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Independent ( not MSM cartel ) Poll : Trumpster has huge lead


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By: Devvy
August 15, 2016


Last week the Clinton media, that would be CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and rags like the LA & NY Times began a coordinated effort to promote a consenus that Donald Trump is toast. Unindicted serial criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, is ahead in all the polls so it's just a matter of time until Trump does down.

The NeverTrump dogs are still at it. Yeah, they are and no one cares. The media has been all a twitter for weeks trumpeting GOP elites (that would be globalist RINOs) refusing to endorse Trump because they would rather see Clinton in the Oval Office.

Dozens of Republicans urge RNC to spend money on congressional races, not Trump: "More than 75 Republicans have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to spend the party's money on helping secure the Republican majority in the Senate, not on Donald Trump's presidential campaign."

Let me see if I have this correctly. Put Hildebeast in the White House which will finally finish us off with a Republican controlled house and senate. Isn't that what we have now? A criminal impostor in the White House, a Democrat, with a Republican controlled house and senate we were promised two years ago would go after Barry Soeotro/Obama.

Dirty rats Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will get in bed with Hillary keeping our borders open, give amnesty to tens of millions of liars, cheats, thieves and murderers, that would be illegal aliens and continue importing thousands of Muslims with no proper vetting. Make no mistake: that includes jihadists. Take us into yet more wars, push through the final nail in our coffin (sovereignty as well as jobs) the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and spend us into the final collapse. Then there are 3-4 U.S. Supreme Court seats that will likely come up in the next four years. How many Republicans in the senate voted for agenda driven incompetents like Sotomayor and Kagan? Enough to get both on the bench.

Hildebeast Clinton can't even fill a high school gymnasium. THAT is a fact. No one is going to her rallies. Hillary can't fill a room while hundreds are consistently turned away at Trump rallies because of space availability. I want you to go look at these pictures because they tell a story that can't be ignored. These are from all over America:

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds
Hillary rally vs. Trump rally
DONALD TRUMP Breaks Elton John’s Record at Louisiana Arena – 12,000 at Rally!
Scroll to the bottom to see for yourself.
PHOTO ESSAY: Trump vs Hillary Crowd Comparison – Pictures Say a Thousand Words!
Trump Rally Overnight Stake Out in Wilmington Starts 12 Hours Before Event
You can also see photos of the massive turn outs on Trump's Facebook page

The turn out is the same for Hillary where ever she is appearing. 50 here, 150 there. It's like her supporters are there but no enthusiam. Sort of like going to the doctor for an enema. Or, perhaps they've seen these charts - do go look at them; source is U.S. Dept of Commerce. They show exactly what's going on and a lot of the blame can be put on the current incumbent Republican controlled house and senate who have refused to uphold their oath of office and have been spending trillions for unconstitutional cabinets and programs while giving the fraud in the White House nearly everything he wants for the past eight years.

Yet, if one is to believe the in-your-face propaganda by the Clinton controlled media, Trump is lost somewhere on the campaign trail while the majority of voters want their own destruction which translates to a vote for corrupt Hillary.

Wait a minute. All those polls you're hearing so much about on FOX and other networks from 'respected organizations' supposedly tell us what American voters want. Out of a sample of 803 voters or 642 voters or, gasp, as high as a poll calling 1,134 voters, all are for Clinton. She's leading! But, what happens when a group of individuals fed up with the media con game conducts their own poll?

PG Farnsworth We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.

Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.

Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.

Trump 33478 votes 67%

Clinton 9788 Votes 19%

Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%

50,000 registered voters from all 50 states vs 803 or 1,134 voters. The poll above was also taken from registered voter lists. 33% Republicans, 33% Democrats and 34% independents. Now, tell me Hildebeast is up 14% anywhere except Hollyweird.
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1 minute ago, Grumps said:

Now THAT's funny!


Yeah there really should be some sort of rule about posting satire without letting us know in advance. 


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I looked up your poll and because I'm a charitable soul did some math for you.


50000 calls, 13 people, "most of two weeks"


50000 calls / 13 people / 14 days = 275 calls per person per day, being generous with 14 days even though she wrote most of two weeks.


I received a call from a pollster once and it took several minutes. I think a reasonable time per call would 5 minutes, given "asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick."


275*5 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 22.9 hours. So these people spent around 23 hours a day to do this.


Your poll is horse hockey, Barnaby. Only and imbecile would take it seriously. Oh wait.


This is actually methodologically stupider than the "poll unskewing" four years ago, and we know how that turned out. There is no non-partisan poll, which is random and soundly performed, showing Hillary with a 29 point deficit. Qunnipiac, Pew, Rasmussuen, Harris, Gallup, Ipsos do real, methodologically sound, random polls. Whatever idiot performed yours, did not. 

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5 hours ago, DoctorBarnaby said:




Apparently math is even harder.

Put down the crack pipe, quit dropping acid, no more huffing paint thinner.  

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I think if a poll suggests Trump has over a three-to-one lead while every other national poll, even Fox News', shows Clinton leading, one should seriously question the accuracy and/or methodology of that poll.


I think when most of the advertising on a website consists of books and DVD's like TRUMPED: THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION ("a no-holds-barred exposé about the anti-American counter-revolution to destroy America from within');  New World Order - The Rise of Techno Feudalism ("The Power Elite’s plans include a one-world religion as well as a one-world government");  "The Anatomy of a Great Deception" ( 9/11 conspiracy theory film and commentary); PLUNDERED: How Progressive Idealogy is Detroying America ("Others are deliberately attempting to destroy the Americas free market system to establish a Marxist/Fascist/socialist government."),   A Prophesy of the Future of America ("The secret occult plan for America to be the center of the New World Order and the "New Atlantis"); and Saying No to Vaccines, one should seriously question the objectivity of that website.


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3 hours ago, quietfan said:

I think if a poll suggests Trump has over a three-to-one lead while every other national poll, even Fox News', shows Clinton leading, one should seriously question the accuracy and/or methodology of that poll.


I think when most of the advertising on a website consists of books and DVD's like TRUMPED: THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION ("a no-holds-barred exposé about the anti-American counter-revolution to destroy America from within');  New World Order - The Rise of Techno Feudalism ("The Power Elite’s plans include a one-world religion as well as a one-world government");  "The Anatomy of a Great Deception" ( 9/11 conspiracy theory film and commentary); PLUNDERED: How Progressive Idealogy is Detroying America ("Others are deliberately attempting to destroy the Americas free market system to establish a Marxist/Fascist/socialist government."),   A Prophesy of the Future of America ("The secret occult plan for America to be the center of the New World Order and the "New Atlantis"); and Saying No to Vaccines, one should seriously question the objectivity of that website.


Ya think?    :laugh:

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6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Ya think?    :laugh:

Hey, Quietfan's straight-to-the-point style is to be admired. :laugh:

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12 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

@DoctorBarnaby, I want to hear your no-troll, totally serious take on this.  If the election were held tomorrow, how close is the final result in the popular vote to this poll you posted?

Bump for Barnaby.

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On August 16, 2016 at 11:48 AM, TitanTiger said:

@DoctorBarnaby, I want to hear your no-troll, totally serious take on this.  If the election were held tomorrow, how close is the final result in the popular vote to this poll you posted?

Bump again

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On 8/16/2016 at 11:48 AM, TitanTiger said:

@DoctorBarnaby, I want to hear your no-troll, totally serious take on this.  If the election were held tomorrow, how close is the final result in the popular vote to this poll you posted?


Well ..... let us ALL hope , for the sake of the country , it turns out about like this ( below ) .  We can not afford a   " BILLARY  Clinton "  economy .

What Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

  • Donald Trump (82%, 16,013 Votes)
  • Hillary Clinton (9%, 1,735 Votes)
  • Jill Stein (6%, 1,098 Votes)
  • Gary Johnson (3%, 618 Votes)

Total Voters: 19,464

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1 hour ago, Bigbens42 said:

You're going to need this come November


Normally, I appreciate and respect your posts.  Normally, I would be very reluctant to challenge you.  However, in this case, I believe you are in error.  

This is will not help Dr. Barnaby now, in November, or ever.    

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7 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Normally, I appreciate and respect your posts.  Normally, I would be very reluctant to challenge you.  However, in this case, I believe you are in error.  

This is will not help Dr. Barnaby now, in November, or ever.    

I swear if he didn't exist, I'd have to invent him. Probably win a Pulitzer for satire for it too.

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1 hour ago, DoctorBarnaby said:


Well ..... let us ALL hope , for the sake of the country , it turns out about like this ( below ) .  We can not afford a   " BILLARY  Clinton "  economy .

What Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

  • Donald Trump (82%, 16,013 Votes)
  • Hillary Clinton (9%, 1,735 Votes)
  • Jill Stein (6%, 1,098 Votes)
  • Gary Johnson (3%, 618 Votes)

Total Voters: 19,464


That isn't the question I asked.  I asked whether you really believe the poll you posted.  How close to these outlier poll results do you believe the real election will be?

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Funny how people only believe the polls they want to believe.If one poll can be rigged they all can be rigged.

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1 minute ago, kd4au said:

Funny how people only believe the polls they want to believe.If one poll can be rigged they all can be rigged.

Lord have mercy they're multiplying

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Just now, Bigbens42 said:

Lord have mercy they're multiplying

Who's multiplying?I took no side just stated the facts.

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