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Couric's Director: We Made Gun Owners Look Like Idiots So Viewers Could Consider Background Checks...or something.

Yesterday, Pavlich wrote about Katie Couric being busted for deceptively editing her group interview with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Couric has a new anti-gun documentary, Under the Gun, and it seems the folks behind this piece of propaganda were doing everything they can to make pro-gun activists look like idiots. In the clip, Couric asking “if there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons, or terrorists, from walking into a licensed gun dealer and purchasing a gun?” The feature shows seconds of silence as to insinuate that Couric has stumped them. It’s pure unadulterated crap, as Stephen Gutowski of the Free Beacon pointed out with the unexpurgated audio clip that took place.


This is what they put together, for the documentary.

And here is the raw audio

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All the folks who lapped up that laughable defense by Planned Parenthood that the videos were selectively edited need to take a long look at this. There's editing, and then there's deceptive editing. The editing of the PP videos didn't change one damn thing about what transpired or what the people in them said or implied. This is quite different.

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All the folks who lapped up that laughable defense by Planned Parenthood that the videos were selectively edited need to take a long look at this. There's editing, and then there's deceptive editing. The editing of the PP videos didn't change one damn thing about what transpired or what the people in them said or implied. This is quite different.

Totally agree and sadly, it doesn't stop with guns and planned parenthood.....its about everything. A good example is every single reporter in the White House press corp is a registered democrat. The MSM took sides a long time ago and are no more reliable for honest reporting than Pravda was when Soviet Union was at the height of its power and influence.

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usn logic

PP video edited

Couric video edited

Both edited

Both the same.

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Probably will deserve it's own thread, but Obama called the A bombing of Japan "evil". However, the media are covering up his words. Not reporting it, or editing it out of his reported speech. I wonder why they would do such a thing?

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Probably will deserve it's own thread, but Obama called the A bombing of Japan "evil". However, the media are covering up his words. Not reporting it, or editing it out of his reported speech. I wonder why they would do such a thing?

cause theys a left wing libtard conspirsy in this here country. barry aint leavin the white house. you just watch and remember who done told you.

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Nbc edited the Eric Zimmerman 911 call..." He looks black " , but there's no intent by the msm to deceive - anyone.

This attitude of denial and mockery in the face of overt honesty, facts and truth, really does show how petty and pathetic the left are.

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