, there is ZERO, i repeat ZERO, chance of that happening today with the Democrats. Just for fun i went to the websites of all the major news orgs in America. All had at least some acknowledgement of the story except: NBC & MSNBC. Even the NYT and some of the lesser ones did, but not NBC or MSNBC. Sad.


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