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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. military acted properly on the night of the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to leaked testimony from a retired, three-star Army general who served as chief lawyer for Republicans on the House committee investigating the attacks.


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Those who were on the ground and lost friends think otherwise.

Sure, it was the safe bet to do nothing. Always is.

Why was our Amb. even there in the first place, when every other major power had pulled out ?

And of course, the other obvious question, why did Hillary and the administration LIE about - EVERYTHING ?

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Yeah, the actual facts don't matter, do they?

It's a cya opinion by the lawyer .

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Yeah, the actual facts don't matter, do they?

It's a cya opinion by the lawyer .

Says Raptor the omnipotent. :-\

You are determined to believe Hillary was directly responsible for this and you will never accept the truth because of your obsession. You need to transfer your outrage to the Beirut bombing, after all, Reagan was directly responsible for that.

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And you are determined to defend Hilary, no matter what. The facts are that she lied. That is undeniable. Also, nobody knew how long the fight would last, so to claim this BS view of omnipotence is a pure copout. If an alarm rings, you answer the call . You don't just twiddle your thumbs and Think " Gee, it'll all be over before I get there, so why should I even bother? ".

Imagine if every fire department or police department thought like that.

And no, you are wrong. Reagan was not responsible for Beirut. The attackers were. He never lied about Beirut, unlike Hillary. Man, you simply just keep losing every time you try.

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And you are determined to defend Hilary, no matter what. The facts are that she lied. That is undeniable. Also, nobody knew how long the fight would last, so to claim this BS view of omnipotence is a pure copout. If an alarm rings, you answer the call . You don't just twiddle your thumbs and Think " Gee, it'll all be over before I get there, so why should I even bother? ".

Imagine if every fire department or police department thought like that.

And no, you are wrong. Reagan was not responsible for Beirut. The attackers were. He never lied about Beirut, unlike Hillary. Man, you simply just keep losing every time you try.

I rest my case.

Exposing you is sooooo easy. All you need is to wait and watch. :laugh:

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You exposed nothing. So devout are you at defending Hillary that you go 30 years back and try to equate one event to another. Reagan never lied about Beirut, and yet you think you've made a case?

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Why was our ambassador in Libya? Where was Obama during all this? He was not in the situation room, that's all we know. Why did Hillary and the administration lie ?

Why won't you answer these questions?

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Why was our ambassador in Libya? Where was Obama during all this? He was not in the situation room, that's all we know. Why did Hillary and the administration lie ?

Why won't you answer these questions?

What were our Marines doing concentrated in a hotel? Where was Reagan when this happened?

Considering we withdrew them so quickly, why were they there in the first place?

Why won't you answer these questions? :-\

Every administration should be held responsible for whatever they did that allows such tragedies to happen.

Having said that, s*** happens. Especially in the middle east.

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. military acted properly on the night of the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to leaked testimony from a retired, three-star Army general who served as chief lawyer for Republicans on the House committee investigating the attacks.


Of course the military acted properly The military is under civilian control. They were ordered by civilian leadership to stand down. They followed orders..........

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Why was our ambassador in Libya? Where was Obama during all this? He was not in the situation room, that's all we know. Why did Hillary and the administration lie ?

Why won't you answer these questions?

What were our Marines doing concentrated in a hotel? Where was Reagan when this happened?

Considering we withdrew them so quickly, why were they there in the first place?

Why won't you answer these questions? :-\/>

Every administration should be held responsible for whatever they did that allows such tragedies to happen.

Having said that, s*** happens. Especially in the middle east.

You're dodging, and we all know why.

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Why was our ambassador in Libya? Where was Obama during all this? He was not in the situation room, that's all we know. Why did Hillary and the administration lie ?

Why won't you answer these questions?

What were our Marines doing concentrated in a hotel? Where was Reagan when this happened?

Considering we withdrew them so quickly, why were they there in the first place?

Why won't you answer these questions? :-\/>

Every administration should be held responsible for whatever they did that allows such tragedies to happen.

Having said that, s*** happens. Especially in the middle east.

You're dodging, and we all know why.

I am not dodging. I am demonstrating the partisan idiocy of your posts.

And you make it so amusing with your "Reagan wasn't responsible for Beirut" while implying Obama and Hillary killed those people in Benghazi. :roflol:

I couldn't script your responses any better for demonstrating what BS you post. :rolleyes:

Besides, I gave you an answer - S*** happens!

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. military acted properly on the night of the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to leaked testimony from a retired, three-star Army general who served as chief lawyer for Republicans on the House committee investigating the attacks.


Of course the military acted properly The military is under civilian control. They were ordered by civilian leadership to stand down. They followed orders..........

How many more investigations are required for you to abandon that falsehood?

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How many more investigations are required for you to abandon that falsehood?

That it was all about a video ?

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I am not dodging. I am demonstrating the partisan idiocy of your posts.

Yes, you are. In a thread about Benghazi, you've done nothing but dodge, ignore, deflect and reach back to 30 years ago to something that has ZERO to do w/ what Obama did.

You wish it did, but it doesn't.

And you make it so amusing with your "Reagan wasn't responsible for Beirut" while implying Obama and Hillary killed those people in Benghazi. :roflol:

I couldn't script your responses any better for demonstrating what BS you post. :rolleyes:

Besides, I gave you an answer - S*** happens!

Reagan didn't lie. And that's the last you get to bring him up in this thread.

Now, answer the questions...

WHY was Amb Stevens in Libya, on 9-11, when all of our allies had pulled their amb. offices out ?

WHERE was Obama during all this ? If not, as we're told , in the situation room.

WHY did the admin LIE about the attack being spurred on by a video, when Hillary's OWN E-MAIL to Chelsea shows she KNEW it was a terrorist attack ?

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Guest NC1406

Military response and proper preparation are two totally different subjects. Along with the military response to orders from the chain of command. Geez

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I am not dodging. I am demonstrating the partisan idiocy of your posts.

Yes, you are. In a thread about Benghazi, you've done nothing but dodge, ignore, deflect and reach back to 30 years ago to something that has ZERO to do w/ what Obama did.

You wish it did, but it doesn't.

And you make it so amusing with your "Reagan wasn't responsible for Beirut" while implying Obama and Hillary killed those people in Benghazi. :roflol:

I couldn't script your responses any better for demonstrating what BS you post. :rolleyes:

Besides, I gave you an answer - S*** happens!

Reagan didn't lie. And that's the last you get to bring him up in this thread. Oh yeah? :moon:

Now, answer the questions...

WHY was Amb Stevens in Libya, on 9-11, when all of our allies had pulled their amb. offices out ?

WHERE was Obama during all this ? If not, as we're told , in the situation room.

WHY did the admin LIE about the attack being spurred on by a video, when Hillary's OWN E-MAIL to Chelsea shows she KNEW it was a terrorist attack ?

Quoted for truth - a triple-down on idiocy! :roflol:

You are one sick puppy. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a weaseling little ass.

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Still running away from those questions, I see.

The only weaseling little ass on here is you, homer.

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