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District of Columbia looking for new tourism catchphrase

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Washington D.C. - We Put The 'Capital' In Capital Crime!


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Come see your tax dollars wasted before your eyes!

The Nation's Capitol: Its Like Visiting Another Country

Welcome to DC! Leave your English on the plane!

Congress is never here, so stop in anytime!

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D.C. where you never step on any lines made of a white chalky substance......You might kick the mayor in the head.

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D.C. where you never step on any lines made of a white chalky substance......You might kick the mayor in the head.

Ding Ding Ding...we have a <sniff> <sniff> winner!

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After the recent pay raise,

"In Alabama, you think your politicians are high, in DC, they really are."

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"DC: Come for the history, stay for the freak show"

"DC: Screwing your lives since 1865"

"DC: When it absolutely, positively has to be covered up overnight"

"DC: We've got more pork than an Arkansas pig farm"

Truth be told though, I enjoyed my trip to DC last October. I had a much better time than I did when I was in high school. All the touristy areas are clean, free of trash and homeless people unlike it was the first time I visited in 1995. I stayed on Ft. McNair and had to walk about 4 blocks thru a housing project to get to the nearest Metro station and never once felt unsafe, even at 4 in the morning coming home from the clubs. I know DC has its dangerous locales but I didn't see them this time around. DC is actually quite nice and I'd go back in a heartbeat.

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