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Ask Yourself, Are You Really for Palestine or Do You Just Hate Jews?


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Malcolm Nance

Oct 29



A student at NYU brandishes a poster that says “Please Keep the World Clean (from Jews). (Photo: Richard Harbus, Dailymail.com)

Before I start publishing a series of deep-dive articles on the conduct of the Israel-HAMAS war, I want to call attention to an issue that I see has been festering since October 7th.  It is the sudden increase of support for the “Free Palestine” movement in the United States and Europe. It is undeniable that in the weeks after the massacre, Free Palestine-people power has dramatically flourished around the world.  But the crystallization of support in the West started with a now well-documented lie. 

On 17 October 2023, ten days after HAMAS rampaged across southern Israel, killing 1,400 civilians, a report circulated in the news that the Israelis had conducted an airstrike on the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza allegedly killing over 500 women and children. The reports also claimed that the hospital was destroyed in the strike.  Every major newspaper in the world took this report at face value, though it was a HAMAS terrorist themselves that reported it. It took about a week for investigations to show that this was not true. The hospital was not destroyed in an airstrike. The parking lot was hit by a small rocket that malfunctioned and fell to the Earth. Fewer than 40 people were killed or injured.

But this single event, and the lie that it was based on, set the entire American, Muslim diaspora, and their social justice allies to rally their movements against Israel, even though they were the victims of the 10-7 massacre. Affiliates of well-known groups, such as Black Lives Matter- Chicago, and Los Angeles chapters, published flyers and tweets with images of paragliders, flying the Palestinian flag. They did this fully aware that paragliders were used to fly into the Israeli “Love and Unity” dance party in the Negev desert. These airborne terrorists then mass murdered 260 revelers.  A seeming wave of anti-Semitic insensitivity was building among the African-American, white, and Arab American social justice activists on the far left.

When President Biden visited Israel on 18 October Arab Americans and their allies swore that they would never vote for the Biden administration. Many openly said they prefer a violent and anti-Muslim Trump administration because at least they would know what they were getting. They also screamed about how HAMAS was reporting 7,000 civilians were dead and 3,000 of them were children, without any way to verify it.

To an outsider, it is as if the entire far left of American progressives had lost their minds. They went so far as to even protest and attack Senator Bernie Sanders, a well-known progressive hero, who happened to be Jewish.

The American far left has always dabbled in the extreme. They often take positions they know will antagonize the center and which also mirror those of right-wing extremists.  Most of the loudest social justice warriors (SWJs) were never clearly aligned with the Democratic party.

So, on its face, " Free Palestine! sounded like a good thing.  The people of Palestine need some freedom and humanitarian champions. Their circumstances are terrible.  They have had no representative governance or a way to exercise choice in elections for 17 years.  The last government they elected was the HAMAS terrorist group. They stole all of the foreign aid to build tunnels, manufacture rockets, and deprive the people of an economy.  Because of their terrorist attacks on Israel, Palestinians have had to live under virtual blockade by both Egypt to the south and Israel to the north and east. Non-governmental organizations such as the United Nations try to fill the gaps, but the terrorist group HAMAS determines what comes in and who gets what.  So most Palestinian Gazans live in near abject poverty even though 50,000 Gazans worked daily in Israel. That is until the 10-7 massacre ended any future work prospects for Palestinians.  

And where does the leadership of HAMAS reside? In indescribable luxurious villas and riding the streets in fully armored Mercedes limousines in Doha, Qatar as guests of the government.

However, when studying the phrase “Free Palestine” what it means is a Palestine free from, and of, the presence of Jews. Numerous terrorist groups from the original Palestinian Liberation Organization to the Syrian-back Palestine Freedom Movement have popularized this slogan.  It is a phrase that has been used for decades to mean the geographic borders of Israel must be freed by an armed religious war, called Jihad against the Jews.  The result should be a genocide—the HAMAS charter to eliminate any religious, linguistic, and cultural vestiges as well.  In my entire life, I have never heard any Israeli, save one or two Zionist extremists, claim that all Palestinians must be eliminated for Israel to have sovereignty.  And my job was to listen to them very closely.   

Seems Like it is All About Hating Jews

Unfortunately for everyone, the entire basis of the Free Palestine! movement is built on a foundation of hatred towards Jews, Judaism, and Zionism. To be honest, a lot of these people just hate Jews.



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Imo Israel is a week from losing support from most of the planet.  This form of bombardment is crude, non surgical, and has horrific optics. Before this is over the Palestinian deaths will be 20X times the Israelis. Israel needs to be very very careful.

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9 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

Imo Israel is a week from losing support from most of the planet.  This form of bombardment is crude, non surgical, and has horrific optics. Before this is over the Palestinian deaths will be 20X times the Israelis. Israel needs to be very very careful.

Why doesn’t sensible people demand the surrender of Hamas?  It would be the easiest way out of this conflict. Is there a distinction between Hamas and Palestinians as some believe there is a distinction between Israel and the Jewish faith?

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The Gazans want Hamas leadership. The last poll showed 60% support in Gaza for Hamas. The only way the Jews get peace is to wipe them out and still the Gazans may bring another set of Hamas leaders in. Hamas is actually HQed in Qatar. 

Edited by DKW 86
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On 11/3/2023 at 8:36 AM, DKW 86 said:

The Gazans want Hamas leadership. The last poll showed 60% support in Gaza for Hamas. The only way the Jews get peace is to wipe them out and still the Gazans may bring another set of Hamas leaders in. Hamas is actually HQed in Qatar. 

If actual reality were so simple. :no:

Hamas - or their equivalent - will inevitably regenerate.  The more Palestinians are killed, the more inevitable it becomes.  All one has to do is to study the history of such conflicts. It's human nature.

There is not a military solution to this mess. Only a political one.

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There will be a political solution the day after Hamas/Palestine puts forth a solution that does not involve the extermination of Israel.

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On 11/8/2023 at 12:27 PM, homersapien said:

If actual reality were so simple. :no:

Hamas - or their equivalent - will inevitably regenerate.  The more Palestinian are killed, the more inevitable it becomes.  All one has to do is to study the history of such conflicts. It's human nature.

There is not a military solution to this mess. Only a political one.

My God, you are so clueless. Political solution with a group that is sworn to kill all Jews? Sometimes I wonder if you are truly crazy. 

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9 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

There will be a political solution the day after Hamas/Palestine puts forth a solution that does not involve the extermination of Israel.

They have had 75 years to do that. We are not even close so far, and if anything, we are probably further away than ever from it.

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

My God, you are so clueless. Political solution with a group that is sworn to kill all Jews? Sometimes I wonder if you are truly crazy. 

Support for the terrorists is openly obvious. Reminds me of how people here in this country support the rights of criminals over the law abiding. 

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7 hours ago, autigeremt said:

Support for the terrorists is openly obvious. Reminds me of how people here in this country support the rights of criminals over the law abiding. 

I TRULY BELIEVE that some in America, and across the globe are just born-again Nazis. They arent intellectually rigorous enough to ever admit that but 99% of these supposedly pro-Palestinian people are in reality just 24-7 run-of-the-mill Jew Haters. They ignore "Obvious from a 1000 Miles Realities." Gazans DO NOT Want Peace, on any terms with a Jew State. They want all Jews Dead, no compromise.


Using Taqiyyah Logic, a Muslim can say he wants peace and at the same know in his heart he wants nothing but death for Israel and the Jews. 

This is a tenet taught in Islam. How do you negotiate with people that will lie as a matter of course every day? 

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20 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

There will be a political solution the day after Hamas/Palestine puts forth a solution that does not involve the extermination of Israel.

So you admit that day will never happen, right? That is THE HEART of Hamas and I fear now it is the heart of most of the Gazans.

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19 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

My God, you are so clueless. Political solution with a group that is sworn to kill all Jews? Sometimes I wonder if you are truly crazy. 

Well, let's see what happens.

I submit you are the "clueless" one to believe the solution is as simple as you apparently want to believe. In fact, I suspect Hamas is getting exactly the reaction they desired and expected. 

You won't eliminate Hamas. They will survive and regenerate or replicate themselves, from what remains after the military attempt to "solve" the problem.

If you can't anticipate that, you are the one who is "clueless".  But then it's already obvious you think you are smarter than everyone else.

Israel will not suffer genocide.  Palestinians might, but if so, it will haunt Israel from now on, and the problem will remain. 

This can only be "solved" with a political solution.f

(And I don't wonder if you are "crazy" but it's obvious that you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.)


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23 hours ago, homersapien said:

Well, let's see what happens.

I submit you are the "clueless" one to believe the solution is as simple as you apparently want to believe. In fact, I suspect Hamas is getting exactly the reaction they desired and expected. 

You won't eliminate Hamas. They will survive and regenerate or replicate themselves, from what remains after the military attempt to "solve" the problem.

If you can't anticipate that, you are the one who is "clueless".  But then it's already obvious you think you are smarter than everyone else.

Israel will not suffer genocide.  Palestinians might, but if so, it will haunt Israel from now on, and the problem will remain. 

This can only be "solved" with a political solution.f

(And I don't wonder if you are "crazy" but it's obvious that you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.)

SO your answer is to ignore history and just keep Hamas in Gaza, raining down missile and rockets on Israel? Do nothing to stop it. I mean it is just Jews dying here, and that seems totally okay with you. Jew babies, children, women, and the elderly die over and over again at the hands of Hamas, and you dont seem to mind at all and only offer more of the same.

Edited by DKW 86
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7 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

SO your answer is to ignore history and just keep Hamas in Gaza, raining down missile and rockets on Israel? Do thing to stop it. I mean it is just Jews dying here, and that seems totally okay with you. Jew babies, children, women, and the elderly die over and over again at the hands of Hamas, and you dont seem to mind at all and only offer more of the same.

Not at all what he said.  YOU are making yourself look like a liar.

As usual, you have taken the binary approach.  As if,,, Israelis have never committed acts of violence against Palestinians.

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

Not at all what he said.  YOU are making yourself look like a liar.

As usual, you have taken the binary approach.  As if,,, Israelis have never committed acts of violence against Palestinians.

If by acts of violence IN DEFENDING THEMSELVES i fully admit and accept that.

The Palestinians have 1) turned down a TSS 5x 2) they are the ones that always strike first. 3) they are the ones with the goal of Genocide of the other. 

The rest of the blather is pretty much false equivalence on a tsunami level. 

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18 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

SO your answer is to ignore history and just keep Hamas in Gaza, raining down missile and rockets on Israel? Do thing to stop it. I mean it is just Jews dying here, and that seems totally okay with you. Jew babies, children, women, and the elderly die over and over again at the hands of Hamas, and you dont seem to mind at all and only offer more of the same.

Don't tell me what I think or don't think David.  You are far too simple-minded and emotional to pull that off.

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On 11/9/2023 at 6:30 PM, DKW 86 said:

My God, you are so clueless. Political solution with a group that is sworn to kill all Jews? Sometimes I wonder if you are truly crazy. 

I didn't say that fool.

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23 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

If by acts of violence IN DEFENDING THEMSELVES i fully admit and accept that.

The Palestinians have 1) turned down a TSS 5x 2) they are the ones that always strike first. 3) they are the ones with the goal of Genocide of the other. 

The rest of the blather is pretty much false equivalence on a tsunami level. 

Simply not true.  Israeli settlers have attacked and killed Palestinians.




Do you even understand who the settlers are and, how they are displacing Palestinians, often with violence?




Not to mention,,, turning the other cheek has never been an option.  However, the massive escalation of violence is no moral high ground.

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12 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I didn't say that fool.

Yes, you did. You dont even admit your own words, ever.

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Just now, icanthearyou said:

How convenient.  How utterly disingenuous.

And utterly correct. So you are saying that Hamas represents the West Bank? That would be news to the rest of the world.


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On 11/8/2023 at 12:27 PM, homersapien said:

If actual reality were so simple. :no:

Hamas - or their equivalent - will inevitably regenerate.  The more Palestinian are killed, the more inevitable it becomes.  All one has to do is to study the history of such conflicts. It's human nature.

There is not a military solution to this mess. Only a political one.

Your nutty reply says that:

1) There will always be a Hamas: a group sworn to the death to the genocide of Jews and Ending the Govt of Israel.

2) "There is not a military solution to this mess. Only a political one." How can you even say something this crazy? Do you expect Unicorn Farts and Fairy Dust to just magically over ride decades of lies, propaganda, and braiwashing in Hamas? The only thing that stopped the Nazis was a huge military defeat, not a political solution. The Nazis mocked the political solutions. Chamberlain is a world history laughingstock for trying to deal with Hitler.  


In case you forgot, the PIOT Speech was 30-SEPT-38 most refer to WWII starting with the Invasion of Poland, 1-SEPT-39 eleven months later.

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21 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Your nutty reply says that:

1) There will always be a Hamas: a group sworn to the death to the genocide of Jews and Ending the Govt of Israel.

2) "There is not a military solution to this mess. Only a political one." How can you even say something this crazy? Do you expect Unicorn Farts and Fairy Dust to just magically over ride decades of lies, propaganda, and braiwashing in Hamas? The only thing that stopped the Nazis was a huge military defeat, not a political solution. The Nazis mocked the political solutions. Chamberlain is a world history laughingstock for trying to deal with Hitler.  

In case you forgot, the PIOT Speech was 30-SEPT-38 most refer to WWII starting with the Invasion of Poland, 1-SEPT-39 eleven months later.

Again, you are a victim of narrow-minded, simplistic thinking.

1. I didn't say negotiations with Hamas - much less a political solution - was possible, much less necessary.  Thanks to your overly simplistic thinking, you inferred that, and ran with it.  My point is ALL wars necessarily end with a political solution.  ALL of them. INCLUDING WWII. 

(Have you ever heard of Clauswitz?  He famously said (paraphrased): "War is the continuation of politics by different means".

2. WWII was ended only when the "Third Reich" and the "Empire of Japan" were overturned and replaced by different governments. (ie. politics

3. Similarly, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will continue - with Hamas or whoever replaces them - until Israel either promotes a separate state of Palestine or incorporates Palestinians into Israel as Israeli citizens.  These are political solutions.  Short of that, a state of conflict will continue indefinitely.

Do you understand now?

Ironically enough David, we actually agree on far more than we disagree about. But I am tired of you calling me "crazy" or an "idiot" when the problem is you don't understand my point. 

Unfortunately, I am weak when it comes to turning the other cheek. But I don't mind clarifying or correcting your misunderstanding. So in the future, please ask for clarification or explanation before resorting to the insults. In short, lose the ******* attitude.

Otherwise, I'll reciprocate with the insults in kind.  Capisce?

Edited by homersapien
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