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Aren't you glad these won't fall into terrorist hands


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Obama is weak on foreign policy, his diplomacy first ways don't work. We need to play whack-a-mole instead. :smirk:

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So, after dozens of chemical attacks since Obama's red line threat was met and crossed, we FINALLY have all the WMD in Syria taken care of, correct ?

Great. Now, never again shall anyone suffer the agony of being killed by WMD. Only ' standards ' munitions from now on, huh?

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Who knows. I am personally for letting the middle east play the Darwin game and have a clear cut winner while we cut oil ties and start using our own oil supply and supplement from Canada. To keep prices low, we hang 2/3 of the oil speculators....make that 3/3 of oil speculators. After the middle east has their winner we can then decide whether or not it is worth doing business again. If it happens to be Muslim Extremists we can strap a nuke to Obama and send him on over to "talk Diplomacy" under the threat of "Do this or you have to keep your promises."

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Pit Iran against ISIS and when the dust settles.....bomb the winner. ;)

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Pit Iran against ISIS and when the dust settles.....bomb the winner. ;)

There are far more Sunni Muslims than there are Shia LeBeouf Muslims.

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Does anyone believe they have ALL been destroyed or ONLY the ones they have found?

I believe the article said all DECLARED wmd.

So, I guess we have to take them at their word and figured it'll all work out .

What ? What could possibly go wrong ?

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