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Breitbart and Fox News execs are at least


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Trump seems determined to lose this election. It's almost enough to make me start buying the conspiracy theory put forward by a few that his whole candidacy is part of the "rigged system" he talks about to elect Hillary Clinton.

So now, in a second major shakeup in just two months and only 82 days from election day, his campaign has a CEO-Steve Bannon, a campaign chairperson-Paul Manafort, and a campaign manager-Kellyanne Conway.  Who's actually in charge?  And is this how he'll handle his cabinet and staff if he gets in office?

The answer of course is that only Donald himself is in charge (sort of), and he can't stay on message and avoid his wild "Trumpisms" despite his staff's best efforts to rein in his mouth.  The term 'clusterf***' comes to my mind.

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It's only an issue when " the Right " does it. The Left have had a revolving door between Democrats and the media for decades, and NOW someone thinks this is untoward or crosses ethical lines  ? 


Hi- Larious. 

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

What has FOX News have to do with anything? Last I checked, Murdoch's boys fired Roger Ailes. You people will clutch at any straw wont you? You have the entire MSM serving as cheerleaders for Hillary and all you can do is whine and moan about FOX News and Breitbart? You really cant make this stuff up, its too bizarre.

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Ignore Stephanopolos was on Bill & Hillary's staff, and focus on a fired exec of FOX...  

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I don't have any problems with someone changing jobs or transitioning between corporate media and political staffing. Nothing unethical about it.  In many such cases however--including George Stephanopoulos, Roger Ailes, & Steve Bannon--a person's objectivity will always be questioned by some because of the perceived political leanings during the earlier job.

My comments were only regarding the perception of disarray in the Trump campaign that these changes and proliferation of titles create.

And while I wont speak for Tex's thoughts in the opening post, I took it to simply mean that Bannon's and Ailes' new jobs (If Ailes is indeed working for Trump although it seems the Trump people deny it) seem to confirm the bias that many of us already suspected and saw reflected in their news services.

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4 hours ago, TheBlueVue said:

What has FOX News have to do with anything? Last I checked, Murdoch's boys fired Roger Ailes. You people will clutch at any straw wont you? You have the entire MSM serving as cheerleaders for Hillary and all you can do is whine and moan about FOX News and Breitbart? You really cant make this stuff up, its too bizarre.

I could always know your posts even if the were anonymous.

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1 hour ago, quietfan said:

I don't have any problems with someone changing jobs or transitioning between corporate media and political staffing. Nothing unethical about it.  In many such cases however--including George Stephanopoulos, Roger Ailes, & Steve Bannon--a person's objectivity will always be questioned by some because of the perceived political leanings during the earlier job.

My comments were only regarding the perception of disarray in the Trump campaign that these changes and proliferation of titles create.

And while I wont speak for Tex's thoughts in the opening post, I took it to simply mean that Bannon's and Ailes' new jobs (If Ailes is indeed working for Trump although it seems the Trump people deny it) seem to confirm the bias that many of us already suspected and saw reflected in their news services.

I'll add that on air personalities may move between those worlds because their job is essentially communications. But how many heads of supposed news organizations have run presidential campaigns for Democrats? I can't think of any.

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