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Auburn 13 Clemson 19 - Postgame Pressers


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6 minutes ago, RunInRed said:

I thought this quote was in reference to someone asking if he would play 3 QBs at the same time?

Nevertheless, I wasnt expecting this. We wasted so many series last night.

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Woke up this morning thinking last night was a dream. It had to be a dream! That couldn't have been real...the fact that we basically played 5 QBs but then i checked the score and it was real. And the fact that we planned to play musical chairs with our QBs and will do so going forward...just made it a nightmare. 

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Gus had two great seasons at Auburn, one as an OC and one as a HC, each with a QB with transcendent athletic abilities at the QB position.  Outside of that, he has been mediocre, and looks to be outclassed as a coach more often than not. 

He seems to at best be an idiot savant, like Les Miles, yet without certain positives that even Les has.

The quasi-nepotism of the Lashlee hire was a big warning sign to begin with.  I think Craig and Grimes both recognized that it would be wise to move on when they did. 

Hiring Kodi, who isn't qualified yet to be an SEC wide receivers coach is another warning sign.  But that fiasco of a game plan last night...whatever magic Gus had as a playcaller is long gone, and his player development skills are severely lacking.

The defense looked much improved.  But the offense has regressed if anything.  It will be a long season...




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1 hour ago, AU Counsel said:

Gus had two great seasons at Auburn, one as an OC and one as a HC, each with a QB with transcendent athletic abilities at the QB position.  Outside of that, he has been mediocre, and looks to be outclassed as a coach more often than not. 

He seems to at best be an idiot savant, like Les Miles, yet without certain positives that even Les has.

The quasi-nepotism of the Lashlee hire was a big warning sign to begin with.  I think Craig and Grimes both recognized that it would be wise to move on when they did. 

Hiring Kodi, who isn't qualified yet to be an SEC wide receivers coach is another warning sign.  But that fiasco of a game plan last night...whatever magic Gus had as a playcaller is long gone, and his player development skills are severely lacking.

The defense looked much improved.  But the offense has regressed if anything.  It will be a long season...

And some were against Craig being our OC. After what we saw last night....i'd hire Craig in a second to be our OC.  

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Look i was on record as stating that i think long term JF3 would give us the best chance to win more games. However, i certainly understood starting SW against a team like Clemson. However, that was just embarrassing and totally wrong how they did Sean W.! I thought JJ had found something then we were brought back to reality with his INT. I think 2 QBs can work IF the HC/OC knows what the heck he's doing. Clearly neither one of ours does! 

A 2 QB system isn't going to work if we don't allow JF3 to run or throw it. We might as well give opposing teams our playbook. And he wants to use ALL 3 of them??!! That was the worst offensive playcalling i've ever seen in my life! I feel so bad for our players b/c they played their butts off and the main person that's suppose to put us in great positions to win the game basically botched the game! I can take losing it was about how we lost! We should've won that game by 2 TDs the way our defense was playing. The fact that we still almost won the game is amazing as it shows just how talented our players our in spite of those that are leading them. WDE anyway! 

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Goodness. Well, I didn't think his (Gus) pressed was as bad as some were making it out to be. I do think we will see an improved offense and am guessing it will be Sean with a bit of JF3 and hardly any JJ. KJ was a bright light last year and IMO continues to be. I liked his interview and am really proud that he plays for us. 

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I just watched the game for the first time in its entirety this AM (OOT last pm w/o TV access). Likely the worst offensive game plan i've ever seen (including the 3-2 TF debacle in 2008). At least CTT could say he was a defensive minded coach. I've been off the CGM wagon for a while. I was hopeful, as were all, following the 2013 year, but early into 2014 it was easy to see offensive tendencies and predictability. CGM is stubborn beyond repair. After watching the Turd's highlights with a freshman QB, it's easy to see why any highly ranked QB would choose them over us. People who say the Turds are buying QB's from us are just missing the picture that's right in front of them. If you were a 4-5 star QB, who would you play for? Win NC's or play for a coach who is so far over his head he has no idea what to do. His play calling reminds me of the South Park episode making fun of Family Guy. We just need to figure out where Gus keeps the manatees....WDE all!

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55 minutes ago, tigerfangs said:

 So, I think he said he might play 3 going forward. Unbelievable. 

I'd be OK with it if:

1. Sean plays and is the primary all game.

2. JF3 comes in for wildcat on occasion.

3. JJ mops up in the fourth quarter if we're blowing the opposition out. 

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24 minutes ago, Eagle-1 said:

well, I guess he owned it. That sh%& show we all just watched was their plan!!!

And looks like it will be the plan going forward.

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I counted 6 times he referred to Clemson as one of the best teams in college football as if to deflect focus (and blame) for his poor offensive performance.  Sorry Gus; that is a loser attitude.  We are AU and we have the talent and tradition to have a different mindset.  We are as good and very capable of beating any team.  You don't get any points because your game plan and play calling was embarrassing and pathetic.  You didn't confuse Clemson; you confused our players with the QB changes.  You were asked about over and over because EVERYONE questions your qb carousel.  And instead of acting like obama by calling out reporters for daring to question your decisions, you owe an explanation.  Why?  Why do you think that is a good game plan?  Why do you think the substitutions don't affect tempo.  Why didn't yu use KP in short yardage instead of tippy toes JJ?  I could go on and on.  You sir are a pathetic coach and way over your head at a Div 1 SEC program.

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Why on earth gameplan to have certain qbs run certain plays? The more I think about this game the more frustrating it is. I don't know what the answer is but that was complete garbage. 

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24 minutes ago, ClaytonAU said:

What they did to Sean White last night was despicable. They didn't put him in a position to do well or win. 

Agree! That is what made me get real heated! I was more of a JF3 supporter but I'm so mad how they did SW! Yes, he did struggle some in the redzone but we get in a hole and then we want him to get us out on 3rd and longs? 

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7 minutes ago, Bigbens42 said:

I'd be OK with it if:

1. Sean plays and is the primary all game.

2. JF3 comes in for wildcat on occasion.

3. JJ mops up in the fourth quarter if we're blowing the opposition out. 

The only way i'd be ok with JJ playing. But we have to allow JF3 to throw and run if we're going to use him. Otherwise it makes not since to use him at all. 

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Does Gus not realize ... The opponent knows the short white guy, the big black guy and the little black guy ... All with different numbers on their chest ... Are each running the same limited number of the same plays.  Does he not realize the other teams eyeballs can tell the difference between the 3.

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His conference was the biggest Bull S_ _ _ I've heard in a long, long time...There is no way someone in his position can 'spew' that garbage....'they did things we weren't prepared for'...well Clemson was more prepared for our 3 QB's then our on team....listen to the footage from the players....

Can we NOT coach a QB up????

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Nothing he can say to make us feel better. Why do we expect a different result? 


Onto Arkansas State. 

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