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If this guy gets the Republican nomination, he probably wins


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I really liked Kasich in the 90's. He seemed almost like a Harrison Ford character, a true like Jack Ryan sort of guy. Can't agree with some of his more recent actions and comments, but he's still 100x better than any Dem alternative.

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Kasich is a nice guy and probably the most qualified of the GOP candidates with his experience as a governor. But nice guys rarely win in politics and experience doesn't seem to matter as much as it should anymore (can you say community organizer).

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Kasich is a nice guy and probably the most qualified of the GOP candidates with his experience as a governor. But nice guys rarely win in politics and experience doesn't seem to matter as much as it should anymore (can you say community organizer).

I'd say experience as a community organizer is a very positive thing for a politician to have on his resume.

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Any of them will win.

I sure hope so. The alternatives scare the heck out of me.

Bernie will never win the general election. The American people will never go for him. Hillary is never going to escape the Benghazi and email stuff. She's losing ground every day. The woman actually stood in front of a crowd the other day and barked like a dog.
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Kasich should have run as a democrat and he may have won the general election. After all, there's not much competition over there but, he wont even finish 3rd for the nomination as a republican. Everybody pretty much hates Hillary because she's a money grubbing white trash congenital liar and Bernie apparently permanently resides in la la land and believes rainbows and unicorns will solve everyone's problems.

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IMHO, HRC or Kasich are the two adults in the room.

Kasich just doesnt have all the Clinton baggage.

HRC an adult ?? Bark bark bark ?? Serious ?

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He is too level headed to win.

He could get his clock cleaned late in the game and be too nice/proper to fight back enough. I believe hrc or bernie would love to run against Kasich.

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IMHO, HRC or Kasich are the two adults in the room.

Kasich just doesnt have all the Clinton baggage.

HRC an adult ?? Bark bark bark ?? Serious ?

She should be a competent pol. The baggage is what it is tho.
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IMHO, HRC or Kasich are the two adults in the room.

Kasich just doesnt have all the Clinton baggage.

HRC an adult ?? Bark bark bark ?? Serious ?

She should be a competent pol. The baggage is what it is tho.

Based on what ? Even going back to her Watergate days, when she was tossed off the case for unscrupulous and unprofessional ( illegal ) behaviorit was a red flag as to what sort of politician and person that is Hillary Rodham.

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IMHO, HRC or Kasich are the two adults in the room.

Kasich just doesnt have all the Clinton baggage.

HRC an adult ?? Bark bark bark ?? Serious ?

She should be a competent pol. The baggage is what it is tho.

Based on what ? Even going back to her Watergate days, when she was tossed off the case for unscrupulous and unprofessional ( illegal ) behaviorit was a red flag as to what sort of politician and person that is Hillary Rodham.

It's what I don't get. What has she ever done to make her seem worthy of trust. She's circumvented the rules her entire life.
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