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Murder Rate Spike Could Be 'Ferguson Effect,' DOJ Study Says


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"We are in the midst of a very abrupt, precipitous and large crime increase," says Richard Rosenfeld, a respected criminologist at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is the author of a study released Wednesday by the Justice Department examining reasons for the increase.

Specifically, murder is spiking — in urban areas. Rosenfeld says last year in the country's 56 biggest cities, homicides jumped 17 percent.

"That's a far larger percentage increase than in nearly any other year we've seen over the last couple of decades," Rosenfeld says.

When there's a spike in the numbers like that, criminologists look to see if it correlates with other trends — such as a surge in the illegal drug trade, or a wave of ex-convicts getting released from prison.


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Who would've thunk it? I mean you turn all these criminals loose and then harass the police into not going into the high crime areas and crime goes up. Wow amazing. :drippingsarcasm7pa:

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