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Today, and the entire Christmas season,  is full of memories.  Some are old memories and some are memories being made today that seem like no big deal but, for some, will transform into some of their most treasured moments with family, friends, and loved ones.  Whatever your individual situation may be, just take a minute and appreciate those around you today and remember those that are no longer here. 

If you can, tell a funny story about a loved one that is no longer here.  Their memory is a blessing and sharing the memory keeps them close to us and teaches younger generations about who they were.  That knowledge helps people understand how they became who they are, where they have been and hopefully some foundation to help them decide where their life is headed.

We all  have different paths in life.  Some are much more challenging than others, but each is unique and molds us into the people we are today.  Those experiences impact our viewpoints more than any other factors.  I challenge us all to remember this as we interact others.  Most old sayings are based on truths.  Take a minute today to consider the views of someone you don't understand by considering walking in their shoes.  As people, we all have so much more in common than we have that draws us apart.

Merry Christmas!

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