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Hillary Snuggled Up to The Russians Too

Proud Tiger

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2 minutes ago, alexava said:

Why would they be?

Opposition research is what I understand. You seem to be a practical person. Really - a "toddler" with no chance of winning being able to steal or "collude" the Presidency? Lot of mileage being sought from that story.  

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6 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Opposition research is what I understand. You seem to be a practical person. Really - a "toddler" with no chance of winning being able to steal or "collude" the Presidency? Lot of mileage being sought from that story.  

So, do you think Trump is presidential? 

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

Trump is our president.  Hillary is not.  She is not relevant.  Nothing she did or didn't do makes one whit of difference as to what Trump did.  Had Hillary won, what Trump did would not be relevant to the discussion either.

Once the Russia-Trump campaign investigation is completed, and if there are no charges, will you still think it's relevant to talk about the investigation or will you stop talking about it like you have the Hillary investigation?

Or will you still talk about it since Trump would still be president?


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2 hours ago, Auburnfan91 said:

Once the Russia-Trump campaign investigation is completed, and if there are no charges, will you still think it's relevant to talk about the investigation or will you stop talking about it like you have the Hillary investigation?

Or will you still talk about it since Trump would still be president?


get a grip on reality, this is not a game, this is about our kids future, our future.  Actually watch real news and not s*** u wanna hear news.  Just cuz a a billionaire claimes fake news, does not mean believe the notorious liar

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9 hours ago, Auburnfan91 said:

Once the Russia-Trump campaign investigation is completed, and if there are no charges, will you still think it's relevant to talk about the investigation or will you stop talking about it like you have the Hillary investigation?

If they do a thorough investigation, and there aren't any subsequent findings or incidents afterward, I don't really see why I would continue discussing it.

You keep turning this into another "but what about the other guys!?!" issue when it's not.  


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10 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

A lot of people? Meeting with "Boris and Nastasha" make a good movie. Wake up Elle. Trump campaigned on ousting Obamacare. Never heard of person voting for him to beat on old buddy Vlad.

Russia would not be in any conversation had Hillary won and you know it.

Yes. Manafort has ties to Russia. Sessions met with Russians. DTJ and Kushner met with Russians along with Manafort to get dirt on HRC. And there's Trump's adamant refusal to condemn Russia for meddling. A lot of people.

If Hillary were president, I wouldn't be worried about people losing healthcare or America's presence on the global stage. And trust me, she wouldn't have been manipulated by Putin at the G20. 


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6 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Yes. Manafort has ties to Russia. Sessions met with Russians. DTJ and Kushner met with Russians along with Manafort to get dirt on HRC. And there's Trump's adamant refusal to condemn Russia for meddling. A lot of people.

If Hillary were president, I wouldn't be worried about people losing healthcare or America's presence on the global stage. And trust me, she wouldn't have been manipulated by Putin at the G20. 


So Manafort has ties, Sessions met with a Russian, Junior and Jared met with the gal for a few minutes. That is "hard proof " of collusion Elle.

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9 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

So Manafort has ties, Sessions met with a Russian, Junior and Jared met with the gal for a few minutes. That is "hard proof " of collusion Elle.

I never said it was hard proof of collusion. Keep up Salty. But it is very suspicious that the country that our IC states emphatically meddled in our elections to help Trump has had meetings with several in the Trump camp. 

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Trump has been laundering Russia mafia money for years.  That's going to be the "real" finding.  

As far as collusion, Russia clearly was trying to help the Trump campaign. Whether or not the Trump campaign played a key roll in assisting them - or simply joyfully accepted it - is moot.  Trump Jr. made that plain by his own words.

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

And your point is....?

Just saw it on the Drudge and sharing it Homie. Any problem with that? You mentioned it a few post above. 

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3 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Just saw it on the Drudge and sharing it Homie. Any problem with that? You mentioned it a few post above. 

Well, what do you think about it?  

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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, what do you think about it?  

I think it may get interesting to answer your question at the moment. Is private citizen Trump laundering Russian Mafia money an impeachable offense or would he have to "make America great again" from prison?


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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

I think it may get interesting to answer your question at the moment. Is private citizen Trump laundering Russian Mafia money an impeachable offense or would he have to "make America great again" from prison?

Sorry, but you'll need to restate that. It doesn't make sense to me.

As far as I understand it, an impeachable crime is anything the house and senate determines as such.  "High crimes or misdemeanors" is a pretty broad definition. 

Regardless, I think a sitting president's criminal history would be good for the American people to know. Especially if it involves a colluding with a hostile country whether it be for the purpose of getting elected or not.   

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27 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Sorry, but you'll need to restate that. It doesn't make sense to me.

As far as I understand it, an impeachable crime is anything the house and senate determines as such.  "High crimes or misdemeanors" is a pretty broad definition

Regardless, I think a sitting president's criminal history would be good for the American people to know. Especially if it involves a colluding with a hostile country whether it be for the purpose of getting elected or not.   

Restated. My only thoughts at this time: If this Russian mafia money laundering holds water things will get interesting.

Maybe its just my thinking or coincidence, seems like Drudge has been posting a lot of anti-Trump articles lately. Seems out of the norm for Drudge. 

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11 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

If they do a thorough investigation, and there aren't any subsequent findings or incidents afterward, I don't really see why I would continue discussing it.

You keep turning this into another "but what about the other guys!?!" issue when it's not.  


I'd be more receptive to your position if you and others you agree with weren't so one sided in the point you make. It's not the point itself that I have an issue with, it's the one sidedness in which it's aimed that I take issue with.

So by the "whataboutism" standard, isn't it also fair to tell Democrats and other anti-Trump people that after the Russia-Trump investigation is completed, and if there are no charges, that they do just like they did after the Hilary investigation was completed and quit talking about it?

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