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Is anyone seriously voting for Lucy Baxley?


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Let's see. Bob Riley is the first Alabama governor in living history who has not embarrassed the state with some stupid publicity stunt or some corruption scandal. The state economy has record low employment with a surging economic base, industries coming in, cleaner government, more efficient operation, improved educational test scores, and a state government with a surplus.

Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

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Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

She hates Bush too, that's enough for many.

Lucy will get 40% of the state to vote for her just because she is a Democrat.

Yellow Dogs are Yellow Dogs...

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Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

She hates Bush too, that's enough for many.

Lucy will get 40% of the state to vote for her just because she is a Democrat.

Yellow Dogs are Yellow Dogs...

Did you include that KKK faction that's running rampant within the Democratic Party? :roflol:

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Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

She hates Bush too, that's enough for many.

Lucy will get 40% of the state to vote for her just because she is a Democrat.

Yellow Dogs are Yellow Dogs...

Did you include that KKK faction that's running rampant within the Democratic Party? :roflol:

Sorry it flew over your head again. I will type slower from now on, just for you Al.

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Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

She hates Bush too, that's enough for many.

Lucy will get 40% of the state to vote for her just because she is a Democrat.

Yellow Dogs are Yellow Dogs...

Did you include that KKK faction that's running rampant within the Democratic Party? :roflol:

Sorry it flew over your head again. I will type slower from now on, just for you Al.

Is that a yes or a no?

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I no longer live in Alabama, but if I did, I wouldn't vote Lucy or any other Baxley for dog catcher, much less Governor. And I voted for the Democrat in Tennessee for Governor, Phil Bredesen.

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I no longer live in Alabama, but if I did, I wouldn't vote Lucy or any other Baxley for dog catcher, much less Governor. And I voted for the Democrat in Tennessee for Governor, Phil Bredesen.

Did you vote for Harold Ford, Jr.?

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I no longer live in Alabama, but if I did, I wouldn't vote Lucy or any other Baxley for dog catcher, much less Governor. And I voted for the Democrat in Tennessee for Governor, Phil Bredesen.

Did you vote for Harold Ford, Jr.?

Yes. He had the better ideas. Corker had none.

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I no longer live in Alabama, but if I did, I wouldn't vote Lucy or any other Baxley for dog catcher, much less Governor. And I voted for the Democrat in Tennessee for Governor, Phil Bredesen.

Did you vote for Harold Ford, Jr.?

Yes. He had the better ideas. Corker had none.

Ford seems pretty sharp.

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I think so. Given that I almost always vote Republican in national elections, I wanted Corker to give me a reason to support him. He seems like a nice enough guy. But he just talks in vague generalities while Ford seems to have given careful consideration of almost every issue and is willing to side with Democrats if he thinks they are right and Republicans if he thinks they are. That gets things done.

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I think so. Given that I almost always vote Republican in national elections, I wanted Corker to give me a reason to support him. He seems like a nice enough guy. But he just talks in vague generalities while Ford seems to have given careful consideration of almost every issue and is willing to side with Democrats if he thinks they are right and Republicans if he thinks they are. That gets things done.

That in a nutshell is the Republican's problem this year. We elected them to effect a change in government and they became all about protecting their position.

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Let's see. Bob Riley is the first Alabama governor in living history who has not embarrassed the state with some stupid publicity stunt or some corruption scandal. The state economy has record low employment with a surging economic base, industries coming in, cleaner government, more efficient operation, improved educational test scores, and a state government with a surplus.

Lucy Baxley? Does anybody have anything good to say about her?

Bob Riley has also presided over 4 years of Auburn beating 'Bama, and 'Bama's football program falling into the likes of MSU and Vanderbilt. This can only be the fault of the Governer, the buck stops with him, so therefore, he will have a large faction of the state voting against him just for that. :P

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Just so Al will know, I split up my ticket fairly well. I listened and did my homework. Some Reps had BAD character problems in the local races and were just not for me.

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How in the hell is Folsom winning?

It makes me want to move to another state when I see things like this.

I go to church with Luther Strange. Good guy. However, he coasted the last week. And when Folsom ran that stupid ad about Luther spending his time playing tennis at Mountain Brook Country Club, I knew that spelled trouble.

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You know, I don't understand why there is a good portion of this state that hears "country club" and automatically thinks "bad guy". Sure there are some country clubs that are elitist, and snobby, and stick to themselves. But there are just as many that aren't. You can find snobs anywhere, country clubs do NOT have the corner on that market. And even the la di da country clubs membership is mostly based on the amount of money their members have, so WHO CARES?!

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You know, I don't understand why there is a good portion of this state that hears "country club" and automatically thinks "bad guy". Sure there are some country clubs that are elitist, and snobby, and stick to themselves. But there are just as many that aren't. You can find snobs anywhere, country clubs do NOT have the corner on that market. And even the la di da country clubs membership is mostly based on the amount of money their members have, so WHO CARES?!

Here's the reason: Alabama has been traditionally run by and for moneyed interests since Reconstruction. Heck, our 1901 Constitution is essentially a document that gives carte blanche to timber interests, mining interests, and large farmers. Meanwhile, the ordinary working people of this state knew grinding poverty and few means to escape poverty.

Remember that, until the late 1950s, the biggest public health problems in Alabama were due to malnutrition. Yet the "Big Mules" enjoyed life in their posh suburbs, not giving a fig about the rest of the state. Heck, I'm a conservative and I know this. After all, I live in Mountain Brook, and you wouldn't believe the number of gratuitous barbs I have to hear from people.

With this in mind, it's very easy to play the "country club" card, far more than a more liberal state such as Massachusetts or Minnesota. And the people of Alabama took the bait.

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You mean that still gets to people? I live in the Montgomery area, so I guess we have such a corner on snobs, I don't notice stuff like that. I mean, we have a group that that kind of crap still matters to, but I thought the rest of the state might have gotten past that. Guess not.

It's a shame isn't it? There are some good people that happen to be members of a country club. Like it matters.

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There are some good people that happen to be members of a country club. Like it matters.

You're right in a sense. At the same time, for 95% of the state, a country club is a place apart, a place they couldn't afford and would never be invited to join. Also, remember that 35-40% of this state couldn't join almost any country club for any reason, because blacks and jews typically are not permitted to join. So, basically, by belonging to a country club, one endorses the bigotry that is etched into the organization's very by-laws.

I inherited my father's country club membership and elected to not take it based on that very fact. I elected to give it to my sister instead. So you realize how powerful a currency "country club" has in the minds of most Alabamians.

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