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Libertarians Are Terrorists According To AL Dept. Of Homeland Security


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Anti-government groups usually believe:

Gun Control = Enslavement

Constitution has been subverted

The U.S. has lost its sovereignty

Opposition to a strong federal government is not new. The first Continental Congress wrestled with this issue when they first created the “Articles of Confederation†before our present day Constitution. George Washington marched troops into Pennsylvania to uphold the power of the Federal Government to collect taxes. In fact, we fought a civil war over the issue of individual and states versus federal rights.

Today’s anti-government groups have their origins in the shock and outrage among a number of groups to include gun rights groups, tax protestors, and white supremacists over the government actions with the Branch Davidian religious cult at Waco and and white supremacist Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge along with recent laws that limited gun ownership. A coalition of these groups called for the formation of “leaderless resistance†groupsâ€â€the beginning of “unorganized militiasâ€Â. Few people involved in this self styled “Patriot Movement†are criminals but there are some on the extreme fringe that are convinced that the Government has been subverted and that their freedoms must be aggressively defended to the point of attacks on our governing institutions.

In general, these terrorists claim that the U.S. government is infringing on their individual rights, and/or that the government's policies are criminal and immoral. Such groups may hold that the current government is violating the basic principles laid out by the U.S. Constitution and that a new world order is attempting to enslave humanity. Some groups also believe that the government and other organizations are transgressing the rule of God as described in the Bible. Some groups see themselves as separate nations within the United States, taking the initiative to establish their own laws and common-law courts.


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Ron Paul for president 2008.

Why I Support Congressman Ron Paul for President

Ron Paul is a true intellectual who didn't get into politics looking to score personal gain and fortune. Running for office wasn't a perfunctory thing for the Congressman. He has devoted his life to learning and understanding issues that escape the opportunists in Washington, D.C. Ron Paul is a very intelligent man, and he isn't some "fringe" candidate like the establishment tries to portray. He is a medical doctor who has delivered many babies throughout his life. I believe Ron Paul is the only electable Republican, since he doesn't come with the Iraq war baggage that the rest of the candidates have.

One issue that Congressman Ron Paul understands is inflation versus sound money. Ron Paul understands that there is a nexus between the present monetary situation and the expansion of government. Ron Paul also understands how government power comes at the expense of individual liberty.

Nobody can favor inflation - i.e., an expansion of the money supply - while being against big government, the war, and a police state. When Ron Paul calls inflation a tax, he is absolutely correct. There is no objective difference between the government taking the money you have in your pocket and the government duplicating the money you have in your pocket, consequently devaluing what you do have. Inflation is a much more sinister tax, since it is a stealth tax that is difficult to trace and account for. We feel this tax with higher prices of goods and services.

People get fooled into spending even more money with inflation, unwittingly spending their savings. Inflation itself penalizes savers and makes saving objectively impossible. You certainly have the freedom to save money, but saving the value of the money is impossible with the government devaluing it to finance its spending orgies. Trying to save money that politicians are constantly tampering with is a lot like trying to save milk for a few months.

Inflation also discourages any attempt to save, artificially speeding up consumption. There should be no surprise that with the expansion of government, more and more elderly people find themselves unable to retire and have to remain in the work force. I can think of no position more friendly towards the elderly and retirees than being in favor of sound money.

Especially with rising gas prices, I believe the country is ripe for Ron Paul's message. Congressman Ron Paul would actually do something to curtail this abuse of our money, whereas the rest of the candidates wouldn't.

Ron Paul is also opposed to the war, unlike the establishment Republicans and Democrats. Ron Paul correctly amalgamates the antiwar position with the paleoconservative position. If being against the war is such a "left wing liberal" position, then why is it that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, et. al., have consistently voted to keep funding the war? Even the recent bill which Democrats passed is a war funding bill, which was camouflaged with antiwar sounding rhetoric and platitudes. The withdrawal provision in the bill is a pseudo-withdrawal provision.

What I appreciate about Ron Paul's truly antiwar position is how this is, itself, a good thing for veterans. While the big so-called veterans' advocacy groups grade candidates by how much money they throw at the Department of Veterans' Affairs, there are more ways to support and help veterans than merely throwing more money at the bureaucracy. Supporting veterans should not be conflated with throwing more money at the VA, especially given the VA's rampant misfeasance.

As a disabled veteran, I notice how almost every politician will engage in grandstanding by saying how much they care about veterans and then claim accolades for handing more money to bureaucrats at the VA - very little of which actually helps veterans. Author's note: Government programs are about helping those in the bureaucracy, while making the masses that much less self-sufficient. Hoping that money trickles down from the government is trickle down economics at its worst. Ron Paul will point out the obvious: viz., that government isn't a philanthropic institution. When politicians spend money, it isn't their money being spent.

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For a minute I agreed, then I realized they were referring to libertarians not librarians.

Librarians are terrorists.

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Yeah, legalizing prostitution and pot might bring terror to lord knows who.


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It wasn't about prostitution and pot.

Did you guys read this?

If you oppose gun laws, taxation, and a strong federal government, you're a terrorist.

I think that includes most members of this board.

This would make CCTAU Osama Hussein.

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Being pro-guns, pro FairTax, and for small (and I mean very small) government, I have got to be on a watch list somewhere. Hey BF, you want to share a bunker?

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Being pro-guns, pro FairTax, and for small (and I mean very small) government, I have got to be on a watch list somewhere. Hey BF, you want to share a bunker?

Sure, why not. I'm a LIBERTARIAN.

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Being pro-guns, pro FairTax, and for small (and I mean very small) government, I have got to be on a watch list somewhere. Hey BF, you want to share a bunker?

Sure, why not. I'm a LIBERTARIAN.

Weren't you Mr. Socialist last time I checked?

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Linkee no workee

Weird, it did when I posted this.

Maybe they had to remove that section of the page because the servers were getting crashed by all the traffic from the digg link where I found it.

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Being pro-guns, pro FairTax, and for small (and I mean very small) government, I have got to be on a watch list somewhere. Hey BF, you want to share a bunker?

Sure, why not. I'm a LIBERTARIAN.

Weren't you Mr. Socialist last time I checked?

No, you are mistaken. You must have been referring to what others here have called me in the past. That is their opinion and they are entitled to it. But, I have always been a LIBERTARIAN.


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