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Hillary Snuggled Up to The Russians Too

Proud Tiger

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4 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

 My original question was to another poster anyhow, not to you. Good day.

One other thing - if you want to have a discussion with one person in particular, then don't post it on a public message board.  That's what PMs and emails are for.  If you choose to post on a thread on this forum, be ready to have it addressed by anyone who has access to the site.

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@Proud Tiger

Here's what's really going down.  You're doing a "manual ignore" not because I'm unfair, and not because I'm easily 'butthurt', or any such thing.  The problem is that you don't argue your points well.  You rarely, if ever, engage the actual points.  You fall back on pointing fingers at Democrats and liberals rather than dealing with the things Trump or conservatives are doing (and what happens to be the subject at hand).  You dismiss sources you don't like without showing where they are wrong.  You insinuate (or flat out accuse) the person posting of being biased and unfair, rather than pointing out the actual flaws in their logic or where their presented facts are in error.

So do whatever you want.  When I'm in a thread that you post something I think is off, I will say so.  You can sack up and answer or you can keep "not engaging," but you'll do so minus the pretense of it being anyone's fault but your own.

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55 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

The answer to the question of who the "they" is in "They said Russia preferred Trump" is the Central Intelligence Agency. 

But he says the Russians preferred Hillary Elle. Who are we to Believe?


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8 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

The one not named "Trump" and who isn't trying to deflect undue attention away from his son.

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4 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Well, consider the source. You have an agency whose purpose it is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and desseminate foreign intelligence saying Russia preferred Trump. And you have a 71 year old toddler who lies are so numerous that they rival grains of sand in a full dump truck. I'm going with the CIA on this one.

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3 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Well, consider the source. You have an agency whose purpose it is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and desseminate foreign intelligence saying Russia preferred Trump. And you have a 71 year old toddler who lies are so numerous that they rival grains of sand in a full dump truck. I'm going with the CIA on this one.

Elle, you know that the CIA is part of the establishment who hates Trump.  All the criticism is just lies to try and bring him down.

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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:

Elle, you know that the CIA is part of the establishment who hates Trump.  All the criticism is just lies to try and bring him down.

I also know what it must have felt like to be in Jonestown watching people drink kool aid. 

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6 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

This is dancing around a question.:party: If you can't or are not willing to back up a statement, then you shouldn't put it out there.

Nice to see someone else who recognizes dancing. Guess it's because there are no stars here.....just wannabees:Sing:

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44 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

The question was roughly ignored because it would be the same as an AU alum asking if we are Tigers or Eagles. 

I didn't take the question seriously. I still can't. 

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44 minutes ago, alexava said:

I didn't take the question seriously. I still can't. 

I completely understand. I'm an educator so answering questions is reflexive. 

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1 hour ago, alexava said:

I didn't take the question seriously. I still can't. 

As politely as I can.........I asked what I thought was a reasonable question. Yes I was serious. If it came across as dumb so be it. But we were discussing Russians and you said "they" and my intent was to ask "what Russians". I have seen all sorts insinuations about Russian interference but no hard proof. I thought that was why we now had a Special Counsel.

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1 hour ago, Proud Tiger said:

As politely as I can.........I asked what I thought was a reasonable question. Yes I was serious. If it came across as dumb so be it. But we were discussing Russians and you said "they" and my intent was to ask "what Russians". I have seen all sorts insinuations about Russian interference but no hard proof. I thought that was why we now had a Special Counsel.

So you don't consider the director of the FBI testifying under oath that Russia meddle in US elections to aid Trump as "hard proof"? You don't consider the CIA Director stating in no uncertain terms that Russia meddled to help Trump as "hard proof"?

Please define hard proof for me as you understand it. 

And fwiw, the special counsel isn't investigating whether or not Russia meddled. They are investigating whether or not anyone in the Trump team colluded with Russia. DTJ and Manafort testify Wednesday. Kushner testimony will be closed doors. 

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20 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You're uninformed. Willfully.

Dog bark noted. Thank you for playing.  

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12 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

At some point the Trump groupies are going to have to come to terms with the fact that Hillary lost.

Probably won't win any awards for one of your finer points, but I found it hilarious regardless. And reading some of these posts, comedy is welcomed. Thank you for that. 

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12 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

At some point the Trump groupies are going to have to come to terms with the fact that Hillary lost.

So you get a pass if you don't win an election now? If you're overtures don't get you influence or get you the relationship with a foreign government that you want, then it won't be important if you didn't win?  ................... 

Man, you learn something new everyday.

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1 hour ago, Auburnfan91 said:

So you get a pass if you don't win an election now? If you're overtures don't get you influence or get you the relationship with a foreign government that you want, then it won't be important if you didn't win?  ................... 

Man, you learn something new everyday.


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1 minute ago, TitanTiger said:


So Trump is all you want to focus on?


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2 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

So you don't consider the director of the FBI testifying under oath that Russia meddle in US elections to aid Trump as "hard proof"? You don't consider the CIA Director stating in no uncertain terms that Russia meddled to help Trump as "hard proof"?  absolutely not " hard proof" Elle 

Please define hard proof for me as you understand it. 

And fwiw, the special counsel isn't investigating whether or not Russia meddled. They are investigating whether or not anyone in the Trump team colluded with Russia. DTJ and Manafort testify Wednesday. Kushner testimony will be closed doors. 

They are investigating whether or not anyone in the Trump team colluded with Russia

We know Elle. Meddling is another day at the office. Collusion for the Trump Presidency is a joke and I would think you know it. CNN and the likes have made that thing a joke. 


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Just now, Auburnfan91 said:

So Trump is all you want to focus on?

Trump is our president.  Hillary is not.  She is not relevant.  Nothing she did or didn't do makes one whit of difference as to what Trump did.  Had Hillary won, what Trump did would not be relevant to the discussion either.

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1 minute ago, SaltyTiger said:

They are investigating whether or not anyone in the Trump team colluded with Russia

We know Elle. Meddling is another day at the office. Collusion for the Trump Presidency is a joke and I would think you know it. CNN and the likes have made that thing a joke. 


For a joke there sure are a lot of people within the Trump campaign meeting with Russians. And Trump has been highly critical of Obamacare, the media, Megyn Kelley, POW's, China, Merkel, America,etc. but has never criticized Putin or Russia. 

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4 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

For a joke there sure are a lot of people within the Trump campaign meeting with Russians. And Trump has been highly critical of Obamacare, the media, Megyn Kelley, POW's, China, Merkel, America,etc. but has never criticized Putin or Russia. 

A lot of people? Meeting with "Boris and Nastasha" make a good movie. Wake up Elle. Trump campaigned on ousting Obamacare. Never heard of person voting for him to beat on old buddy Vlad.

Russia would not be in any conversation had Hillary won and you know it.

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4 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

A lot of people? Meeting with "Boris and Nastasha" make a good movie. Wake up Elle. Trump campaigned on ousting Obamacare. Never heard of person voting for him to beat on old buddy Vlad.

Russia would not be in any conversation had Hillary won and you know it.

Why would they be?

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1 hour ago, Auburnfan91 said:

So you get a pass if you don't win an election now? If you're overtures don't get you influence or get you the relationship with a foreign government that you want, then it won't be important if you didn't win?  ................... 

Man, you learn something new everyday.

Well, you certainly get a pass for being responsible for what the winners of the election are doing. :-\

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