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A little sleuth work...


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  Im doing a little traveling and Im going to be in Utica NY this saturday.  My mom was born here and lived here until she was 5 years old which would be from from around 1935 to 1940 . My goal is to try and find her house. She remembers a little because she went back to see her house when she was 18, but she does not remember the physical address.  All we know is that its on Genesee street,  and that its on a corner at an intersection and we think we figured out the general area, and even have a house that might fit the description, but we are not sure.  We have records from ancestery.com of them living in the city, but no phisical address there, I even sent an email to the county records, but I havent seen anything yet. Im thinking, that If I cant figure it out online, I may be able to go someplace in utica and look up records while Im there? Im just not sure where exactly. Any Ideas?

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Call the public library there. They may have local history stuff in their archives. If not, try the tax assessors office. I'm suspecting that there would be tax records going all the way back historically. But you'd have to go there in person to look at the records, I'd think.


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