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Drunken man withdraws $17,000 from bank account, starts giving it out to strangers on the street

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Police: Drunken German Hands Out Savings

BERLIN Aug 8, 2006 — A drunken man withdrew more than $16,700 from his bank account and then started handing out the money to passers-by in a western German town Tuesday, police said.

Police in Darmstadt said they were alerted at lunchtime to a man sitting on a bench in front of a bank and handing out notes. He had the money stuffed into plastic bags and his pockets, and some of it blew away.

Officers took the 63-year-old back into the bank and counted the money.

They said in a statement that he had handed out $1,935, but that he "didn't care because he had enough."

Police decided to hold on to the rest of the money temporarily. They told the man, whose name was not released, to come back and collect it once he sobered up.


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You can blame the alcohol, but I blame the stupidity of the man.

I blame myself for not being there to score some of the benjamins!

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Alcohol is one of the worst drugs, and it's legal.

Alcohol has nothing on heroin, crack, meth, coke, etc.

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Alcohol has availability, on all the other drugs. If the corner store sold meth, and crack, etc., you may have a point.

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Alcohol has availability, on all the other drugs. If the corner store sold meth, and crack, etc., you may have a point.

How many people here drink beer or other alcohol? How many people who said yes are addicted so badly that if they dont have another drink within 2-4 hours... their body will go cold turkey and go into shock... with the chance that they may die?

Availability? I dont do any of those street drugs.... But I for one could probably show you the right neighborhood to get that habit started.

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Yea...don't blame the alcohol.

I've spent my share of drunken nights in Auburn...but i've never started handing out my money!

Of course I have bought a few rounds I regretted the next morning <_<:lol:

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Yea...don't blame the alcohol.

I've spent my share of drunken nights in Auburn...but i've never started handing out my money!

Of course I have bought a few rounds I regretted the next morning <_<:lol:

I'm not blaming the substance, just stating fact. It is one of the worst drugs and is legally sold. To the alcoholic, it is a slow death. To the person who can drink it with no probelms, it is exactly that.

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