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Chasing success


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Weird title I know but hear me out.

Are we, the Auburn Family, and the Coaching staff (Gus) chasing success to much.  I mean every down to every play call.  At some point you have to build a foundation.  You have to take the lumps of a new QB throwing an INT, taking a sack, getting into a groove.  It's like we have to win so bad we can't develop anything just run a bunch of different plays in specialized packages and hope you get scores with it. He's a great play caller when everything is working but take away one aspect and everything falls apart.


So my question is... Is there so much pressure to win and win every game that he can't even build a foundation for success? Read into that what you will and maybe it makes sense...

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I have no doubt Gus is under a huge amount of pressure to win, but that's a standard part of the job and he's paid very well for it. Even if you're correct in your assessment, you can't deny that it's Gus's job to build that foundation we need, and to know how to handle the stress and expectations that come with the job. It's also his job to evaluate the players we have and build schemes and plays that fit the strengths of those players.


If you're asking if Auburn is placing too much pressure on him to win, then the answer is no. At least no more than every other major program in the SEC.

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AU played 3 QB's randomly for no reason whatsoever.  Did we do that in 2010 or '13/14?  No.  Why?  Because we had a clear leader at QB who was the best on the team and could run the ENTIRE offense better than the other guys. AU does not have that this year.  There is no D-1 QB on this roster (at least none that aren't redshirts).  So Gus tries to get cute and play all three of them to their "strengths."  

The problem is this kills their confidence and kills the momentum of the drive.  And it looks stupid on TV and makes the announcers (and everyone else watching) laugh at us.  Gus would be better off saying "Sean is our guy and we're going to sink or swim with him."  If Sean makes mistakes, no big deal.  Let him stay in there and take his lumps.  He will get better.  Having one QB would be be better than the bizarre spectacle we had to watch tonight.  Even Sammie Coates tweeted basically saying "WTF."

The fact AU has no QB is why Gus got so pissy at the presser after the game ("Are you going to ask me that again?")  He knows AU is in big trouble and is headed for disaster.  You're not going to have a good season with no QB.  This is coaching 101.  The defense can only carry the team so far.

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No that wasn't my internal thought.  More along the lines of to much of a perfectionist he can't accept being called on his bluff, being out schemed, being to confident in his abilities instead of working on the base and build from it.  

Yoy know like thinking of we line up 2 QBs in the back field and snap it to the fullback we will trick them, out smart them.

like I have said in a huge Gus fan but starting to remind me of Tater Tot.  He thought he didn't need to recruit because his play calling and scheme was superior. Time for someone to man up and get in some ass and get this crap fixed at least be able to run the buck, the counter, the power, the bubble screen and an out route  with regular success against a base front

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I don't know how you're building a foundation by rotating a true senior, redshirt (?) junior, and redshirt sophomore game after game


sounds like building for success would be playing Woody, but playing a true freshman is too much for Gus

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There is absolutely no way this idiotic rotation of Qbs can continue.. Pick your guy and build a game plan around his strengths.. That is the only way we will win games this year.. 

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I'm starting to think that 2010 and 2013 were perfect storm seasons. 2010 season we had Cam Newton, considered the best QB to play on the SEC ever and arguably collegiate athletics. 

2013 we had the horses to run all day, everyday. We literally ran the same 3 plays with play action here and there. Not to mention we had a lot of breaks. 


In 2014 , things balanced out and when the breaks aren't there, coaching matters.

Talent can't always help you beat other talented teams. Sometimes coaching and strategy is very much needed to take you over the top.

This team is very talented and because of such we should at least win 7 games. Coaching is going to have to be better if we expect to beat LSU, UGA, Ole miss or the aggies.

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