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President Trump donates 1st quarter POTUS salary to...


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18 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

And now we get to the meat on the bone.I have never condoned any man sexually assaulting women. Deplore that.You guys gather like sharks around  anyone that does not jump on this board and whine about trump everyday. get a life.

Get a conscience.

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18 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

List of all the other Presidents who voluntarily gave up their salary and donated it ? 


Newsflash - cuts in govt are coming. That's a fact. Happens now or happens later. Is Trump a bit of egomaniac ? Tell us all something we don't know. 



List all the presidents who didn't produce any tax returns. All who kept multiple domestic and international businesses and didn't divest from them. All who played golf every weekend at his own resort on taxpayers dime while also profiting off foriegn dignitaries stay there. Whose wife lived in a separate location costing 4-5 million a week in security. That salary he donated ain't shiet compared to what he is taking off the top. And the only reason he ran to begin with is to legislate tax breaks for himself and his peers. You are not his peer. He will step on you like he does everyone else. You will feel it and probably find a way to blame it all on Obama. 

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31 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

List of all the other Presidents who voluntarily gave up their salary and donated it ? 

Who gives a s***?  Donate and shut up.  Act like a guy whose ego isn't the size of a small planet.




Newsflash - cuts in govt are coming. That's a fact. Happens now or happens later. Is Trump a bit of egomaniac ? Tell us all something we don't know. 



Yet he picks cuts that won't make a dent while boosting a defense budget by $54 billion that's already larger than the next 8 largest militaries in the world combined.  He wastes tens of millions of taxpayer dollars keeping his wife and kid in Trump Tower instead of moving them to the White House like every president before him.

Don't be a sucker.

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12 minutes ago, alexava said:

List all the presidents who didn't produce any tax returns.

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, ...Abe Lincoln 




There are many. 

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26 minutes ago, alexava said:

List all the presidents who didn't produce any tax returns. All who kept multiple domestic and international businesses and didn't divest from them. All who played golf every weekend at his own resort on taxpayers dime while also profiting off foriegn dignitaries stay there. Whose wife lived in a separate location costing 4-5 million a week in security. That salary he donated ain't shiet compared to what he is taking off the top. And the only reason he ran to begin with is to legislate tax breaks for himself and his peers. You are not his peer. He will step on you like he does everyone else. You will feel it and probably find a way to blame it all on Obama. 

Melania is staying staying in Trump Tower until Barron finishes his school year. You have something against good caring homemaker moms Alex?

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11 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Melania is staying staying in Trump Tower until Barron finishes his school year. You have something against good caring homemaker moms Alex?

Other presidents with children somehow managed to not need taxpayers to pay $4-5 million a week for additional security by keeping them in their hometown.  Trump isn't some special flower that requires this.  Neither is Barron.

And don't even try to pretend that if Obama had done this with his girls, costing this kind of money to protect them in another city, that you and the rest of conservative America wouldn't have been raising holy hell about it.

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6 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Other presidents with children somehow managed to not need taxpayers to pay $4-5 million a week for additional security by keeping them in their hometown.  Trump isn't some special flower that requires this.  Neither is Barron.

And don't even try to pretend that if Obama had done this with his girls, costing this kind of money to protect them in another city, that you and the rest of conservative America wouldn't have been raising holy hell about it.

Well Titan if we are paying $4-5 million a week for additional security someone must see Trump and Barron as special flower requiring this.

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7 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

And today he is a tax fraud - lock him up!!

Paid  more than obama & Hillary combined!! Way to go Trump!! 

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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

Well Titan if we are paying $4-5 million a week for additional security someone must see Trump and Barron as special flower requiring this.

You can't be this dumb. 

The only reason we're having to pay it is because the selfish Trump family won't get their careless, greedy asses to D.C.  We have to protect the First Family. THEY don't have to be in NYC. 

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27 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

You can't be this dumb. 

The only reason we're having to pay it is because the selfish Trump family won't get their careless, greedy asses to D.C.  We have to protect the First Family. THEY don't have to be in NYC. 

And to boot the security challenge at Trump tower is a freaking nightmare. There numerous foreign entities...cough... Foreign Service Intel agencies...cough. as tenants in the tower. Not to mention the location and physical building layout.

Millions of other American families move their children to new schools because of a job change. Trump can do the same.

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$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov

$30,750,000 - cost for Melania to stay in Trump Tower so far

$21,000,000 - Mar-a-Lago stays

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3 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov

$30,750,000 - cost for Melania to stay in Trump Tower so far

$21,000,000 - Mar-a-Lago stays

cites ? 

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7 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov

$30,750,000 - cost for Melania to stay in Trump Tower so far

$21,000,000 - Mar-a-Lago stays

And don't forget the adult childrens' trips for business and pleasure and the security costs there. 

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15 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

And to boot the security challenge at Trump tower is a freaking nightmare. There numerous foreign entities...cough... Foreign Service Intel agencies...cough. as tenants in the tower. Not to mention the location and physical building layout.

Millions of other American families move their children to new schools because of a job change. Trump can do the same.

One of my closest friends is the wife of an Air Force member. They've lived in Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Guam and currently North Dakota. Rarely do their moves coincide with school and their children have changed schools often in the middle of the school year. Military Families  do this all the time. 

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19 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

And don't forget the adult childrens' trips for business and pleasure and the security costs there. 

More fake news. 

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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

You can't be this dumb. 

The only reason we're having to pay it is because the selfish Trump family won't get their careless, greedy asses to D.C.  We have to protect the First Family. THEY don't have to be in NYC. 

Not reputing that Titan. Reputing the comment " no special flower". you can't be that dumb.

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2 hours ago, AUUSN said:

$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov

$30,750,000 - cost for Melania to stay in Trump Tower so far

$21,000,000 - Mar-a-Lago stays

$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov

hell uv a pay cut. trump is a true American

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