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North Korea Threatens US, Says It Could ‘Burn Manhattan Down to Ashes’


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I thought Dennis Rodman got that little guy to chill.

North Korea made enormous threats Sunday, March 13, saying it could obliterate Manhattan by sending a hydrogen bomb to the heart of New York City.

“Our hydrogen bomb is much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union,” state-run media DPRK Today reported Sunday, according to The Washington Post.

“If this H-bomb were to be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile and fall on Manhattan in New York City, all the people there would be killed immediately and the city would burn down to ashes,” a nuclear scientist named Cho Hyong Il said, according to the report.


Bigger than Ivan's bomb ? Sorry, not buying it. But, for giggles, here's a general comparison.


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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.
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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Do you even ballistic nuclear submarine bro?


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China lets them bark more than usual lately, this guy with the Burt and Ernie haircut is a little more wacky than dad was.....Bad case of mirror distortion affected the whole family...Wants so badly to be a world player and he isn't even a region player.

Plus China has a bee in the drawers over the South China Sea carrier groups and their interest in the area.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.

OIC you're just going off on a silly anti Obama tangent. Seriously, North Korea has been talking junk like this for half a dang century.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Do you even ballistic nuclear submarine bro?


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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....
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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.

OIC you're just going off on a silly anti Obama tangent. Seriously, North Korea has been talking junk like this for half a dang century.

No. I just believe in showing our strength. But I guess you could say that too. I'm not shy with my feelings of the CIC.
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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

Hopefully China will shut them up :)
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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.

OIC you're just going off on a silly anti Obama tangent. Seriously, North Korea has been talking junk like this for half a dang century.

No. I just believe in showing our strength. But I guess you could say that too. I'm not shy with my feelings of the CIC.

Talk radio has torched your skull.
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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

China is getting pretty tired of their s....

Hopefully China will shut them up :)

Probably the main reason China is even propping them up at this point is because a collapse of the DPRK government at this point would result in a refugee crisis of untold proportions.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.

OIC you're just going off on a silly anti Obama tangent. Seriously, North Korea has been talking junk like this for half a dang century.

No. I just believe in showing our strength. But I guess you could say that too. I'm not shy with my feelings of the CIC.

Talk radio has torched your skull.

Nah man. I promise these are my own views. But if you believe so, who are some good balanced guys to listen to? Not too far right, too far left. Open to your suggestions.
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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

Not much of a 2 way street w/ those folks, I'd guess. China says ' jump ' and NK says ' how high ? ' . It only sounds funnier when they say it.

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I also thought China had their yappie dog on a shorter leash .

They haven't exactly been getting along lately.

Not much of a 2 way street w/ those folks, I'd guess. China says ' jump ' and NK says ' how high ? ' . It only sounds funnier when they say it.

North Korea is being the belligerent little a**hole in all this. When those reds in China are actually the voice of reason telling you to knock it off and get your s*** together, that's a good indicator of just how bats*** crazy the DPRK is.

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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

Seriously? You're afraid of all out war with the North Koreans? If they gave us a reason we could crush them without a second thought. It would be a curb stomp battle.

No. Not even close to afraid of them. Just saying build up the military and renew the nuclear arsenal as a sign of strength. I know we could crush them but what I'm saying is we should have never looked this weak as we do under the Obama administration. We aren't respected anymore. Like they should not even think they can threaten something like this and not expect force. I wonder what our COC will have to say about this.

OIC you're just going off on a silly anti Obama tangent. Seriously, North Korea has been talking junk like this for half a dang century.

No. I just believe in showing our strength. But I guess you could say that too. I'm not shy with my feelings of the CIC.

Talk radio has torched your skull.

Nah man. I promise these are my own views. But if you believe so, who are some good balanced guys to listen to? Not too far right, too far left. Open to your suggestions.

The morning show here in the DC area is pretty good.



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I feel as though if Obama was a republican no one in North Korea would ever have the guts to say negative things about America...

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I feel as though if Obama was a republican no one in North Korea would ever have the guts to say negative things about America...


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This is why we build up our military. Why do people think they can say these things about us? Rebuild the military, replenish and renew the nuclear arsenal, and be ready to go. I don't know who the f they think they are.

That weak, feckless military in desperate need of revitalization enjoys a larger budget than the next 10 countries combined, and double what it was before 9/11.

How about no? You know military waste affects the debt just as much as anything esle, right?

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I wonder how much of that budget goes to protecting other nations, so they don't have to spend for their own defense, and can enjoy free healthcare ?

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I wonder how much of that budget goes to protecting other nations, so they don't have to spend for their own defense, and can enjoy free healthcare ?

Entirely too much. Are you making an argument for restraint in global affairs? Did I slip into a parallel universe?

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I wonder how much of that budget goes to protecting other nations, so they don't have to spend for their own defense, and can enjoy free healthcare ?

Entirely too much. Are you making an argument for restraint in global affairs? Did I slip into a parallel universe?

2 schools of thought . 1 - If we don't dictate and influence the world, someone else will. 2. Build a wall up and let the rest of the world fend for itself.

I'd put myself somewhere in the middle.

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