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Minimum Wage Increase


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That's why its important to be a "skilled" laborer. All the pieces are in place if you wish to succeed. If you have to have a min wage job to support your family, then 9 out 10 it was your fault. Not mine.

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That's why its important to be a "skilled" laborer. All the pieces are in place if you wish to succeed. If you have to have a min wage job to support your family, then 9 out 10 it was your fault. Not mine.

It was supposed to be a comedy piece but while we're getting serious about it; At a time when American corporations are fighting to stave off foreign competition, there's one glaring difference between our American corporations and their foreign competition. Most foreign CEOs make between 14-15 times as much as the average hourly worker in their companies. In America, it's typically between 400-500 times as much. The president of the USA gets less than a half million a year (not sure of the exact amount anymore) and a CEO of a company bleeding money is worth $20-30 million annually?

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This is one small area where Donut and I agree. I think CEO pay should be more tied to the financial success/failure of the company. Stop the golden parachutes and such that allow them to make off like bandits even when they take a company down the tubes. And divvy up the spoils a little more instead of concentrating it in the hands of the executive board.

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This is one small area where Donut and I agree. I think CEO pay should be more tied to the financial success/failure of the company. Stop the golden parachutes and such that allow them to make off like bandits even when they take a company down the tubes. And divvy up the spoils a little more instead of concentrating it in the hands of the executive board.

One of the things that really has griped me in the past year is the way that Ken Lay and company fleeced Enron, bankrupted the company, lost their employees life savings tied up in Enron stock. Lay and Company sold off their stocks at inflated prices, passed rules disallowing the employees to sell their's and then gave themselves handsome severance packages when the company bellyupped. To date, Ken Lay is a free man and isn't even being investigated for his part in the tragedy. I'm not necessarly only picking on Enron and Ken Lay. You could look at any number of companies that have done the same throughout this country. CEO extravagance AND spiraling health care costs are what's preventing this great nation from being able to compete on the world market.

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