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Life as an AU Alum/supporter/fan. Six Flags and Space Mt. all rolled up into one. Thank God for the women.

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WDE, are the people that matter(give big money), content to let Gus do what he wishes and either sink or swim? Never thought I would see the day a coach like Craig would walk with no effort to keep him here. I'm still stunned.

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WDE, are the people that matter(give big money), content to let Gus do what he wishes and either sink or swim? Never thought I would see the day a coach like Craig would walk with no effort to keep him here. I'm still stunned.

Gus better win big next year. Only way he survives IMO.

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Based on this stupid move by Gus, he needs to win at least 10 regular season games next year with wins over LSU and one over either uga or spuat. If he can't do that his ass needs to be let go AFTER Jay Jacobs is fired.


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If Gus is willing to s*** can DC why is Gus going with Rodney Garner?


Gus didn't fire him. At least get your facts straight before you whine.

Did I say Gus fired him?


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Based on this stupid move by Gus, he needs to win at least 10 regular season games next year with wins over LSU and one over either uga or spuat. If he can't do that his ass needs to be let go AFTER Jay Jacobs is fired.


Yep. Gus just might need all 3. I'd say it was just uga and uat but now id say lsu s in there.

I hate AU.

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