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Black SFSU Student Assaults White Student for Cultural Appropriation


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One the one hand, she's no right to tell another person how they choose to wear their hair. Or dress, or speak...

On the other, white guys who wear dreads do look pretty ridiculous.

Why does she say ' come back ' , towards the end ? SHE was the one blocking his attempt to leave and end the situation. Why isn't she being arrested for assault ? And then she says something about him putting his hands one HER ? Seems to me like she was trying to instigate something, aggitate him to the level of shouting, and then she'd be able to claim racism, war-on-woman ' stuff ' , and what ever else she wanted.

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Curious as to how little this matter got, while others draw so much attention.

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Curious as to how little this matter got, while others draw so much attention.

Just like where I posted about the innocent Muslim getting beaten up by a brainwashed bigot from the right?

Here is another goody:


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Curious as to how little this matter got, while others draw so much attention.

Just like where I posted about the innocent Muslim getting beaten up by a brainwashed bigot from the right?

Here is another goody:


You DO know that the graffiti could have been done by anyone, especially those who are anti-Trump supporters, right ?

Not sure what one has to do w/ the other though.

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Curious as to how little this matter got, while others draw so much attention.

Just like where I posted about the innocent Muslim getting beaten up by a brainwashed bigot from the right?

Here is another goody:


You DO know that the graffiti could have been done by anyone, especially those who are anti-Trump supporters, right ?

Not sure what one has to do w/ the other though.

Per your usual, you stick your head in the sand, and claim ignorance.
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Per your usual, you stick your head in the sand, and claim ignorance.

Nope. Per usual, I'm playing the role of skeptic, and refuse to jump to conclusions on such matters. Also, what the thread topic has to do w/ what YOU posted, is puzzling. It's almost like you wanted to give the girl a pass, and then up the ante with something completely unrelated, as it some how is a rational response.

It isn't.

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Per your usual, you stick your head in the sand, and claim ignorance.

Nope. Per usual, I'm playing the role of skeptic, and refuse to jump to conclusions on such matters. Also, what the thread topic has to do w/ what YOU posted, is puzzling. It's almost like you wanted to give the girl a pass, and then up the ante with something completely unrelated, as it some how is a rational response.

It isn't.

Is that the new trick...ya know..playing the resident skeptic card whenever it doesn't suit you?
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When have I not been the skeptic ?

I implied the answer you're looking for in my last post oh wise one.
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When have I not been the skeptic ?

That Stephen A. Smith thread when you all started in on him saying he plays the race card all the time when it turned out the link posted about him was false and you and your buddies didn't have one word to say once that was established you all just became very quiet and let the thread disappear without anybody having to say oops I was wrong. That's just one of the top of my head, I'm sure it's more.

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When have I not been the skeptic ?

That Stephen A. Smith thread when you all started in on him saying he plays the race card all the time when it turned out the link posted about him was false and you and your buddies didn't have one word to say once that was established you all just became very quiet and let the thread disappear without anybody having to say oops I was wrong. That's just one of the top of my head, I'm sure it's more.

When was this ?

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My paraphrase of AURaptor:

That doesn't even make sense.

I'm always skeptical of the colored people. It is a product of my politics, paranoia, ignorance, and bigotry.

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One the one hand, she's no right to tell another person how they choose to wear their hair. Or dress, or speak...

On the other, white guys who wear dreads do look pretty ridiculous.

Why does she say ' come back ' , towards the end ? SHE was the one blocking his attempt to leave and end the situation. Why isn't she being arrested for assault ? And then she says something about him putting his hands one HER ? Seems to me like she was trying to instigate something, aggitate him to the level of shouting, and then she'd be able to claim racism, war-on-woman ' stuff ' , and what ever else she wanted.

Thanks for the analysis. You have a keen eye for the obvious.

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When have I not been the skeptic ?

That Stephen A. Smith thread when you all started in on him saying he plays the race card all the time when it turned out the link posted about him was false and you and your buddies didn't have one word to say once that was established you all just became very quiet and let the thread disappear without anybody having to say oops I was wrong. That's just one of the top of my head, I'm sure it's more.

When was this ?

Don't remember, it was when Tom Brady didn't go to the white house or something like that

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Go back and figure out what it is that has you bent out of shape. I didn't see anything overly accusatory towards Brady or Smith by me.

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I don't have to go back, I remember, I know for a fact on several occasions your group, (pretty much you, CT, PT, the blue whatever and a couple of more) have stated many times about people being mindless and just following the media, on this particular time CT is the one who posted a bogus link because it fitted your group's agenda, the link was from a conservative website and was bogus but you all couldn't wait for a story like that so that thread became two or three pages long.

Then when I actually watched the video and saw he didn't mention racism at all, so then all of your group who had things to say just disappeared with nothing else to say.....But as far as being skeptical, you didn't seem skeptical at all to that link and that story, seems like you just ran with it

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I don't have to go back, I remember, I know for a fact on several occasions your group, (pretty much you, CT, PT, the blue whatever and a couple of more) have stated many times about people being mindless and just following the media, on this particular time CT is the one who posted a bogus link because it fitted your group's agenda, the link was from a conservative website abdand was bogus but you all couldn't wait for a story like that so that thread became two or three pages long.

Then when I actually watched the video and saw he didn't mention racism at all, so then all of your group who had things to say just disappeared with nothing else to say.....But as far as being skeptical, you didn't seem skeptical at all to that link and that story, seems like you just ran with it

The last line...exactly
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Yeah, you do need to go back. You remember poorly.

Nothing what you said resembles my position.

But as far as being skeptical, you didn't seem skeptical at all to that link and that story, seems like you just ran with it


I do love it when you give me great stuff to work with and quote you and your little buddies on being completely, 100% wrong!

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Lmao yeah you really proved me wrong....because raptor said so defense! Your word on here is so valued, respected, and trusted!!!!! LMAO

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Lmao yeah you really proved me wrong....because raptor said so defense! Your word on here is so valued, respected, and trusted!!!!! LMAO

Well, it's true. You were unable, or unwilling to go back and see for yourself what I ACTUALLY said, because you were so hell bent on promoting your twisted little agenda.

Now you're too scared to even bother pointing out specifically what you have an issue with, even after I found the very thread for you.

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Lmao yeah you really proved me wrong....because raptor said so defense! Your word on here is so valued, respected, and trusted!!!!! LMAO

Well, it's true. You were unable, or unwilling to go back and see for yourself what I ACTUALLY said, because you were so hell bent on promoting your twisted little agenda.

Now you're too scared to even bother pointing out specifically what you have an issue with, even after I found the very thread for you.

I did point it out, you and your friends ran with a story as long as it fits your agenda without verifying it first....the very stone that you throw at people who don't flat out say Ferguson is a lie and blm, and so on and so forth. As far as you saying yeah it's true as if that's law or even good enough for you to prove a point....You need to wake up and join us here in reality for a sec

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Per your usual, you stick your head in the sand, and claim ignorance.

Nope. Per usual, I'm playing the role of skeptic, and refuse to jump to conclusions on such matters. Also, what the thread topic has to do w/ what YOU posted, is puzzling. It's almost like you wanted to give the girl a pass, and then up the ante with something completely unrelated, as it some how is a rational response.

It isn't.

:roflol: Raptor the skeptic! That might be one of the funniest things I have read on this forum in a while. Usually he is judge, jury and executioner!

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Lmao yeah you really proved me wrong....because raptor said so defense! Your word on here is so valued, respected, and trusted!!!!! LMAO

Well, it's true. You were unable, or unwilling to go back and see for yourself what I ACTUALLY said, because you were so hell bent on promoting your twisted little agenda.

Now you're too scared to even bother pointing out specifically what you have an issue with, even after I found the very thread for you.

I did point it out, you and your friends ran with a story as long as it fits your agenda without verifying it first....the very stone that you throw at people who don't flat out say Ferguson is a lie and blm, and so on and so forth. As far as you saying yeah it's true as if that's law or even good enough for you to prove a point....You need to wake up and join us here in reality for a sec

You didn't. Not even close. And I'm not part of any group here. I have my own views & ideas. No where close did I do what you're attempting to accuse me of doing.

@ channonc - go look up the definition of " skeptic ". It doesn't mean one can't have an opinion

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