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Hillary Snuggled Up to The Russians Too

Proud Tiger

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Tex is absolutely right. Google is a thing these days, guys. The only reason you'd be this uninformed is if you wanted to be. 

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8 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Whining? Forget and leave it alone. Should make you happy Elle.

It doesn't make me happy that we have a POTUS who giddily wants people to die because they don't have insurance just so he can get a swipe in at his predecessor. 

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

It doesn't make me happy that we have a POTUS who giddily wants people to die because they don't have insurance just so he can get a swipe in at his predecessor. 

Sounds like you have been listening to Pelosi again.

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9 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Educate yourself. You have to want to be ignorant to not know this.

This is dancing around a question.:party: If you can't or are not willing to back up a statement, then you shouldn't put it out there.

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I started to link where trump himself admits it. But it's futile to those whose head resides in their anus. 

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44 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Sounds like you have been listening to Pelosi again.

Actually I listened to Trump. He is obsessed with tearing down Obama's accomplishments. Heck if Obama had built a border wall Trump would be screaming to tear it down. 

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9 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

Tex is absolutely right. Google is a thing these days, guys. The only reason you'd be this uninformed is if you wanted to be. 

Part of my Professional Development included Google training if anyone needs help. ;)

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51 minutes ago, alexava said:

I started to link where trump himself admits it. But it's futile to those whose head resides in their anus. 

Rhetorical questions go right over their heads.

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25 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

You guys need to stop insinuating things about PT and Argo.

With that deflecting ability you could be a db on the football team Salty.

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13 hours ago, alexava said:

If Hillary was so cozy, so willing to give all our uranium to them..... Why in ----- sake did they prefer trump. 

Still waiting for your answer. At least you are silent. TexasTiger and his comrades in posts above can't answer either. Rather they just choose to call others ignorant. Time for you and them to put up or admit you can't.

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15 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Still waiting for your answer. At least you are silent. TexasTiger and his comrades in posts above can't answer either. Rather they just choose to call others ignorant. Time for you and them to put up or admit you can't.

Do you not read or watch news?

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6 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Still waiting for your answer. At least you are silent. TexasTiger and his comrades in posts above can't answer either. Rather they just choose to call others ignorant. Time for you and them to put up or admit you can't.

The answer to the question of who the "they" is in "They said Russia preferred Trump" is the Central Intelligence Agency. 

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5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Do you not read or watch news?

Only that which confirms his biases and/or doesn't contain any facts that might pop his ideological bubble, it seems.

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1 minute ago, Bigbens42 said:

Only that which confirms his biases and/or doesn't contain any facts that might pop his ideological bubble, it seems.


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24 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Still waiting for your answer. At least you are silent. TexasTiger and his comrades in posts above can't answer either. Rather they just choose to call others ignorant. Time for you and them to put up or admit you can't.

Of course we can answer. We thought y'all might have the wherewithal to, you know, find these easily available facts, many of which have been repeated ad nauseam on this forum.

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Just now, Proud Tiger said:

More yada yada and cute comments but no substance.

You act as if this discussion is being held in a vacuum.  

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3 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

You act as if this discussion is being held in a vacuum.  

I am no longer going to engage in discussions with you. It is hopeless and insulting and you end up butt hurt and I get a warning. My original question was to another poster anyhow, not to you. Good day.

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3 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I am no longer going to engage in discussions with you. It is hopeless and insulting and you end up butt hurt and I get a warning. My original question was to another poster anyhow, Good day. not to you.

Well, my point remains.  You evading it by hiding behind butthurt notwithstanding.

And the only time you get a warning is when you show your rear end.  Don't dodge and cast blame for your own actions.  

For the record, you've had one warning in the last 9 months, and it didn't come from me.  And it was for publicly complaining about moderation decisions.  So can it with the persecution complex.  If you choose not to engage, it isn't because other people get upset and slap you on the hand.  It's because you lose the arguments and can't handle it.

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3 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

I am no longer going to engage in discussions with you. It is hopeless and insulting and you end up butt hurt and I get a warning. My original question was to another poster anyhow, not to you. Good day.


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