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More On The Liberal Conspiracy

Proud Tiger

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Them liberals done rurinted everthing. We got a form us a new country that aint got no libtards. We got to succeed from the union. How a bout the Conservative States of Amerca?

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Harry Reid, Pelosi, etc., should stop their holier than thou crusade against the Koch brothers.


But some Dems get it:


If you are honestly against the money in Politics and have attacked the GOP and the Koch's you have to disagree with this, as well. Either you are against all of it or you are a party loyalist hack and an outright hypocrite.

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No, I'm saying that if you have attacked the Koch's and you are honest, you have to be against this too or you are a hypocrite at best.

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. Since you quoted me, I assumed the "you" in your post was me. Confusing but I think we agree.

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PT, I started to post and realized it would follow icanthearyou's stand up routine (it was kinda funny the first 50-60 times he did it but has gotten a little stale) and didn't want him to think I was posting to him. So, in an attempt to not derail the thread I just quoted your OP. Sorry for the confusion.

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MDMAU....no problem I agree on ICHY. I thought maybe someone else was doing his posts but he said no.. He sure changed IMHO and got insulting with me so I put him on ignore along with homer.

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ICHY's persistence perfectly mirrors the persistence of hyperbolic criticism of liberals and Obama in particular.

In fact, it's so bad that when something happens that really does merit attention, it gets lost in all the noise. Hell, ICHY's shtick wouldn't even be noticed if he did it under a different name. ;D

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ICHY's persistence perfectly mirrors the persistence of hyperbolic criticism of liberals and Obama in particular.

In fact, it's so bad that when something happens that really does merit attention, it gets lost in all the noise. Hell, ICHY's shtick wouldn't even be noticed if he did it under a different name. ;D/>

Yeah, his parody is too real. A new poster doing the same thing would have been embraced by the other wingers here as a brother .

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Say what you will, I really had no problem with ICHY's responses. Thought it was funny. Just got old with me. JMHO. And I don't really know that it fit in this thread. I didn't see the connection.

But to each his own... :gofig:

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Say what you will, I really had no problem with ICHY's responses. Thought it was funny. Just got old with me. JMHO. And I don't really know that it fit in this thread. I didn't see the connection.

But to each his own... :gofig:/>

I understand. The actual behavior he parodies has gotten old with me, too. ;)

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You're exactly right. It does get old. It's just dumb. That is the point. Barry sux. Libtards has got a mental disorder. Lets get us a new country. Theirs a new skandal everday. Oblamma aint done nothing good.

It's old. It's tired. It's dumb. It IS representative of the worst posters here.

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So you are talking about yourself and your homo buddy. Now it makes sense.

And there you have it, another juvenile post.

TM done smacked down them libtards agin. "homo buddy" thats a gooden rite there. :Sing:

TM, why do you no longer use the term dimocrats? Hitting a little too close to home? :Sing: Maybe you realized, you are the joke? :Sing:

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I am shocked...Texas, homie and ichy congratulating each other on their imagined superiority. I have often wondered why people of their ilk always have such inflated opinions of themselves. They're an amusing study of political megalomania.

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I am shocked...Texas, homie and ichy congratulating each other on their imagined superiority. I have often wondered why people of their ilk always have such inflated opinions of themselves. They're an amusing study of political megalomania.

"Political megalomania"? :blink:

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ICHY's persistence perfectly mirrors the persistence of hyperbolic criticism of liberals and Obama in particular.

In fact, it's so bad that when something happens that really does merit attention, it gets lost in all the noise. Hell, ICHY's shtick wouldn't even be noticed if he did it under a different name. ;D

I agree with your premise to a point, but you fail to look to the garbage spewed from the left. Maybe it's blinders, maybe a choice? Regardless, it is real and unnecessary IMHO. From right and left.

I think we all know a dozen that can't help themselves. A bi-partisan dozen!

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