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Do powerful Auburn people reach deep into their pocketbooks again and pull out the money for Malzahn’s buyout or do they allow their football program to lose millions more than the cost of the buyout while losing more games?

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2 minutes ago, redman443 said:

Do powerful Auburn people reach deep into their pocketbooks again and pull out the money for Malzahn’s buyout or do they allow their football program to lose millions more than the cost of the buyout while losing more games?

Donors are ready and willing. 

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4 hours ago, tacosman said:


so many overreactions in this thread.

1) Gus isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The guy was a few plays away from winning it all in 2013, and just last year won the sec west with two all-time performances at the end of the year.  The gus bus has a ton of gas left in it.

2) Gus is still a bigtime coach.  He's the only coach in america who gets under nick's skin and nick fears as well. He's got nick's number, and nick knows it

3) Gus is right to stick with JS.  These couple of rough games for JS may be a blessing in disguise if he ends up staying for his senior year instead of declaring for the nfl draft early

Thanks for the insights. We are in desperate need of some humor on this board.

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28 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

To my one true love other than my wife, 

Dear Auburn,
     I am writing you this under extreme emotional breakdown. I have loved you tirelessly since I first saw you. That's what makes this so sad. You have brought so much joy to my life. We have definitely had our share of fights.... Who doesn't... But we always make up. This past 3 months have been extremely stressful on me and our relationship. Looking back I saw all the signs...I should've seen the change in you sooner. I know I'm no angel in this... And I have changed. We all do. Maybe my expectations for you were just to high. Maybe I tried to change you in to what I wanted you to be. I know I have faults in this too. I just feel that we aren't on the same page anymore. I just feel like you take her for granted because you know I'm always going to be there and say "it's ok it will get better" and in the past you have done that... But lately I say that but things continue to get worse. You tell me you know what you need to fix and you continue to let me down. You tell me your taking accountability but you continue in your stubborn ways. I'm just to the point where I think we should take a step back. I still love you and if course I love the kids..... Please tell them this isn't their fault.... And I'm not bad at them. But right now I have to do something that is best for me. I have to get healthy and you need to get help. I will still show up on weekends to see the kids...I just need more out of you. And until you can show me you are capable of change I think there are changes in this relationship that he's to be made. I think I need time to myself... During the week I don't think we should see each other. I'll still visit in the weekends and check on the kids via Social media... But that will be it for now. I need you to learn who you can count on and who you can't. I need you to quit the bad habits. I need you to make some changes in your life. There are some people you have surrounded yourself that are bad for you. You need to get with the right crowd. So with that said, I married you and we will work this out but you have to change. I just can't take the abuse and the constant disappointment right now. I'll always Love you. These are just things that needed to be said. 

Escapee from Bryce

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For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

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To whom it may concern,

there comes a time where the public outcry and common sense align themselves; this is one of the rarest phenomena in these great United States of America. When these moments come we must, as rational beings gifted with sentience, break away from the sheep mentality and say no to continued atrocities.

Now, some may argue that oftentimes a creature in its infant stages simply doesn’t know better. This is why we may touch a hot stove once, and for the dense maybe twice, but we quickly learn to not make a habit of such self harming actions. When this same creature doesn’t learn from repeated mistakes natural selection takes place and the herd is thinned but better off.

Others will contend that the atrocities committed cannot be blamed solely upon one individual. This is true. However, those in charge inherent the burden of responsibility. The failures of a group shall always, given time, fall unto the lap of their leader. Leaders can take ownership of the failures but it becomes an empty gesture when things don’t visibly improve to their constituency.

Even still others will argue that an offender of repeated mistakes isn’t all bad. That, at times, they can actually be great and that the bad times aren’t indicative of their abilities to be better. This is the argument we often see from domestic abuse victims. It’s understandable, because reflexively we want to believe the better version of someone is their “true” form and the toxic version is some aberration. More often than not that is just denial or a desire to reject the ugly truth. The abuser is a bad person taking care of a self-benefiting situation; they only behave when they’re afraid of losing what they desire.

So, what atrocity am I speaking of? Quite simply it’s our head coach Gus Malzahn and the albatross of a contract he was given. Now I would like to make the case as to why we must cut the dead fruit off from the root.

First let’s review the career since some want to contend he’s done good things here at Auburn.


Washington State // Narrowly beats a bad Wazzu team that finished 6-7 on the year. 

Arkansas State // decent win but not by the margin we likely could or should have won. No gripe here.

Mississippi State // A narrow 4 point win against a bad Bulldogs team that barely finished with a winning record at 7-6.

LSU // an EMBARASSING 14 point loss at LSU. The faux Tigers had a good record but frankly had no business beating us that year. This begins an alarming trend.

Ole Miss // 8 point win wasn’t terrible but likely should have been a more comfortable win at home against a middling 4 loss Rebel team. 

Western Carolina // Snooze

Texas A&M // a fun win I’ll concede was good to watch. Defense could have played better but it was a shootout and we came up with the play when it mattered.

FAU, Arky, Tenn // Snooze big wins nice to see against SEC teams. FAU not worth mentioning in this season.

Georgia // the tip-touchdown was amazing and will be remembered forever. However, when I see it I’m also reminded that the game should have never been that close. I felt like we were leagues above that Dawg team and we let them keep up with us due to terrible defense.

Alabama // another fun game that I think we would have won even without the kick-six moment. I felt like we out played Bama the whole game but just let them hang in their and get more points than they deserved. Two back-to-back insane wins were exciting but equally troubling that we needed such things in order to win.

Missouri // defense played like trash and took another game that felt like we dominated and made it into a shootout. Tre Mason ran like a MAN possessed.

FSU // the only game I’ve never watched a replay of and refuse to do so. We should have three National Championships at Auburn. I solely lay it at Gus’ feet that we laid off the damn gas. We could have ran the score up on those CrimiNoles. This game still disgusts me and every time I see a FSU 2013 championship shirt I cringe and feel embarrassed we let those clowns win. 

Overall a good first year where Gus should have gotten a painful lesson through his thick skull to not let off the gas ever again. Frankly I despise the 2013 season. We took two of the greatest Auburn football moments and tainted the season they came from by letting an inferior FSU team steal what was ours. If a superior team beat us, whatever, it’s not Natty Champs or bust. But when you know you’re better and all you have to do is not turtle up... then it’s mind numbingly infuriating. Reminder, GUS set the bar of promising we’d make it back to a NC game.



I’ll shorten this up. EMBARASSING loss to Georgia and Mississippi State. We melted down at the end of the season finishing 1-4 and underperforming at yet another bowl game. This Georgia loss is in my top 20 least favorite losses. 5 losses on the season. Only moral victory of the year is we put up a lot of points on Bama.


Not sure how Gus wasn’t fired to be honest. Six losses. One of the worst losses to LSU again at LSU by an EMBARRASSING 24 point loss. Followed by a pathetic offensive showing against Mississippi State leading to another loss. Ended the year with an embarrassingly lame bowl game against Memphis. Amazed we won knowing Gus.


Five more losses. So three straight years with 5 or more losses. Defense starts getting better but the offense, which is what our coach is supposed to be good at, becomes utter trash. 19 points combined against Georgia and Alabama. Then some ass hole decided it was cute to put us against an Oklahoma team substantially better than us in every category. Another embarrassing loss that stroked Stoops anti-SEC flames.


Let’s be real here. Embarrassing losses to Clemson and LSU. Because we refuse to beat bad LSU teams. We completely blow the SECCG allowing both Georgia and Alabama into the national champ playoffs. No other coach has ever had a blunder of a performance that landed their TWO BIGGEST RIVALS in the damn championship game. How we beat both teams at any point is absolutely beyond me other than Kerryon was a monster and we had an amazing defense that had a legitimate edge rusher. Regardless of the circumstances 4 losses isn’t a good year. We are accepting mediocrity if we go with the “but he beat them two people we don’t like hurr durr”.

Now this s*** show we have before us in 2018. We will likely finish with 5 wins, a lot of transfers, and a lot of NFL early departures that go Undrafeted because it’s better than being on a sinking ship. Offense has continued to be trash and it has finally snapped the back of this defense mentally.

We have ONE season where Gus has lost less than 4 games... ONE. His first year where he inherited a team. There is nothing in his history to suggest future success.  The dude can coach when the job is on the line but chokes at bowl games and he’s cost us two national championships that were within reach. When teams have that extra time to prepare he will always choke and or lose. His only season with less than 4 losses was his first which most fans understand still has some carry over from the previous coach and the players they recruited.

Our recruiting rankings might continually be at all time highs but the players aren’t being developed and disciplined. We look like cold garbage which makes other hot garbage teams look like a fresh smoothie.

This is really bad. The excuses make no sense when you look at his track record. He has had plenty of time to catch on at this point and he’s not showing growth. At some point this has to end. Our games will not be sold out again until he is gone.

If you’re truly upset don’t go to the games. Something has to get through to the powers that be and it has to be financially. Don’t show up to the games if you really want change or show up with a brown paper bag.

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Just make him the highest paid shuttle bus driver till we get his buyout down. 

Let Steele or heck Garner take over. Worked out for Clemson and Dabo moving from WR coach to head coach. Might as well try it with one coach to see if he potentially could be the guy , nothing to lose rest of the season. You may say recruits but in all honesty PROBABLY our most loyal offensive recruits are thinking it already .


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5 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

He could win the rest of our games by +20 and he still needs to go. It is a pattern. I was hoping for the best and that’s on me. Something is obviously wrong. How does a team regress this badly with this much talent. It’s a waste and if we keep Gus for 5 more years, we will have 5 more years of feeling this way. It’s time to move on. 

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1 minute ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

There’s nothing. He never earned the job in the first place.

2 losses with a team he didn’t recruit.

5 losses

6 losses

5 losses

4 losses

Beating a Georgia that just loss to a highly overrated LSU isn’t saying much. We can’t keep going “well he beat Bama and Georgia last year” he also lost 4 games and has cost us two national championships.

He’s just not good. Averaging 4 losses just isn’t acceptable quite frankly. He’s had enough time to learn. Instead he’s handed Bama a NC who I hate, Georgia a SECC who I hate, LSU numerous undeserved wins, and FSU a NC who I hate.

He’s done more to make other teams and coaches look good than he’s ever done for us. His time is up. He made the pledge 5 years ago to make it back to the NCG and half a decade has passed without even a playoff berth. No reason to let him waste anymore of our time.

We will lose to TAMU, Ole Miss, Georgia, and Alabama. Meaning we’ll finish 5-7 with only one SEC win against Arkansas. If the Hogs played us at the end of the year I guarantee they beat us. The offense is non-existent and that’s what we hired him for. The defense is deteriorating each and every week. The locker room is torn.

This isn’t a drill, we are in a complete and utter free fall.

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Save the brown bags for other teams....just stay away...that will have more of effect...a lot of empty seats don't look good on TV...

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1 minute ago, AuMarine said:

How does a team regress this badly with this much talent.

The OL. Same thing that bit Jimbo Fisher in the ass at FSU if I’m not mistakened. Gus needs to avoid playing conference games with depleted depth at critical positions  by making sure his recruiting classes are more well rounded.  Gus won’t always have OL problems. With that said, I don’t mind a couple 8-4 seasons if that’s what it takes. It’s pretty obvious Bama is going to run away from everybody with Tua anyways. I’d rather put the buyout money on the football only center. Prepare for the life after Saban. 

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8 minutes ago, Zeek said:

There’s nothing. He never earned the job in the first place.

2 losses with a team he didn’t recruit.

5 losses

6 losses

5 losses

4 losses

Beating a Georgia that just loss to a highly overrated LSU isn’t saying much. We can’t keep going “well he beat Bama and Georgia last year” he also lost 4 games and has cost us two national championships.

He’s just not good. Averaging 4 losses just isn’t acceptable quite frankly. He’s had enough time to learn. Instead he’s handed Bama a NC who I hate, Georgia a SECC who I hate, LSU numerous undeserved wins, and FSU a NC who I hate.

He’s done more to make other teams and coaches look good than he’s ever done for us. His time is up. He made the pledge 5 years ago to make it back to the NCG and half a decade has passed without even a playoff berth. No reason to let him waste anymore of our time.

We will lose to TAMU, Ole Miss, Georgia, and Alabama. Meaning we’ll finish 5-7 with only one SEC win against Arkansas. If the Hogs played us at the end of the year I guarantee they beat us. The offense is non-existent and that’s what we hired him for. The defense is deteriorating each and every week. The locker room is torn.

This isn’t a drill, we are in a complete and utter free fall.

Liberty beat TROY today. We might go 4-8. 

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22 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

I was actually one of the defenders of Gus in the off-season, but he's lost me and I'm not coming back.  There's just too much inconsistency from year to year and even game to game.  Beating Bama and UGA won't get me back either.  Honestly, that might piss me off even more because then the wasted talent becomes even more obvious.

Now, I don't think we get rid of him because it's too pricey.  But after next year, I could see it happening.

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29 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

Win 10 games

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Just now, tigerman1186 said:

Save the brown bags for other teams....just stay away...that will have more of effect...a lot of empty seats don't look good on TV...

Agreed, mostly jesting about the bags. I mean it though people. Don’t go to the games. Sell your tickets to away fans.  Let there be more TAMU fans than Auburn fans 

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31 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

The first few drives, yeah, I thought we were turning a corner until I saw our guards letting defensive tackles running untouched. In the unlikely event we upset Georgia and manage an 8-4 season, then Gus is a certified miracle worker and I'll be happy to readjust my tune... but I'm not holding my breath.

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I honestly don’t think we can wait another year to be quite honest. A lot of people believe the money can be handled.

We will finish with MAYBE one more win. The crowds already not filling the stadium and it’s only going to get worse.

No Auburn coach with Gus’ lack of a resume should be around after a 4 or 5 win season. Especially when it’s against a bad Moo State, a bad Tennessee, an Ole Miss with no defense, and numerous coaches in their first or second years with their programs.

We can’t afford to wait another year without setting back Auburn football another 5 years.

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Obviously, the most important thing after determining if we can pony up is if we can get a decent replacement. I cringe at the thought of Lance Leipold.

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42 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

For the posters that are ready to fire Gus, what can Gus do to save his job? Our O did show some improvement today and our freshmen receivers are our best players other than Davis. Too little too late?

What if we upset Georgia? We could maintain our recruiting class by keeping Gusbus while avoiding paying buyout money. 

The freshmen look good problem is our coaches will screw them up by the time they are sophomores. That’s how this group work. Some coaches get three stars and coach them up Gus and company get 4 and 5 stars and coach them down.

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19 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Second or third hand info, but indications are it's not out of the question.

I'm not a guy who knows much about the admin, bot, boosters, etc, so I don't pretend to really know anything about the financial workings...  But a question.

You suppose there's at least 15 big money boosters (whatever you call them) who are sick of this product and worried about what it's costing the program by keeping it as-is?  

Seems a couple million each wouldn't be that hard to come up with compared to what they probably donate year in, year out.  

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3 minutes ago, AUwent said:

Obviously, the most important thing after determining if we can pony up is if we can get a decent replacement. I cringe at the thought of Lance Leipold.

I think we have an AD that can and will find us a good coach . The joke for AD Jacobs is gone. Probably need to fire Leath also to insure we send a message the those who might come after him. We will hold you responsible.

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c'mon zeek,  you kinda give away any objectivity when you call a season 1 minute away from a national championship a 'good' season.   And should have more easily won that bama game?  What game were you watching?  We went down 21-7, trailed most all the game, and by a combination of luck, really bad fg kicking, and a questionable decision by saban somehow didn't go down more so that NM was able to get the ball down 7(and not more) to tie the game.  That was a great coaching job by gus; i really thought he outcoached saban in that one.  Now the georgia game the week before I thought we were the better team; not the bama game we were 8-9 pt underdogs for a reason

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1 minute ago, AUsince72 said:

I'm not a guy who knows much about the admin, bot, boosters, etc, so I don't pretend to really know anything about the financial workings...  But a question.

You suppose there's at least 15 big money boosters (whatever you call them) who are sick of this product and worried about what it's costing the program by keeping it as-is?  

Seems a couple million each wouldn't be that hard to come up with compared to what they probably donate year in, year out.  

This is why paying his buyout won’t be out of the realm of possibilities. I don’t expect the university to foot the whole bill, but I’m sure the buyout is negotiable. 

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