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I seriously hate Charter. As it is pretty much the only channel I can watch the NHL on when I don't want to see the Thrashers on Sports South, if they drop Versus I am going to hurt somebody.

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I hate them too... big time monopoly. Their packages are structured so you have to pay for 300 crap channels to get the 5 I'll actually watch on a regular basis. They also notoriously price everything to sucker you into one of their "deals" which earns them $5 a month. Quick math lesson, kids: $5 * # of subscribers = buttload of money.

A positive thing I will say is that they are finally adding more HD channels. Now I've got ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Discovery, ESPN, ESPN2, TNT, HBO, Skinemax, Showtime, and UHD (whatever that is). I'm looking forward to the addition of a few more, as I feel its necessary to justify the price they charge for HD. When I signed up, they told me it would be $3.99 a month. Turns out its more like $8 a month because they charge for the service then they charge for the channels.

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I am watching the Shell Houston Open in HD on the UHD channel and am enjoying it very much so. Beautiful.

They have replays of golf tournaments on UHD. Very cool

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UHD is Universal High Definition. It plays mostly stuff mostly from the Universal Studios library. I did not know they were re-playing sports programs.

I liked Versus also. Like you said, it has the NHL on it and also some good fishing shows, besides some other neat sports programming.

If it was not for the fact that Charter is the only broadband internet option I have, I would be going back to satellite. I had DirecTV for a few years while having Charter's basic channels with internet service. I was able to do that and afford it because DirecTV was our major client and I got the programming for free. But once we lost DirecTV as a client and I quit getting the programming for free, it made more financial sense to get our digital programming from Charter along with our internet. If you try to get internet from Charter without any of their programming, they charge you a lot more for the internet. Maybe one of these days Bellsouth will start offering DSL where I live and I can get rid of Charter all together.

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Apparently Charter ticked off enough people that they had to make deal with Versus and keep the channel in the lineup.

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