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USN - have anything glib to add ?


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I guess this speaks to the quality of the current military and government legal minds....the FBI director says he couldn't find a "competent" prosecutor that would take the Hillary case (meaning, a DOJ lawyer who wasn't afraid of retribution if they carried the case forward); yet we can find lawyers and prosecutors who will follow thru on the Brezler case.  How screwed up have we become as a society and our institutions when we systematically persecute those trying to defend the defenseless, we promote a culture of sexual predation, we defend a culture of corruption and rampant dishonesty; yet feel the need to prosecute someone who stands up for victims....real victims, not make believe celebrity victims.  Maybe Major Brezler should give money to the Clinton Foundation and see if he can get Hillary to intercede for him.   

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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

I guess this speaks to the quality of the current military and government legal minds....the FBI director says he couldn't find a "competent" prosecutor that would take the Hillary case (meaning, a DOJ lawyer who wasn't afraid of retribution if they carried the case forward); yet we can find lawyers and prosecutors who will follow thru on the Brezler case.  How screwed up have we become as a society and our institutions when we systematically persecute those trying to defend the defenseless, we promote a culture of sexual predation, we defend a culture of corruption and rampant dishonesty; yet feel the need to prosecute someone who stands up for victims....real victims, not make believe celebrity victims.  Maybe Major Brezler should give money to the Clinton Foundation and see if he can get Hillary to intercede for him.   

I guess it's a bureaucracy which believes in US exceptionalism, just like the boy rapey cultures of Afghanistan believe in THEIR own exceptionalism. 


Who are WE to judge ? 

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“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

― Joseph HellerCatch 22

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The facts in this case are not uncommon. We place our best in this position daily. The party that leads does not change the reality no matter their campaign promises. 

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