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Can I ask a simple question?


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Why do so many guys not wash their damn hands after taking a piss? I'm sorry if the language is a bit crude, but I think it fits the feeling I'm trying to convey. It's disgusting.

There are guys on this floor of the office building we're in that will stand there for 20 seconds holding themselves and then walk right out the door. Better than that, there are a couple of them that will actually stand at the urinal taking a leak with one hand and BRUSHING THEIR TEETH with the other! What the hell is wrong with people?!

Girls, if you ever want confirmation that men are neanderthals, the mens restroom could be your entire case and you'd win a unanimous decision. I mean, washing takes all of 20 seconds, but these guys would rather share their germs with everyone they come into contact with.

Guys, if you're in the "no-wash" crowd, please do us all a favor and take a few seconds to acquaint yourself with soap and water.

Absolutely gross. [/rant]

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Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I wash!

But I don't watch other men. :D

You remember the joke,

A Bammer fan and an Auburn fan were in the restroom at the same time. The Bammer washed & when the Auburn fan did not the Bammer fan said, "At :ua: they teach us to wash our hands when we use the restroom!"

The Auburn man replied, "At :au: they teach us not to piss on our hands!"


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Well, I was in one of the stalls so I couldn't exactly see. But a guy walks in, I hear him doing his business and flushing the urinal, then he just walks right out the door without even a pause at the sink. Ugh!

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It is NOT just men - women do that too - and it drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now women shake hands as much as men do. Yuck. I even wait and turn off the faucet with the towel I use to dry my hands so they don't get "ccoties" again - how's THAT for being anal about germs? :P

Here's a story for you - there was a lady I used to work with who did not wash. At an office baby shower one time, she was cutting and serving the cake. When I handed her a napkin to wipe the excess icing off the knife between cuts, she said "That's okay, I am just using my fingers..." :blink:

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I can assure you that I'm a washer but I also see the non-washers. Another pet peeve of mine, while we're on the subject, is seeing someone with their finger up their nose. That's as nasty as peeing without washing, IMHO.

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:lol: That's sick!

That also completely grosses me out! Men and women MUST wash when using the bathroom. Even though women don't actually have to hold anything(I'm assuming here ;) ), it is still very gross if they leave without using soap and water. Soap smells nice, so that should be reason enough right there.

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, is seeing someone with their finger up their nose. That's as nasty as peeing without washing, IMHO.

What is funny, is people seem to think they are invisible in their cars. "I am in here and no one will see, I can pick all I want"! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hello, you are surrounded by glass! :o:o:o


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It is NOT just men - women do that too - and it drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now women shake hands as much as men do. Yuck.

Makes you want to quit shaking hands!

Here's a story for you - there was a lady I used to work with who did not wash.  At an office baby shower one time, she was cutting and serving the cake.  When I handed her a napkin to wipe the excess icing off the knife between cuts, she said "That's okay, I am just using my fingers..."  :blink:


In all seriousness, it is the flu season now & washing hands should be on everyone's mind now. Possibly not even shaking hands might be a good idea.

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That's not as bad as going #2 and not washing your hands. I work with a Brit that does that every day. We learned a long time ago to stay away from Ian after he's had his second cup of coffee in the morning...

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I even wait and turn off the faucet with the towel I use to dry my hands so they don't get "ccoties" again - how's THAT for being anal about germs?  :P

I go one step further - I use the paper towel I dry my hands with to open the restroom door when I exit. If folks aren't washing, you know that door handle has got to be nasty...

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I even wait and turn off the faucet with the towel I use to dry my hands so they don't get "ccoties" again - how's THAT for being anal about germs?   :P

I go one step further - I use the paper towel I dry my hands with to open the restroom door when I exit. If folks aren't washing, you know that door handle has got to be nasty...

Ditto. I just throw the towel away at my desk.

And what about the floor under the urinal. You'd think guys at this age would have learned to hit the urinal....NOT!

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While we are on the subject of the bathroom,

I hate electric hand dryers! I don't want to stand in a public restroom any longer than necessary!

They should be banned from the US!

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