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Sen. Claire McCaskill: "Trump And His Friend Putin" Are The Real Founders Of ISIS


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MCCASKILL: Well, you can — there’s a lot of reasons that ISIS rose up. One of them was the status of forces agreement known as SOFA that Bush negotiated. We couldn’t leave our troops in Iraq even if the president wanted to because the parliament in Iraq was refusing to give them immunity. Now, Trump probably thinks the SOFA, the status of forces agreement, is a gilded couch at Mar-A-Lago. He probably doesn’t know what SOFA is. But that was a very relevant part of this. It was also important to realize that Assad, by what he did in his country, allowed ISIS to move into what was then Iraq — al Qaeda in Iraq into Syria and get strongholds and recruit. That was the work and support of Putin who is Trump’s best buddy. So, you can say Trump and his friend Putin are the founder of ISIS, which probably would be more accurate than calling out the commander-in-chief in that way.


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Guilt by association makes Trump culpable ?? Then Hillary is why Vince Fister is dead. 

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McCaskill has the audacity to blame Trump for ISIS. Trump who was not in Office at the time and has never been in office  and has had no power to impact events on the international stage that is ludicrous. But what is even more ludicrous is that the media did not crucify her for stating that Trump founded ISIS like they crucified Trump for saying Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. 


Where were CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. Where were multiple days of press articles castigating McCaskill.  What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

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5 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

McCaskill has the audacity to blame Trump for ISIS. Trump who was not in Office at the time and has never been in office  and has had no power to impact events on the international stage that is ludicrous. But what is even more ludicrous is that the media did not crucify her for stating that Trump founded ISIS like they crucified Trump for saying Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. 


Where were CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. Where were multiple days of press articles castigating McCaskill.  What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

You are not keeping up. Putin was so psyched up after becoming BFFs with Trump that he created ISIS just to impress The Donald.

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Brick Tamland has a higher IQ than Claire....she's what we used to call "retarded"...I guess now I just have to say "special".  

I want to see a convention of states.  I think that freedom of the press amendment sorely needs re-evaluating.  

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