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Predictions for 2007?


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“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future”?

I'm not sure who said it, but it sounds like something Yogi Berra would say.

"The future ain't what it used to be." Yogi Berra

With that said, do any of you have predictions for 2007?

I will start it out with several.

Sooner or later Bama will hire a new coach. <_<

As much as I hate it, more than likely Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri will continue to elude justice.

Howard Dean will stay on as chairman of the DNC.

John Kerry will not make a comeback — and he won’t release his military records either.

American Idol will not be won by someone from Alabama.

Ninety percent of the predictions made here — and everywhere else — will turn out to be wrong.

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As much as I hate it, more than likely Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri will continue to elude justice.

These guys will be killed in 2007.

Social Security will be paid to millions of illegal immigrants who will draw billions of our dollars to be spent in Mexico.

Cheney's company Haliburton will be investigated this year.

Bush will learn how to read through "Hooked on Phonics."

There will be no change in either of the two houses other than the faces and parties.

No balanced budget and the deficit will continue to rise. Dems won't make a difference.

Kim Jung Il will get a total make over.

And Iran will be bombed shortly after the UN team enters the country. No coalition.

One of the Bush twins will get pregnant out of wedlock.

Cheney's daughter will have c-section, and the boy will be name Richard Cheney Jr.

George W. Bush announces his candidacy for US President 2008 as Iraq implodes.

University of Alabama asks the State of Alabama for a loan to pay their new head coach.

Governor Riley raises the state income taxes.

George W. Bush raises Federal Income taxes.

The almighty US Dollar collapses under pressure of the euro, yuan and yen.

Economic downturn in world economies due to the failing US Dollar.

George Bush declares war on the rest of the world.

The US gets blown off of the map.

End of the 2007.

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