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Merry Christmas and Thanks to all


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First off, I want to thank those of you who offered and gave their prayers for my wife during her surgery. She came through it in flying colors and is doing great. Secondly, I hope each and every one of you have a joyous and happy holiday. Today's a day set aside for Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards one another. Tomorrow's a new day. ;)

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Good to hear. That's tough having to have surgery during the holidays. Prayers sent.

Thanks ranger. It was actually a trade-off. If she hadn't had the surgery, she'd have had to work through Christmas, with Christmas being her only day off. Having the surgery when she did allowed her to have the holidays off with the kids and me. We've been able to spend some quality time with the extended families, as well. Holidays are the only time that we get to spend with some in my family. She came through the surgery in flying colors and was none the worse for wear except for having to wear stretch pants instead of blue jeans to the family get-togethers.

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