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how freakin stupid are some of the maga folks? here's how................


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19 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:


There you go again Coffee. Looking for the boogie man behind every door, in every closet or under every bed. Must be a heck of a way to live, if that is what you call it.

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4 hours ago, PUB78 said:

There you go again Coffee. Looking for the boogie man behind every door, in every closet or under every bed. Must be a heck of a way to live, if that is what you call it.

It's a joke meme Pubby


It's playing off of Trumps own words when he said about immigrants

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. 


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On 1/18/2022 at 5:48 PM, jj3jordan said:

None. Your author disqualified himself from making this judgement in paragraph 13. Sorry fiddy but a 35 year old unarmed woman crawling thru a broken window is not a threat that justifies use of deadly force. And the line was not clearly delineated to her. She was on the other side of a door. She figured wrongly that the Capitol police would not shoot into a crowd especially at an u armed woman.  All he had to do was arrest her when the fell onto the floor. That’s all it took.

Your making your judgements with 20/20 vision after the fact. Legally, you have to look at what the situation on the ground was and what the officer knew and or thought he knew at the time the shooting took place. 

It's established that before the shooting there had been unconfirmed (and later determined false) reports of gunfire in front of the capitol . There were reports of officers being physically attacked and overwhelmed. 

There was a mob who was damaging and trying to break through a door near the speakers office not far from where lawmakers were evacuating. The officers had know way of knowing if Babbitt was armed or not....they had no idea what her intentions were....they knew that they were outmanned and dealing with a hostile riot and this woman was jumping through a broken window...into the Capitol building where congress was assembled.... towards police officers who had their guns drawn and were yelling for the protestors to get back. 

Babbitt was the clear aggressor in this situation. She was breaking into the building TOWARDS officers. Witnesses verify that the poplice were yelling at her to get away from the door and police had their weapons drawn. If she was not aware that she was not supposed to climb through the broken window and charge polcie then that speaks to her lack of mental thinking, not police's lack of protocol. Babbitt was the only person who was trying to get though the window...everyone else around her were not doing so. 


Ok arrest her....and where do you put her? The officers are already outmanned and overwhelmed. They do not have the ability nor a secure scene to "detain" people like that. They turn their focus to arresting and securing Babbitt and that leaves them vulnerable and exposed to all the other protestors....You have to think about what the situation on the ground actually was. 


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14 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

You have to think about what the situation on the ground actually was. 

"She was white and she played for my team" is as far as they're going to get with that. 

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28 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Your making your judgements with 20/20 vision after the fact. Legally, you have to look at what the situation on the ground was and what the officer knew and or thought he knew at the time the shooting took place. 

It's established that before the shooting there had been unconfirmed (and later determined false) reports of gunfire in front of the capitol . There were reports of officers being physically attacked and overwhelmed. 

There was a mob who was damaging and trying to break through a door near the speakers office not far from where lawmakers were evacuating. The officers had know way of knowing if Babbitt was armed or not....they had no idea what her intentions were....they knew that they were outmanned and dealing with a hostile riot and this woman was jumping through a broken window...into the Capitol building where congress was assembled.... towards police officers who had their guns drawn and were yelling for the protestors to get back. 

Babbitt was the clear aggressor in this situation. She was breaking into the building TOWARDS officers. Witnesses verify that the poplice were yelling at her to get away from the door and police had their weapons drawn. If she was not aware that she was not supposed to climb through the broken window and charge polcie then that speaks to her lack of mental thinking, not police's lack of protocol. Babbitt was the only person who was trying to get though the window...everyone else around her were not doing so. 


Ok arrest her....and where do you put her? The officers are already outmanned and overwhelmed. They do not have the ability nor a secure scene to "detain" people like that. They turn their focus to arresting and securing Babbitt and that leaves them vulnerable and exposed to all the other protestors....You have to think about what the situation on the ground actually was. 


Babbitt should have never been there to begin with. I hate she got shot, and I hate the officer has to live with his decision to fire. But at the end of the day it is what it is and I doubt he woke up that morning thinking today's the day I get to shoot someone. Bad stuff may happen when you put yourself in bad situations. 

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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Your making your judgements with 20/20 vision after the fact. Legally, you have to look at what the situation on the ground was and what the officer knew and or thought he knew at the time the shooting took place. 

It's established that before the shooting there had been unconfirmed (and later determined false) reports of gunfire in front of the capitol . There were reports of officers being physically attacked and overwhelmed. 

There was a mob who was damaging and trying to break through a door near the speakers office not far from where lawmakers were evacuating. The officers had know way of knowing if Babbitt was armed or not....they had no idea what her intentions were....they knew that they were outmanned and dealing with a hostile riot and this woman was jumping through a broken window...into the Capitol building where congress was assembled.... towards police officers who had their guns drawn and were yelling for the protestors to get back. 

Babbitt was the clear aggressor in this situation. She was breaking into the building TOWARDS officers. Witnesses verify that the poplice were yelling at her to get away from the door and police had their weapons drawn. If she was not aware that she was not supposed to climb through the broken window and charge polcie then that speaks to her lack of mental thinking, not police's lack of protocol. Babbitt was the only person who was trying to get though the window...everyone else around her were not doing so. 


Ok arrest her....and where do you put her? The officers are already outmanned and overwhelmed. They do not have the ability nor a secure scene to "detain" people like that. They turn their focus to arresting and securing Babbitt and that leaves them vulnerable and exposed to all the other protestors....You have to think about what the situation on the ground actually was. 


Your explanation falls woefully short of deadly force. Heaven forbid the capitol police ever have to walk a beat or manage a riot. Lots of hearsay in your post there especially regarding the hindsight of 20/20. Something you claim I am making judgement from having, then utilizing yourself.  You are correct in that Officer Byrd will hold himself accountable. No one else has the stomach to investigate.

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17 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Your explanation falls woefully short of deadly force. Heaven forbid the capitol police ever have to walk a beat or manage a riot. Lots of hearsay in your post there especially regarding the hindsight of 20/20. Something you claim I am making judgement from having, then utilizing yourself.  You are correct in that Officer Byrd will hold himself accountable. No one else has the stomach to investigate.

Correction: It was investigated by both the department AND the DoJ. You and whatever right wing media you listen to just don't like the result. 

And thankfully from interviews it appears that Mr. Byrd's conscience is clear and he knows he did the right thing. 

Edited by CoffeeTiger
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On 1/20/2022 at 12:08 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

Legally, you have to look at what the situation on the ground was and what the officer knew and or thought he knew at the time the shooting took place. 


On 1/20/2022 at 12:23 PM, McLoofus said:

"She was white and she played for my team" is as far as they're going to get with that. 

Glad to see that you and McDoofus will use that lens to view this type of situation the next time an unarmed person is tragically killed by a cop trying to do his/her job.   

Considering all of the interactions between cops and citizens every day in a country of 340M people (shot and killed by cop in 2020 were 457 white, 241 black, 169 hispanic, 28 other and 126 unknown) it happens rarely. Just to be clear, these are "shot and killed by police," so unarmed people shot and killed is a lower number but I could not find that stat online.  I wish police never had to shoot anyone but that is not possible in order to protect the public.   All in all, 1021 people out of 340M is really small number unless you are the family of one of the poor souls that died.

Edited by auburn41
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6 hours ago, auburn41 said:

Glad to see that you and McDoofus will use that lens to view this type of situation the next time an unarmed person is tragically killed by a cop trying to do his/her job.   

You're smart enough to know the lens will change. Had AB been black the entire narrative from the radical left would change. That much we know and have been shown consistently. Sad state of affairs that needs major correction to achieve the unity many desire.

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i just find it is funny when black lives matter folks wanted protests outlawed. all the destruction and folks hurt but when trump sent his minions it is perfectly ok. many of you will not agree but hell you guys have been lying for trump for years now. how many of you have come forward and condemned the riot or insurrection on here?

22 hours ago, auburn41 said:


Glad to see that you and McDoofus will use that lens to view this type of situation the next time an unarmed person is tragically killed by a cop trying to do his/her job.   

Considering all of the interactions between cops and citizens every day in a country of 340M people (shot and killed by cop in 2020 were 457 white, 241 black, 169 hispanic, 28 other and 126 unknown) it happens rarely. Just to be clear, these are "shot and killed by police," so unarmed people shot and killed is a lower number but I could not find that stat online.  I wish police never had to shoot anyone but that is not possible in order to protect the public.   All in all, 1021 people out of 340M is really small number unless you are the family of one of the poor souls that died.

unarmed? just because you were not found carrying a gun does not mean they did not have weapons. they used spray and flag poles and whatever they could get their hands on. as far as the innocent chick she made her choice and she died for it. and if you people think she was gonna get away with crawling through the window with a frothing mass of folks behind her wanting blood you guys are pretty stupid. she gets in and the crowd gets emboldened and they all rush the door. and the fact she was breaking the law and was white is what this is all about. i guess whites can break the law but when i black man is killed and not being violent that is ok because they were a crook right? see how that works? and were these same people not chanting they were gonna kill nancy and pence? they were in the capitol doing it for a fact because i heard them while watching the documentary.and the police had radios and already knew police were getting beat badly/ some of you people have become as big of liars as trump is. and you have absolutely no shame. none.

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On 1/20/2022 at 1:08 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

Your making your judgements with 20/20 vision after the fact. Legally, you have to look at what the situation on the ground was and what the officer knew and or thought he knew at the time the shooting took place. 

It's established that before the shooting there had been unconfirmed (and later determined false) reports of gunfire in front of the capitol . There were reports of officers being physically attacked and overwhelmed. 

There was a mob who was damaging and trying to break through a door near the speakers office not far from where lawmakers were evacuating. The officers had know way of knowing if Babbitt was armed or not....they had no idea what her intentions were....they knew that they were outmanned and dealing with a hostile riot and this woman was jumping through a broken window...into the Capitol building where congress was assembled.... towards police officers who had their guns drawn and were yelling for the protestors to get back. 

Babbitt was the clear aggressor in this situation. She was breaking into the building TOWARDS officers. Witnesses verify that the poplice were yelling at her to get away from the door and police had their weapons drawn. If she was not aware that she was not supposed to climb through the broken window and charge polcie then that speaks to her lack of mental thinking, not police's lack of protocol. Babbitt was the only person who was trying to get though the window...everyone else around her were not doing so. 


Ok arrest her....and where do you put her? The officers are already outmanned and overwhelmed. They do not have the ability nor a secure scene to "detain" people like that. They turn their focus to arresting and securing Babbitt and that leaves them vulnerable and exposed to all the other protestors....You have to think about what the situation on the ground actually was. 


People trying to make the case of Babbitt being a totally innocent protestor victimized by the police are the very same people who excuse police officers for shooting a black motorist reaching for his wallet.

It'd be hilariously if it weren't so tragic.

Edited by homersapien
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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

People trying to make the case of Babbitt being a totally innocent protestor victimized by the police are the very same people who excuse police officers for shooting a black motorist reaching for his wallet.

It'd be hilariously if it weren't so tragic.

The fact she was where she was automatically removed totally innocent from the equation as far as I’m concerned. 

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1 hour ago, wdefromtx said:

The fact she was where she was automatically removed totally innocent from the equation as far as I’m concerned. 

People that riot are risking bodily harm and/or death.  There are some questions, with regard to the actions of the Capitol Police that should be cleared up, but it seems they won’’t be.

Moments before Babbitt was shot there were Police Officers protecting the doors that Babbitt was trying to crawl through.  They were (it seems) commanded away.  The window was then broken and she was shot by a Police Officer on the other side of the divide.

Why were the Police guarding the door called away and who called them away?  This, it seemed, was taken as permission to go through the doors by the rioters.

This first video shows the shot.  The Capitol Police Officer that shot Babbitt already had his gun drawn and was waiting for her to enter the restricted area.  In this video you can see one officer raise his weapon and then give a thumbs up to someone on the other side of the doorway.

The first 30 seconds of this video shows the Police Officers stepping away from the doors of the restricted area as one protester yells “They’re leaving”.  Babbitt is then shot and those police officers return as they were not even down the stairs yet.  

Very strange behavior.  I doubt we ever find out the reason the officers were commanded away from their post.


Edited by I_M4_AU
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4 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

The fact she was where she was automatically removed totally innocent from the equation as far as I’m concerned. 

I agree, but she was unarmed and needlessly shot and killed. Both things can be true.

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"The police moved away from the doors, which could be taken as them giving permission for the crowd to break open the windows and jump through them" 


The pretzels people are twisting themselves into to try and make Babbitt look like a reasonable person and the police as crazy maniacs is really amazing. 


"What reasonable person would have know they weren't supposed to break open locked doors and breach the Capitol of the United States? What If the police gave her permission to climb through that window!? This could have happened to any of us! #SAYHERNAME"

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

"The police moved away from the doors, which could be taken as them giving permission for the crowd to break open the windows and jump through them" 


The pretzels people are twisting themselves into to try and make Babbitt look like a reasonable person and the police as crazy maniacs is really amazing. 


"What reasonable person would have know they weren't supposed to break open locked doors and breach the Capitol of the United States? What If the police gave her permission to climb through that window!? This could have happened to any of us! #SAYHERNAME"

You probably missed my first sentence of my post saying anybody that riots puts their own life in danger.  My post was not trying to make Babbitt into a reasonable person, it was to question the *left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing* with regard to the chaotic events that took place right before she was shot.

The mob mentality of the Jan. 6th riot was on full display there.  The rioters were not trying to breach the secured area as long as the police officers were there, it was only after they started to leave did they attempt the breach.  My questions are; who gave that order and why?  It’s pretty simple and has nothing to do with whether Babbitt was being a reasonable person.  She wasn’t as she was caught up in the mob mentality of the moment.

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