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Chicago Cubs for Sale


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There is not many people that could afford 600 million. but do you really think Bill could afford that. He is one of my favorite actors, but he doesn't get the Brad Pitt salary on movies these days.

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Can someone explain to me why Jerry Coloangelo doesnt like Cuban?

PTI had a quote from him saying he voted AGAINST Cuban getting the Mavs and would for MLB.


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Can someone explain to me why Jerry Coloangelo doesnt like Cuban?

PTI had a quote from him saying he voted AGAINST Cuban getting the Mavs and would for MLB.


Maybe he doesnt want any owners stealing his glory.

Personally, Cuban is the only really visable owner that I really like. What more could you want than I guy that is a fan and genuinely cares about the success of his team and not about the almighty dollar.

I think it would be cool to see how hed pan out in baseball.

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I like Cuban , they could market his last name Cub is in cuban. not very funny :moon:

Any ways what do you think about Bill Murray?

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Like his movies, Bill Murray would probably try to take the once fun parts of baseball, and turn them in to some sad, morose, artsy fartsy interpretation of something serious.

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I am all for anyone who actually has aspirations of winning to buy the Cubbies. Maybe whomever buys them can sacrifice a goat at home plate the day they take over... :)

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